Chapter 37 - Confrontation and Revelations

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(A/N: Ah, I some sorry! I said December's now the 8th of January. I'm not going to make any more promises that can't be kept. 'Starting World War 3!' will be updated when it's updated and finished when it's finished. 

I've been on the boat a lot lately helping my dad so things have been hectic...hence, the slow updates. Anyway I am taking two bus trips this week both 17 hours long so that will be a great time to write! Wooh! 

Here's the first chapter for 2017! I really love it and I don't even really know why.)

Chapter 37

Bob had escorted Al and I back to our room. It was a solemn walk; Al was dead-worried about Milly and I was still feeling queasy. Bob spoke a little; breaking our silence every now and then, his hand was on my back and he looked down at me with a great amount of concern. I don't think he trusted that I could stay upright; Milly collapsing had shaken him too.

"You look pale, little one." He said, "Do you feel ill?"

"I'm fine." I tried to manage a smile.

He jumped to the conclusion that I was stressing about Mum which was true but Mum's temperament was certainly not my main worry. I was...I don't mind felt like a table full of rioting ping-pong balls. Mum's mood swings, Al, Milly, Dad, Talia, Selena, the whole entire STUPID WORLD! How could I even cope when everything was so messed up!?

"Your Mum doesn't mean to be so harsh." Bob continued as he gently patted my shoulder. "She's just worried about Milly and I suppose she is worried about your father and the state she left him in too, yes? It is certainly not an easy feet taking the reins of leadership in a country and then ditching the scene. She's under a lot of pressure."

"Like Matilda said," Al rolled her eyes, "She's fine so you can stop talking."

"Right." Bob smiled kindly at Al, "Goodnight then."

"Yeah, whatever." Al shrugged and Bob turned around and let us escort ourselves up the elevator and two our room. "He must be slow-in-the-head." Al continued to mutter to me once we were once Bob was out of earshot, "I practically told him to shut up and he didn't even care. Maybe he's looking for a fight?"

"Maybe he's just being nice?" I sighed. "Maybe he just wants to be friendly to his guests?"

We didn't see Mum or Milly for the rest of the night but at four o-clock on the dot Mum came knocking on our door and demanded that we get out of the room and head to the elevator. I waited for Al who grumblingly grabbed her backpack and followed me out. Mum was right behind us; Eve fast asleep in her arms.

"Someone got out on the wrong side of the bed." Al whispered to me as she gave Mum a side glance.

I didn't say anything back to my cousin but I agreed and nodded in response. Mum was livid; I guess she hadn't gotten over last night and if she had stayed up all night watching Milly she was most definitely sleep deprived. She stood behind Al and I in the elevator. I noticed the dark bags under her eyes, her head was bowed down, her eyes looked to the ground. She must have been so worried about everything; Milly, Dad, the world. I had no worries against the weight Mum bore on her shoulders. Poor Mum.

Bob greeted us when the elevator opened on the ground floor. He took Eve from Mum and led us outside through the door we had come through only a day ago. Outside, a massive plane was lined up on the bitumen, the door and stairs facing us as we passed the last lot of sliding doors.

"It's a Boeing 777!" Bob exclaimed proudly. "It's the best I've got so don't be doing any loop-de-loops in it, Max. Alishya hasn't even flown this one."

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