Chapter 23 - Lunatics and Loneliness

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Chapter 23

I don't think I had ever felt lonelier in my life.

England had gone back to stay with Dad. He had taken us back home after Mum's conference and had quietly slipped the phone charger into my hands before declaring that he had to get back to Brisbane before nightfall. Mum had left him do just that; without even looking back she had taken to the elevator of the complex and made her way back up to the penthouse. I had stayed to see my uncle go and he did but not before making sure I knew his and Dad's numbers and making sure I promised I would add them to my new phone (if they were not already on there).

After England left I trudged up seven flights of stairs to delay being confined to the penthouse. I was not angry at Mum but I was upset at how she had treated England and how she had kept the secret that she was now the Prime Minister. I needn't have worried about facing Mum because when I did reach the penthouse she had taken her laptop and retreated to her room.

Mum's lack of presence wasn't really missed though in the space of the front room. Just in front of the TV stood two newly constructed, elaborate and colourful Lego towers. One was tall and spindly while the other was long and wide and in between them both were Talia and Eve who were diligently adding more Duplo blocks to each.

"This one is Nimis." Talia smirked as she pointed to the taller of the two, "And the other is called Arx."

Talia seemed to be waiting for me to understand what exactly 'Nimis' and 'Arx' were but I didn't. I assumed those words were Ukrainian for something but as far as I knew, Talia could have just made them up.

"We were only gone for half an hour." I muttered as I walked over and admired the buildings. 'Nimis' was at least a head taller than me. "What the hell possessed you to get all of this so big?"

"We were bored." Talia smiled, seemingly extremely proud of herself for her Lego creation. "We also ordered pizza. I saved a few pieces for you and your mum. If you want them they are in the fridge."

"Thanks." I smiled.

I watched Eve who was still busily putting brick on brick and extending 'Arx'. She was chewing her dummy and looking scarily determined. Occasionally she would look up and pass a brick to Talia who would add it somewhere to 'Nimis'.

I was hungry but I didn't feel like eating. My stomach was unsettled and I could only assume that this was the result of backlash from Mum's announcement. There would be inner conflict in communities; some people would back Mum as being the acting Prime Minister and some people would detest her move.

Choosing to save the pizza for a bit later, I grabbed a few blocks and helped Talia make 'Nimis' a little more stable.

"I know Mr Kirkland gave you that phone." Talia said as she pointed to the charging cord I had hung over my shoulders. Her attention had not wavered from her Lego tower. "I think he has good reason too and I think it would be good if you add my number onto it as well."

"I will." I promised.

"I have decided I am going to be working away for two weeks instead of here." Talia explained; her attention still solely on the tree.

"Away from Mum?" I corrected.

"Yes. That." Talia nodded, "I feel like my presence here is stressing her out. It was rude of me to follow you lot here. Perhaps she just wanted to take a small break with her daughters? I was not very considerate."

"I think she is just having a midlife crisis." I sighed, "I don't think it's personal."

"Even so." Talia shrugged, "I am leaving before I let myself dislike Maxine. That doesn't sound very nice does it? I'm sorry. I just am not very accustomed to withstanding abuse, especially if it is degrading."

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