My boyfriend's girlfriend theme p.1

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OOH GUYS!!! You wont be dissapointed with this one. Its my first girl x girl theme. Here's a great funfact about me: im bisexual. And this theme is about my very innapropriate girl crush on one of my lecturers.
Hahaha...guys? Guys?? Where are you going?? 😣
N-no wait! Dont leave me!!
Its not a student teacher theme, the girl character is just inspired by this urealistic crush and i thought if i cant marry her why not just express my feelings by dedicating this theme to her. Thats all. Enjoy!~
You know the cliché stories with the protagonist girl whos the 'slut' with the 'high-pitched voice' clinging to the jocks, and thinking she's queen bee? Well...this is awkward...but, thats me! I blew on my fake perfectly manicured nails as i strode confidently towards the seats in the large gym. I knew i acted like i owned the school but the truth is, i did. Everything revolved around my power and i had every boy in my power. The sunlight illuminated my vision as i emerged from the school into the gym where i spotted my blonde boy almost immediately.
I batted my jealous sharp emerald eyes at my newest boy toy, Jake. He was one of the hottest, richest boys from the school basketball team.
"Hey honey." I sang in my sweet syrup voice as I coyly snuggled up against his side on the bleachers. He gave a cold glance and shrugged my arms off his shoulders. I blinked with surprise at his reaction and frowned. Normally he would cuddle me right back.
I scoffed angrily and moved away, pleading my head to reject the obvious answer but it was pointless. I just knew it.
There was another girl involved.
I knew Jake was an A class player himself, sleeping with other girls besides me. But i had always been his favourite...
I bit the tip of my nails anxiously.
Unless he'd finally become serious about another girl... it couldnt be, could it? That would mean me inheriting his money when we're married all gone!! Ugh! Panic raised through my mind and i desperately scrambled for a quick plan.
I gave another try at curling my arms around his neck from the back only to get a grunt of annoyance.
"Fine." I got up angrily, storming off. I made sure the tears that threatened to spill didn't. This was the hundredth time this had happened to me. I stalked down the hallway, wishing the place would be set on fire with my every step.
I swore under my breath to destroy the girl who had Jake's attention. I will-
"Ouch!" I hissed when i accidentally side knocked into a shoulder. A nerve in my head popped and i whirled around angrily at the girl with the stunning purple eyes in front of me.
"Watch where the fuck you're goin, cunt!" I snarled and resumed to storming off, not bothering for a reply. Unfortunately, that was the last straw and my tears were now trailing quietly down my pink cheeks. Thank goodness afternoon club activity sessions meant that the halls were mostly empty.
"Great." I muttered finding a quiet corner under the stairs. I wiped the tears away only for more to spill down, my lips were trembling and the back of my hands were now soaked. But the tears still kept coming until i heard a familiar voice.
Jake! And judging from the sound he was about to pass this corner. A small smile lifted the corners of my lips and i prepared to bound up to him. Surely he'd cuddle if he saw my tears. I smiled widely, took a step and froze.
"She was really rude. Just called me a cunt and ran off." The voice of a girl made my body instinctively angry when Jake replied to her. I was about to charge at them when i realised how my tears must have ruined my makeup. The voices got louder just as i ducked behind the stairs again. I waited till they had walked past and quickly peeked at the girl who was about to ruin my life.
She was surprisingly tall and slender with long, straight, dark, black hair.
I thought Jake had always been the type to like shorter girls...
I squinted to catch sight of her face, leaning forward over the corner when she glanced back towards my direction. My eyes widened for a split second before I gasped. Afraid of being spotted,
I seeped back into my hiding spot immediately.
"What's wrong?" I heard Jake ask. Silence.
My heart pounded wildly and i held my breath until i heard her convince Jake that it was nothing.
I stayed where i was till i was sure they had turned the other corner. A group of girls giggled as they descended the stairs, smiling at me widely.
"Hey Lora." One of them greeted. I smiled back pretending to be busy on my handphone.
As soon as they thought they were out of earshot i heard a sharp whisper:
"Was she crying??" Someone hissed and i felt my breath hitch in my throat.
"Who cares? Boy snatcher." Another girl scoffed.
Ouch. The tears threatened to spill out again and i clenched my fist.
This was all her fault... i thought as an image of the girl i had caught sight of flashed across my eyes. My green eyes fueled with fiery anger and darkened. I'll make her pay.
The girl with purple eyes.
The bucket of water ran down from the top of her head to her shoes and ruined her hair, her makeup and soaked her clothes so the material clung to her body revealing her black bra and a slight outline of her underwear where her skirt was wet.
I watched with satisfaction from the top window with a 20 dollar note passed to the two girls with the bucket.
"Nice look but dont you think thats a little innapropriate for school?" I hollered from the secomd floor window, an evil glint in my eyes. She didnt bother glancing up at all as if she didnt hear a word and strolled off. She must be headed to the girl's shower room.
"Ugh." I frowned at her lack of response and stormed out of the room towards the girl's changing room.
Maybe I'll hide her extra clothes away. I thought to myself gleefully.
The sound of a shower running and the scent of strawberry shampoo wafted into my consiousness as i entered the room. The steam in the room was amazingly thick and the moisture in the air made my clothes feel a little damp.
Its going to ruin my hair...i thought as I felt my puffy hair start to flop. I gritted my teeth with annoyance and whirled around towards the exit when the shower stopped, and the door swung open. I caught sight of white feet leading up to skin in admist the fog and finally a pair of mysterious purple eyes half fanned by thick eyelashes
"You." I snarled immediately feeling my blood boil and bubble. A whirl of fury whooshing through my veins as i stormed over to her. The eyes shot up and met mine, beautiful and contrasting against the white steam. I felt my stature wobble and slowed my steps.
"You think you're so great as Jake's new girlfriend?" I accused, taking another heavy step forward. The mist thinned as the girl seemed to magically levitate forward. I had to arch my neck up as she was a head taller than i was, keeping the eye contact. Now, i saw her clearly, moisture dripping from her wet black hair, her strange purple eyes holding a quiet authoritative look to them. Her face was beautiful, smooth and honestly i wouldnt be surprised to see her on the cover of Victoria Secret.
"Is that what this is about?" Her voice was crisp and sultry yet warm and inviting at the same time. I found myself marvelling at the way the words rolled off her tongue. For a moment i stood there, damp hair and frozen admist the fog, just staring at her with awe.
Get a grip of yourself. I scolded myself mentally and shook my head to refocus.
"I'll get Jake back. You'll see!" I declared confidently. She barely flinched, as she cooly gazed at me. There was just a hint of amusement dancing between her irises.
"You'll see..." i muttered, this time softly under my breath as I whirled around to storm out.
I grunted with fustration as I slammed my pen down for the fifth time in just 2 minutes that night.
"How would i do it??" I groaned, running another array of evil plans and revenge through my head.
"May i help you miss?" My maid, Rosa who was preparing my bed piped up. I smiled at her fondly, softening at her presence. The older woman was the closest thing I had to a mother. Now she approached my chair, her wispy white hair curling around her face.
"Tell me, whats the problem?" She asked softly, while caressing my hair.
"Its Jake. He's got a new girlfriend now. Like a proper proper girlfriend." I pouted.
The words from the page that i had been trying to study for the past hour swimming before my eyes.
Yeah. I study too.
"Maybe you should be happy for him. Be a better person and show them you're the kind person you really are." My maid advised soothingly, as i slowly layed my head on the table like a surrendering animal letting my guard down.
I smiled and my eyelids fluttered halfway shut, my defense completely down when a sound made my blood turn cold. It came from downstairs.
A man's voice... and then my mother's.
My maid must have noticed how my shoulders tensed because she shooshed me. Telling me to relax.
I gave her a small smile and prayed that my mother wouldnt call for me. The scars on my body, sticking out like a sore thumb on my chest.
It was the night of the party. I smoothed down my tight little black dress supported only by my bossoms and had a length just around my thighs. This was ultimately my last secret weapon to take Jake back.
I remembered the look on Jake's face when i handed an invitation with his new girlfriend next to him.
I had done my research and found out that her name was Vanessa.
Top student in her previous school, and one of the top students here in this school. She had moved with her father who had recently split up. President of the music club and the poetry club.
She sounded like a perfect little person but surely she had a weakness.
"We're not going." Jake rejected immediately eyes narrowing with suspicion, ignoring the sadness and offense that hit me. My fake eyelashes twitched up with surprise because the whole school was going and everyone AlWAYS comes to my party.
I was about to retort to my plan B when Vanessa and her purple eyes smiled at me.
"We'll be there." She said, the words again rolling in a smooth velvet motion off her little pink tongue.
"Great. Ill see you two there." I sang and shashayed off making sure all the boys and even girls in the hall watched me leave.
I shut my eyes clearing my head with the vision. After what my maid had told me, i knew what i had to do.
A less dirty trick but effective too.
Im going to show Jake the better girl.
I smirked, resurfacing from the flashback as I headed out of the room to invite the guests in. One after another, my mansion was slowly filled with people. Nearing the end of the night, i was worried they didn't show up at all until i saw my target couple.
Jake looked handsome in his tight tee and jeans, it was just perfect, the way the material outlined his chest and muscles. I licked my lips hungrily as i slid through the crowd towards them. He ran a hand through his hair and smiled at someone next to him.
My confident steps advancing towards them slowed down as i felt my eyes widened.
Vanessa looked stunning in simple jeans and a kitten shirt that had an off shoulder. One side of her long black hair behind one ear. She didnt smile as i approached but watched me silently. I felt myself shiver at the intense of her gaze.
What was her problem? Her looks were always so cold and steely.
"Hey guys! So glad you could make it!" I drawled, batting my fake eyelashes at them. The djay started playing an upbeat music when he saw my signal and the whole room started jumping to the dirty music, grinding and sliding against each other.
Jake nodded stiffly while Vanessa shot a small smile. As if on cue, the waitress arrived with a platter of tequilla shots. I offered the shots, eyes still trained on them as i excused myself to dance.
I knew Jake wouldnt be able to take his eyes off this. I pulled a girl from the crowd and started dancing with her, the dirtiest of the dirtiest dance.
I was right.
Jake and Vanessa had started dancing themselves but i knew his eyes were on me.
Thats right. I'll get him.
I hurled up once more against the ground, tears streaming from my eyes and sobs racking my whole body. The night was freezing and the dress was becoming more of a regret.

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