Chapter 31 - Not Just A Pretty Face

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(A/N: Nothing beats staying up until 3am writing and listening to heavy metal music. Nothing. It's great. :'D
Oh! Belated but hey, Germany's birthday was on the 3rd! ^^ ...I was in Germany this time last year. I was at Oktoberfest this time last year! I am stuck at home this time this year. )

Chapter 31

"There will be a storming and you will need to leave. Get out while you can. – Tovarich." Al muttered as she read from her phone, "See, how cryptically spooky is that?"

Al was in a much perkier mood than the previous night. The sleep had done her well which was more than what could be said for me. I felt like death.

"It's got to be from our uncle." Milly said as he snatched the phone from his sister's hands, "Tov-a-rich. That's a Russian word! He's calling himself our friend."

During the night Al had received text from an unknown number and it was rather general and a little creepy. We were all trying to rack our brains on understanding what it meant...well not all of us, Mum was scouting for an escape root with Eve.

"See but that doesn't make any sense." Al frowned, "I mean, he knew perfectly well that we were here and he wouldn't have bombed France knowing we were here because we mean the world to him! France is neutral so it would have been pointless to instigate him into the war! "

"Maybe he bombed the place and then remembered we were here so he's helping us get out before it gets any worse?" Milly suggested, "Russia's a pretty unpredictable guy. Mum told us that and she's his sister. I bet he went off on a tangent and then he was like, 'Oh wait, my niece and nephew are here. Oh dear.' And now he's contacting us but he can't sign his name because that would be a bit of a war crime bombing a neutral country."

"What? So you reckon he just went and bombed France for the sake of it?" Al laughed a little, "Come on, Milly! Russia may be crazy but he's not that crazy. He would be aiming for America; throwing all the bombs he can at him."

"Well then maybe it was a mistake?" Milly shrugged, "Human error or something like that. Maybe he keyed in the wrong co-ordinates into the plane's system? It can happen."

"No," I smirked, "maybe he got Latvia to key in the co-ordinates."

I personally had never met Latvia but Dad regarded him as pretty hopeless in a sort-of good natured, occa way. Actually, Northern Europe and Eastern Europe were pretty mysterious places to us Australians. We knew Russia well and truly and for the most part we kept away from him and sort of followed in America's footsteps in our attitude towards him. Other countries like Latvia and Estonia and Lithuania were not really in our radar as friends and nor would Ukraine be if it was not for Mum's friendship with her and Dad's friendship with Canada. We weren't even entirely familiar with the Nordics apart from the fact that IKEA came from Sweden and Sweden and Norway both had a health system which was slightly better than our own.

"I'm willing to put my money on that." Milly laughed as he gave me a pat on my shoulder. "Good one, Tilly!"

"Poor Latvia." Al nodded, a sly smile creeping on to her face, "I feel sorry for him, really. Like he is technically our age but he's got to be the weirdest sixteen-year-old out there."

"Fifteen." Milly corrected, "He is technically fifteen and it's because he is a nervous wreck."

"Russia's house, Russia's rules." Al shrugged, "He can boss them around if he wants."

"What? So you are alright with the fact that he bossed Mum around?" Milly frowned sounding absolutely appalled at his sister's comment. "No, Al. I'm sorry but if I had to pick a side, I'd be with America on this one."

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