Chapter 13

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After the duel, Will went back with his wounded pride to pack up his stuff. Ro felt a little guilty as she packed up her own trunk. Lilith seemed happy to have her own room back, but it wouldn't be the same.

"I guess you're good to go now," she said sadly. Lilith gave Ro one last squeezing hug. "I'm gonna miss being your roommate."

Ro laughed. "It's not like I'm leaving forever," she said. "You can always come bug me at the ranker dorms."

Lilith smirked. "You act as though I won't bug you at the ranker dorms every chance I can," she said impishly. "Now come on. I'll walk you over, but don't expect me to carry around that hulking trunk."

"Nah, I got it." The trunk was covered in her dark purple cast, hovering a foot above the floor. "Are you gonna enjoy not sharing a room?"

She nodded. "Yea. I can bring anybody into my room," she said coyly. "And I don't have to worry about you walking in on some hanky panky." Dark purple cast started to lift her up. "No! I'm sorry it was a joke! Ro, out me down!"

The third ranker laughed. "I thought you weren't going to say that again?" Lilith rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, still floating five feet off the ground.

"Yea, I get it, just put me down, you crazy girl," she joked. Once she was safely on the ground, she frowned. "Thank you." Ro smiled at her friend's mild irritation.


Once they got to her new dorm, the other rankers were congratulating her again. "Ha! It only took three weeks! Pay up, pal," Alicia ordered. Elwood's face fell. He dug around in his pocket for a moment, handing her a few gold coins.

Elwood looked at Ro sadly. "You couldn't have waited another week to beat up Will?" he asked seriously.

Ro looked at the two incredulously. "You guys were betting on me?"

Alicia leaned back in the chair she was sitting in. "Not you, per say, just on when you'd finally join us," she explained.

"So you guys were betting on me?"

"Well when you put it like that," Elwood spoke, shrugging, "then yes. We were betting on you. Me and Alicia knew you were gonna get to the top sooner rather than later, even before we knew you were the princess. It was how you carried yourself, I guess."

"Gee, thanks," Ro replied dryly. Lilith, who had been standing in the background, laughed. "Come on, Lil. Let's go to my room." They climbed the stairs to the fourth floor. Opening the door, Ro laughed, her eyes tearing up. It looked like her room from the castle, with touches of her life from earth spread out.

"What're you laughing about?"

"It's just that, well," she laughed some more, setting her trunk down. "This is my room. Not just cause it's now technically mine, but it all the stuff I liked from the castle and earth." The layout of the same as Corvin's room, just with her own spin on things. "But how did it get like this."

"The rooms are enchanted to change to the taste of the ranker who owns it," said Corvin, who had snuck up behind them. "The layout doesn't change, but the decorations do. This is most like what reminds you of home."

She smiled and looked around. The couches and desk were the same ones she had at the castle. There were four nearly empty book shelves for her to fill, along with a rack attached to the wall where she could put her blades. Her bed was like the one she had at the castle, too, just with the green sheets and blankets she had on earth. In the corner was her easel from earth, paint spatters and all. Stuck to the wall behind it were her posters and art. She turned back to her friends.

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