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The human landmasses and the direct effects they have on the world.



The purpose of this report is to provide an overview—or rather a glimpse—of the burden that has arisen in the form of the discovery of the human landmasses and what should be recommend in gaining control of the humanitarian issue supposedly forming from this.

Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to provide an overview—or rather a glimpse—of the burden that has arisen in the form of the discovery of the human landmasses and what should be recommend in gaining control of the humanitarian issue supposedly forming from this.

The focus of this report lies with the discovery of the human landmasses and the direct implications they have posed on the world as a society. This report also makes effort to include some of the proposed scientific investigations relating to the landmasses in which the United Nations (UN) has deemed unlawful.

This report has intentionally been written to only highlight a few of the issues surrounding the human landmasses and therefore should not be relied upon to provide answers for further investigation into ideas such as the proposed eradication of the controversial beings.

Human landmasses and the UN Human Rights declaration has become one of the most debated topics of the twenty-first century. In recent times it has come to our attention that the human landmasses, if they can even be referred to as that, do not fit in any form of what is included in the UN Human Rights Declaration. This is problematic as the UN Declaration of Human Rights has not changed drastically in decades however ought to be for the sake of humanity. I believe with the use of this report, the right measures can be put in place to create a plan which brings about the control of human landmasses and their effect on the world.

This report aims to highlight the most primitive problems arisen by the fact that human beings as a species cannot elect to choose a category for this sub species (the human nations) for lack of better description.

While humanitarians believe the human landmasses should be categorized as being human being's scientists are against this. On the surface human landmasses could be perceives as homo-sapiens. Generally, humanitarians and those involved in the research of trends in society believe that these beings do have a place in amongst communities however scientific studies generally lean against this.

Although human landmasses are notorious for claiming their rights to be excluded from proposed research investigations, what scientists have concluded is that they are farther from being homo-sapiens as what was once initially perceived. Studies gathered show that the biological make-up of the human landmasses is vastly different from what biologists would classify as human let alone alive.

Until recent decades, there had evidently been no proof to say that the human landmasses were ever born hence, to live theoretically you need to be born therefore human landmasses technically could be theoretically not alive.

There has also never been any official record to state the death of a human landmass hence at the current moment they are perceived to be immortal due to their alleged long lifespan supposed indestructibility. As well as this, there is evidence to say that female human-landmasses do not menstruate which would explain why some evidently can reproduce despite being alive for centuries.

The United Nations Human Rights Committee's recent findings have uncovered that landmasses can be born via sexual reproduction. As of 2015, with the birth of Jasper Aubrey Kirkland Bonnefoy, human landmasses proved that they can be fertile and successfully produce offspring with the method of sex. Not only has the Committee found this but it is also worth noting that the human landmasses, if considered another species rather than homo-sapiens, can also successfully crossbreed with them (as seen in the notorious 'World Twins Case' as well as the births of Matilda Ned-Kelly Kirkland, Adriana Caprica Vargas, Louis Arc Bonnefoy and the many cases Mr Antonio Fernandez Carriedo is associated with).

As of the 12th of July, 2031, the population of the human landmasses is estimated to be nearing to the number of four hundred. This number not only includes countries but also beings that have been labelled states, provinces, territories and micro-nations. In the past twenty years, there have been approximately twenty births of human-nation children which would equate to 5% of their population. This 5% increase in population over two decades is worrying as the human-nations have a prolonged lifespan and therefore this population is not being replaced but rather is being built upon. A notable point is that human nations tend to be more successful in breeding when it comes human-nation to homo-sapiens relationship as opposed to just a human-nation to human-nation courtship.

This evidence is worrying as it suggests that evolution may be taking its course, hence it is IMPERITIVE that measures are put in place to cease, if not, prevent any more growth from this species.

On the level of societal views, the discovery of the human-landmasses has had no benefits over the last decade and a half. Since the discovery of the human-landmasses occurred, people have been put in more danger due to terrorist directly targeting the representative of the country causing the country to go into some form of turmoil. In the last decade there have been twenty-two accounts of terrorism directly targeting the human-landmasses as well as a 76 failed attempts. Twenty years ago this number was virtually zero due to the lack of knowledge that landmasses have supposedly a human to represent them.

The Commission continues, however, early conclusions have suggested a number of solutions to the human landmass situation all revolving around the eventual elimination of these beings. It is imperative that we as carers of this world better understand what is, to be put in simple terms, an undiscovered race. To better understand this race, it is imperative that we as carers are allowed to conduct compulsory tests and experiments on these beings to best help the world and human society as a whole.

To gain permission to conduct experiments on these beings, it is necessary to change the United Nations Human Rights in order to legally allow for this. We as a human society need to manage the land we live on which would involve managing the earths human counterparts. We need to change the laws regarding any form of person to allow for us to better help the human landmasses and better help the world as a whole.

Eventually, it would be beneficial to no longer need the human landmasses, if physically possible for the Earth, and remove them. This may sound harsh but ever since their discovery in 2015, the human landmasses have caused serious concerns for several factions in society such as trading infrastructure, science, film and television global relations.

Ideally, scientific experiments such as the 'Build A Nation' Experiment WHO is trying bring about will shape the way to ridding the world of these people. The 'Build A Nation' Experiment suggests that land is claimed in the name of science and formed as its own nation. As the nation is formed, it is expected a human-landmass will also be developing and once discovered, scientists can study this specimen and shape its path. This idea has been met with an extremely critical response from society with many mocking it by calling it the 'Test-tube Nation Experiment'. With this being noted, money should be spent to allow for education to be provided for those inclined to protest against this initiative.

Sanctions against the human nations are also necessary to avoid any means of bestiality and overcrowding with population. Eventually, humans should NOT be allowed to forma any relationship with these nations nor interact in anyway with them which could be perceived as flirtatious. The UN acknowledges that due to popular culture and 'Nationmania' this sanction, if put in place, will be a complex challenge with no simple solution.

While we have seen a significant increase in the growth of human landmasses in the world, this minority remains a very small fraction of the total population of 'humans' and is nothing to be concern over...yet. I urge the Canadian Government to take this report to the UN in order to help the world overcome this burden, especially now in a time of war, to ensure a better future for tomorrow's generation. The landmasses are not human and therefore should not be considered as people. It is imperative that we protect our proud human society and provide protection, against the ever-growing threat of human-landmasses, to the children of tomorrow.

Mark D. Baynes

Canadian Commissioned Reporter and Humanitarian Academic

(A/N: Definitely no laughing matter.

All credit goes to the Human Rights Commission Report by Gillian Triggs about asylum seekers which this report was tightly based off -- a very serious report on a very serious topic which is a very interesting read.)

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