Chapter 5 - England the Babysitter

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Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

For the five or so days left of the school holidays, Mum decided to ditch Canada and visit my Uncle England.

I think Mum still had a few scores to settle with England after the whole vaccination-behind-Mum's-back thing. Perhaps Mum also did not want to be around for the wild party fall out either. The party only had gotten worse, in the end, half the teenagers in Toronto turned up and fights started which meant some Mounties had to be called in.

I had never seen Mounties in action before, so I was pretty impressed...I should add I was the only one who was impressed. Milly and Al were in big trouble. Al was found, a few hours after the whole party drama, safe and sound and fast asleep in the room Ontario had designated for her.

The morning news which streamed across Canada and made it internationally was about how irresponsible the countries were and how shameful this was on Canada. America, Belarus, Luke, Artie, Lisa, France, Louie, Russia and a few provinces had all left in the early hours of the 2nd of July to avoid getting involved with the criticism the party had bestowed on us immortals.

When I woke up, all the phones in the house were being used by Mum, Canada, Ukraine and Ontario. I think they were all acting as managers for the twins. They were all in large arguments defending the twin's party.

Canada and Ukraine were being really apologetic with their phone calls. They both were taking a really diplomatic approach to the whole situation saying phrases like, "Yes, we know, it was very immature what they did. We take full responsibility." Or even, "Don't worry, this will not happen again. Perhaps a few hours of community service will get them thinking right."

Mum was being very defensive over the twins. I think my mother liked to portray herself as the cool, calm and collected aunt and perhaps she was, but I could guarantee Al did not see it that way.

"I really don't see why the whole darn world has to be so rude about this party!" Mum was yelling into the phone, "I bet that there were loads more out-of-control parties in Toronto last night yet do those kids get shunned? No! It's just because their immortal land masses, isn't it? Do you think they asked to be immortal land masses? Do you think they asked for the world to watch them as if they were in a fishbowl of perhaps for the media to stalk them? Next you will be saying you saw one of them sneeze last Tuesday at 7pm!"

I left Mum alone to continue with her rant and almost ran into Ontario as he half-pranced down the corridor. Alright, I am going to be brutally honest here, I did not like Ontario and nor did Mum. Ontario resembled Canada so much but carried an absolutely opposite personality. Milly and Al's brother was a huge snob and a chore to talk to but it was the same for all the capital land-masses; ACT was just the same.

"Yes, my siblings did not make the best decision but they are countries, aren't they?" Ontario said rather seriously to the person on the phone, "Sure, this event happened in Canada but it was caused by Ukraine so I would recommend you ask her about the provinces she is raising."

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