Chapter 37

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 The level of merriment and festivity the Fae were capable of astounded the princess and young lord. At the Queen's behest, the court flooded into the empty courtyard, excitement buzzing in the air. Rosalie and Corvin stood to the edge of the courtyard, as they were unsure of what a Fae celebration entailed.

The Queen made her way to the middle of the crowd, silencing them with a glance and a smile. Her hands glowed white, and with an exaggerated flick of her wrists, the area was transformed.

Strings of lights and lanterns adorned the edges of the courtyard and reaching tree branches, a few aura nodes floating peacefully above the heads of the crowd. Three long wooden tables practically shot up from the ground with benches sprouting up beside them. After a moment, dozens of servants rushed out with platters of food, the sight making Ro's mouth water.

Rosalie grinned excitedly as a few of the Fae brought out flutes and stringed instruments to strike up a merry tune. The Queen, seeing the young couple standing to the side, gestured for them to come closer. Many of the people had already sat down. "Rosalie! Corvin!" the Queen called. "Come closer, young ones! The only thing we bite is our meals!" Her words spurred on a round of laughter, laughter that Ro and Corvin joined.

At the head of the main table, the Queen sat beckoning the two rankers to her side. They looked along the table with wonder in their eyes. When she sat, Ro frowned slightly, remembering the packs that her and Corvin were still carrying, along with their cloaks, weapons, and armor. The Queen noticed.

"That's alright, young ones," she said to them. "I'll have them taken to your room."

"Room? Or rooms?" Corvin asked nervously.

"Singular, young one," Elva said from her spot lounging on the grass with her sister. "Twila has told me that you have shared a room together before. It should be no problem now."

He sighed. "I guess not..."

Ro nudged him with her elbow and gave him a small smile. "You'll survive," she told him. "Am I really that bad? I'm not the one who snores." Corvin blushed at her teasing.

"Yet I'm not the one who hogs blankets," he countered playfully.

They locked gazes for a moment in an attempt to act serious before the act fell into their laughter.

Twila smiled and shared a look with her sister as they watched the young couple enjoy the night.


Two hours seemed to pass quickly for Rosalie. By then, the food was left for drinks and music. Spotting a familiar instrument, Ro stood up too fast in her excitement. She would've fallen over if not for Corvin steadying her.

"Is that a ukulele?" she asked, barely holding her glee back. The dryad who had been holding the instrument in question seemed confused by the name, but held it out to the princess anyway.

"It has a name, but I doubt you'd be able to speak it," the dryad said in a heavily accented voice. "My language is not for human tongues. Too difficult." She tutted and shook her head sadly. "Please, your highness. Go ahead."

Ro reached out and took it tentatively. Many of the people present quieted down once they noticed the young princess. The other musicians stopped their playing to listen to her.

Plucking each of the four strings once, she beamed at the right tuning. She glanced to Corvin, who knew her love of the tiny instrument. After a few more gentle strums, she started up on a few chords, smiling wider at each one. Her excitement bubbled over; the chords got brighter and faster, becoming a cheerful tune. A few of the other musicians joined in alongside her.

Rosalie's Kingdom {OLD VERSION- INCOMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now