Chapter 16 - D-words

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(A/N: Sorry, I missed last chapter's illustration

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(A/N: Sorry, I missed last chapter's illustration. I added it now! Yay! Also, my apologies; I forgot to mention that various characters in the story celebrated their birthdays last week so happy (late) birthday to Matthew, Al, Milly, Alfred, Suzanna, Luke, Artie, Exclamation, Bo and in case I don't update on the 14th, happy birthday to Francis, Paris, Jasper and Louie! Hopefully I covered everyone...:/)

Chapter 16

"It is definitely bizarre, isn't it?" England frowned as we stood up from our seats.

"That she's a dame now or that she is the Governor General?" Dad whispered back, not looking at his brother as Mum stood for the official knighting.

"Both, I suppose." England said as he leant forward to get a closer look at the ceremony, "I mean, you are not exactly known for being able to keep a Prime Minister for a full term, Australia, but I would have thought you would have been able to keep a Governor General. You were jumping into a war a month ago and now you are going to be jumping out of one. America will not be happy."

"He'll get over it." Dad shrugged, "I'll just lend him a tank or two."

"What do you reckon Queensland?" England turned to me, "How do you feel about your mother being the Governor General?"

"I'm so happy for Mum." I smiled being absolutely genuine. This was a great opportunity for Mum, despite the somewhat sneaky way she acquired the job.

"But that is just it," England sighed, "she's your mother. It is all fair and well that she wants to put her best foot forward but perhaps the relationship between her and the country is too close."

"Nah, mate." Dad assured his brother as he gave him a gentle thud on the back, "Nothing about the relationship's close at the moment. She didn't talk to me for a few days. She's still hung up about the war declaration."

"I am very sorry to hear that, Australia." England gave Dad a sympathetic smile and then carried it over to me. He didn't press on any more about the matter though. We had to keep composed and at least look like we were paying attention to the ceremony in front of us. I had no doubt England was meaning to pay attention to the ceremony but Dad and I were desperately struggling.

"Waltzing Matilda~ who bloody killed her~?" Dad whisper-sang as he walked back and forth on his heels.

He was losing it with patience while we watched all the formalities. I kept a watchful eye around for the paparazzi that would no doubt jump at the opportunity to snap a few pics of Dad dying of boredom. Uncle England seemed to understand my concern for he was attentively looking around too for the unseen first-world enemy.

"Not long now." He promised Dad and I, "Then lunch at Chelsea."

"Provided it doesn't rain." I pointed out, looking up at the ever-threatening dark clouds which had flocked into the skies of London. Mind you, it was hard to see through the stain glass windows of the church.

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