Writer theme part 1

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It all started with a pencil.

A simple, 2B pencil, the kind you could get at any tacky stationary store. Like I said, it was just a simple, plain pencil rigged with stripes of black and yellow . There were bite marks, like someone had chewed all over it from the tip to the bottom of the tool, hard.

But to me it wasn't any pencil, it was HIS pencil.

It rolled off the ground and padded its way towards me just as he left. I hadn't realise it then, I was too engrossed at what the other girls were saying about him. The master of the pencil itself. He was a writer and had the talent fit for his looks. He was stunning. Slender and had broad shoulders that provided a wonderful pillow for any damsel's head. He had shiny black hair, gelled back as if to keep the locks from falling over his jade green eyes that were created solely for the purpose of looking right through anyone's soul. Yet, he was mysterious with a grim look on his lips always, sometimes smug, sometimes indifferent.

"But he's such a mouse. Too quiet for my liking." I scoffed haughtily to my gushing girlfriends, shifting my feet from the crossed position onto the mischievous pencil that made my foot roll forward. I peeked under the table and recognised it to be the one he had in his grasps just moments ago. I bent and snaked a hand to pull it into my possession.

I turned just in time to watch his back disappear around the corner of the café. I shot up and squeezed my phone into the tight pocket of my jeans. Eyes shot up as I left the table abruptly, threatening to spill the untouched coffee in front of me.

"Hey!" I hollered as I ran after the man, pencil clutched in a determined fist. He had a natural quick stride, long legs crossing over each other as he ventured across the road. I hollered again getting curious looks from the crowd around me. As if on cue, the light flickered from green to red making me loose the momentum of my rush. Luckily, I had great vision as I spied him along the other side of the walkway along the City Street and shop rows of luxurious brands.

"Wait!" I ran as soon as the lights flashed its consent. I frowned, feeling as if he was walking even faster down the street. I pushed past the heavy crowd, my grip on the pencil beginning to sweat. In fact, I was beginning to sweat as I moved forcefully through the flow of the bustling street mob. The vehicles grumbled and honked, ladies gossiped and children chattered. A Chihuahua in a purse yapped and the city blossomed into a place of liveliness. I fell free from the crowd around another corner, and ran straight into the fellow himself before sprawling down a few flight of stairs.

"Finally." I panted, my makeup runny and sticky at different areas on my face, heat cuddled in my bra and in my tee. But I smiled, lifting the prize towards the owner only to find a pair of mesmerizing green eyes glaring straight at me.

"Why are you chasing me??" The man demanded, a frown in between his brow and his lips turned down.

Turns out he thought that he was being chased and was determined to shake me off. Our chase resulted in him spraining his right arm in the fall and having the pencil snap in half.

"I demand that you compensate for my injury." He grumbled as we walked out of the clinic, a bandaged arm. I did a slap to my forehead as I rolled my eyes at him. The dude had been complaining since the moment I bumped into him- literally. I yanked out my cell phone from my jeans and punched a few buttons.

"Look, I can pay you. I just need to get my handbag from my friends I left at-"

"Money won't do." He said quietly, and I whirled around at the change of his whiny tone. Green eyes moved from my purple toenails, up along my tight jeans, higher to where my chest quickened and finally taking in my small doll-like face and my long, wavy red hair. It felt unnerving to be under his intense gaze that judged my every feature. Then his mouth quirked into a smug grin.

"I have an offer." The man started coolly, his left hand running through the mass of his black hair that had fallen astray after the run, giving him a distracted, wild look with his sharp jaw and lightly shaved chin. My lips trembled but I dared myself to ask the man, "what?"

"What do you think about role playing?"


I cant believe this, I typed everything out and it just died. Like my lappy died and everything died along with it. Then i died for a bit but i decided I seriously should just get this update up here for you sweet fluffy kittens. So! Here it is!!~ Ta da!

I know its a short update! i know, but i promise to update real soon my purrfect kitties! Here's a joke to cheer us up! :D

There were two worms in an apple when they heard chomping sounds. "remember" one said to the other, "we're in this together."

HAHAHHAHA! *rolls over the whole house clutching stomach*
I can't I can't!!! Hahah my lameness is hillarious!!
Thank you so much for all the reads, comments and votes!! <3 you're all such darlings!! Cmere for a big sloppy kiss from mama XOXO
Also! I have an announcement! I had a-what miss_flossy calls-a brainfart-yeah it was a long, loud one that resulted in my new gothic/fantasy/gory book: SECOND CHANCE REVENGE
Its about sweet Ariel who gets a second chance to live after killing herself and getting the chance to get revenge on everyone who has pissed her off. Muahahhahaha!! Aren't I a genius??^~^ Ahahahha.
*cue floating sparkling hearts and stars*
All aside! Do check it out :3 Pwetty pwease and tell me what you think in the comments or pm me! I love you all kittens and cupcakes! <3
Don't forget to
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