Letting out a loud laugh, the Queen clapped. The other Fae enjoyed the new addition to the music, all of them cheering and laughing with the young girl.

Corvin's smile was impossibly wide as he watched Ro be happier than he had seen her in months. Spotting him sitting on the side, Ro let her cast continue playing the ukulele as she dragged him from his spot.

"Dance with me!" she told him, receiving a laugh in response.

He made a show of dragging his feet before she suddenly let go of him, making him fall to the ground with a dull thump. Ro smiled and whistled innocently as he shot her a look of mock offense. "You're terrible," he said, holding his hand out for assistance. She took it, but instead of him getting up, he pulled her down with him. She landed on his chest and let out a small 'oof!'

They stared at each other for a moment, Corvin with a playful smile and Ro with a dazed expression, as she lost her concentration enough to stop playing the ukulele. She snorted once as laughter took over again.

Ro rolled over onto her back and the grassy earth, gasping for breath. Turning her head, she smiled at the goofball beside her, the goofball that she loved. "You're such a dork," she said to him. He smiled back and helped her up.

"Can you play that song?" Corvin asked her softly. She cocked an amused eyebrow at him.

"You're gonna have to be more specific than that, love," she replied.

He blushed slightly at her words. "Forget I asked..." He raised his hand to brush his hair back. Ro reached up, acting like she was going to caress his face, but her hand darted off to the side at the last second to ruffle his hair. She giggled at his indignant 'hey!'

Picking up the ukulele once more, she handed it back to the dryad. "It was nice of you to let me play it," Ro said, carefully avoiding saying her thanks. Her eyes gazed at the instrument longingly. "It's so beautiful... how do you make them?"

The dryad let out a musical laugh. "Much like the Queen made those," she answered, gesturing to the tables. "We grow them, along with many things in our lands."

"That's so cool!" Ro said, her curiosity bubbling over. "Would you be willing to show me? Well, not right this second, but at some point during my stay it would be nice to see Fae magic in detail." She seemed thoughtful for a second. "Can humans learn Fae magic? Is it like how dark weavers can learn light weaving and vice versa? Do Fae even have different magics than humans? If so, can..." Ro trailed off when she spotted the dryad's overwhelmed expression. "Sorry," the princess said sheepishly. "I ramble sometimes."

Corvin put his arm around her shoulder comfortably. "No worries, love," he said to her. "You'll get a chance to really ask questions later. If anything, just annoy Twila." The two laughed. Noticing the dryad still standing there awkwardly, Ro cleared her throat.

"Sorry about that," she said, holding her hand out. Corvin chuckled at the confused dryad. Ro's face fell slightly in annoyance. "Right. No handshakes. Forgot about that." The dryad smiled like she was unsure of what the girl was saying and started backing away slowly to where the rest of the musicians were. "Well that was awkward," Ro stated to no one in particular.

Twila and Elva approached them. "Young ones, the night is not yet over," Elva said. "Come; we must show you a special place." The large cats sauntered off. Ro and Corvin shared a curious glance before following close behind.


They walked leisurely along small hidden paths. Rosalie had her hand in Corvin's, and was swinging it back and forth as they walked. Once they reached a clearing in the forest, Ro let out an audible gasp.

In front of them was a small meadow spread with tall grass and speckled with wildflowers. Across the way was a stream that wound through the slightly sloped land, making little valleys between short hills. The two protectors stood off to the side so Rosalie and Corvin could take in the sight.

Rosalie started out on a jog, soon turning into a full sprint knowing Corvin was following, albeit at a slower pace. She laughed loudly and yanked off her boots and heavy armor to toss them to the side.

"Ro! Slow down," Corvin called, amused at the girl's reaction. Pulling off his own shoes and armor as well, he set them down gentler than she had. "You're really excited over a simple meadow," he commented.

"It's not the meadow I'm excited about," she said, spinning around and grabbing his hands. She shrugged, feeling a ramble coming on. "Well, yeah, it is, but you know what this means?" Corvin smiled at her and shook his head. "I don't have to be a princess here. You don't have to be a young lord here. There's no one here to watch us or judge us." Ro smiled up at him with a twinkle in her eye. "And most importantly, I'm in a beautiful place surrounded by flowers and underneath stars with someone I love."

He gazed down at her before they shared an innocent kiss in a field of grass and flowers.

A/n: SURPISE! I'M NOT DEAD! (that's a lie I'm always dead)

Whew that was quite some writers block I had. I literally spent a month on this trash chapter. Not my best, of course, but definitely not the worst. I've been so excited on what's going to happen that I haven't been able to get past the filler chapters. Seriously, man, I have the ending of the second book written out already because it just wouldn't get out of my head.

Now that I have three stories that I'm serious about instead of one, it's getting pretty hard for me to keep up with all the ideas and even harder not to go crazy since I'm jumping to each chapter while skipping the fillers.

And just two days ago I had an idea for yet another serious story, one that I think will be really good. But that's gonna be a while in the works as I try to wrap up Rosalie's Kingdom and start on the next book, Rosalie's Reign (be excited, be very, very excited).

Enjoy ;)

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