seventeen: destroying the deadpool

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"You ready?"

I hesitated, just for a split second, before nodding my head.

Stiles then clicked the old cassette player as Malia, Stiles, and I leaned in closely to listen.

"Let's go, Abigail." Brunski's voice was heard, sending chills down my spine.

"Listen to me, please listen." Mrs. Martin's voice was soft as she begged, "There's something I have to do, something I have to stop."

"I have to take you back to Eichen, Abigail."

"No. No! I don't think you're going to be taking me anywhere. I can hear the recorder in your pocket. It's on now, isn't it. You're making a tape. Just like you taped the others."

I gasped silently, as Stiles stopped the tape before looking over at Malia and I.

"This didn't happen at Eichen House." He stated.

"Where could they be then?" I asked.

"I guess that's what we need to find out."

We continued to listen to that section of the tape on repeat as I leaned in closely. I carefully listened to any background noise to which I could make out where they were. After the fifth time listening to the tape, I noticed a fault in the exact same spot at the exact same time.

"Wait," I whispered reaching for the volume and turning it up, "'s the record player."

Stiles turned off the tape and looked at me, "What record player?"

"Wait, Lainy...are you talking about the one at Lydia's lake house?" Malia asked me, recognizing the sound as well.

I nodded my head.

"So she escaped from Eichen House to go back to listen to a record player?" Stiles asked for clarification.

"Well, she was like Lydia, right? She was a Banshee?" Malia inquired.

"Yeah, but only once. She predicted Maddy's death and then just spent decades trying to predict something else." Stiles answered.

"Well maybe she did. And what if this time, it was just one death, it was a lot of deaths?" I questioned, "Just like the dead pool?"

"Then Lorraine predicted it? All those years ago?" Malia processed, "And she knew there was something in the study that could stop it?"

"Then we're going to the lake house." Stiles announced reaching for his keys on the table.

We all sat on the ground around this record player and just listened. It seemed like forever as we sat in silence, with nothing but this record player filling up the room. But none of us heard anything.

Stiles let out a heavy sigh, "What are we doing? This room wasn't even made for us. No, we need someone like Lydia or Meredith, and we're just sitting here listening to a stupid record player play a record that doesn't pay anything. Come on. There's plenty of other things we can be totally useless doing." Stiles said standing up and walking toward the door.

Malia frowned before turning off the record player and following Stiles toward the door.

But I heard something. Although we already turned the record player off, I could still hear it...somewhere in this room.

"Guys..." I said slowly standing up.

"What?" Stiles asked.

"I can still hear it."

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