Pirate and Cat Girl Theme Part 2

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OKAY OKAY I HAD A WHOLE MONTH OF PRAC believe me!! I was actually suppose to update this part long before, but I'm old. And it slipped my mind... What? whadaya mean I don't care for you guys anymore? I do! Which is why ANGEL AND DEMON PART2 is coming up!! Due to requests I have cooked up some naughty fantasies for that theme! Look forward to it but in the meantime! Volià and bòn appetitè!!

"Whats up Eduardo?" I asked the friendly doctor of the ship who appeared next to me. He turned to look at me, his handsome features caught in the sunlight.

"Some of the men spotted a girl floating on an escape boat and our Captain decided to save her." he explained as I waved my tail thoughtfully at the decision. I opened my mouth ready to point something out when my master emerged from the crowd, looking distressed.

"Where is that blasted doctor when you need him?" I heard him mumble under his breath due to my sharp hearing sense.

"Eduardo! We need you this instance!" the captain growled hurriedly moving into his cabin, past me. That was when I realized the small frail girl in his arms, tightly held against those chests II had cuddled up to just last night. I felt a pang of jealousy as my ears drooped to the sides of my head. Eduardo nodded and joined the master as the rest of the crew dispersed and returned to their respective jobs leaving me feeling lonely.

Days passed and I spent my time staring at the sky. Master Arthur had not shown much interest in me for the past few days and now only entertained Isabella who was up and exploring the ship. Speaking of which, I could hear them approaching me as I leaned onto the boat side, staring into the water miserably.

"So this is your pet, Sharlyn?" She asked in the same heavy accent as Master Arthur. I glanced back a little, glaring, my ears hitched back and threatened her with a hiss. Honestly, she had very a very delicate face and had on a pretty dress that I had never seen before. But worst of all was knowing that she was a female human, next to my master. I huffed and turned back to staring at the water below. Now she giggled, making me glare back at them.

"She doesn't seem to like me much doesn't she?" Isabella asked gracefully, her golden hair curling beautifully around her face as she looked up at the Captain who looked down at her in approval, smiling. Then he turned to me, frowning.

"Be nice Sharlyn. Isabella is new here and I'd appreciate if you'd be kinder." my master scolded sternly and in response I lifted my face haughtily and turned away.

"Let her be Isabella. She's a bad kitty." I heard my master mutter as he ushered the human girl away from me. I felt my ears droop even lower and my shoulders sink.

"Why the long face?" a voice asked and I looked up sniffling into Eduardo's caring green eyes.

"Does Master Arthur hate Sharlyn?" I squeaked, feeling myself about to cry, a huge hand landed on my head and caressed my head, affectionately.

"Course not. he's just glad to see a young girl from the same hometown. Its been a long time for him." The doctor chuckled, pulling me closer.

"I thought he hated girls." I mumbled, unconvincingly and he bent lower to face me squarely.

"Its different, I guess." he shrugged making me frown. Without warning, he gently pressed his lips against mine and I gasped, surprised as I fell back a step and stared.

"You look prettier when you're not sad." he winked and walked off, leaving me stunned.


After that I decided to check the lower deck for mice. To my delight, i could smell them. It was quite dark but thanks to my cat vision, i could see the place a little clearer.

"Come on out!" I sang, stepping over the coils of ropes, edging my way between the barrels nearer to the shadows where the smell became stronger. A blur of grey moved and I pounced, slamming into unseen barrels. I soon realized I was caught in fishnets and ropes.

"Nyaa!" I cried out when I realized I was stuck for good. The more I struggled, the more the materials tightened into my skin. I hissed at the pain and fell back against the floor board, exhausted. It must have been about an hour, sniffling in the dark because I had shut the door behind me and no one could hear my cries.

Finally, I heard the door creak open and someone called my name.

"Sharlyn?" Eduardo called and I yelled back, bursting with relief.

"Eduardo! I'm stuck!" I hollered and listened as he made his way between the barrels expertly avoiding tripping into anything. The door was left open, and a little light penetrated the dreadful dark that was about to drive me mad. My jaw fell when my master emerged instead of the doctor.

"M-master?"I stuttered as he stopped in front of me, looking grim.

"Sorry to disappoint you." he said harshly, kneeling over my body. I heard a clink and then felt my master use the pen knife to cut at the ropes constraining me.

"I just thought it was him considering how you were too busy with your new human toy!" I snarled back but retreating at once when I saw his expression. His eyes turned dangerously darker and a shadow fell over me when he loomed over my face.

"She is a guest is she not?" he growled softly, the heat from him being so close to me radiating against my cheeks. Then a rough, large hand moved and held my chin so that I looked straight at him. My master stared down at me, a strange look in his eyes. His breaths came out harsh and rugged before he spoke.

"And how bout you? Having fun playing doctor with Eduardo?" my master growled, making me flinch at the tone of his voice.

"I didnt-"

"Shut up!" the captain snarled and tore the net that was the only barrier between the both of us. I gulped, terrified. My lips trembling at how angry my master was. He lowered him face closer still and then he kissed me, roughly. Drinking me in, his tongue tasting every corner, running through my teeth and pulling a slow grown from the back of my throat. He moved, sucking my neck, moving lower and lower. His kiss setting every nerve on my neck on fire before he yanked my clothes down so that he could dip his wet long tongue in between my breasts. He let out a throaty groan, making me roll my eyes back and feel the pleasure that swelled inside my body and wetness pooled in between my legs.

"Master-!" I gasped, arching and wanting but unable to move because of the ropes.

"No one is allowed to touch you Sharlyn. No one!" he growled and kissed me again. The waves of pleasure rode up my legs, making me tremble and arch my back so that i was hard against his body. I didn't know what to think -i couldn't.

"The very day I saw you on my ship, you have been driving me crazy." the captain breathed, as we pulled apart to breathe. I could feel my body burn and felt my heart pound like crazy. "And that scared me. I had to get rid of you but then you reminded me that you were a pet and not a girl."

He moved his hands over the thin material I wore and scorched my skin with every touch as he moved under my shirt. I sucked in a deep breath, feeling helpless and confused. I felt hot.

"For a moment, it worked. But when I saw another man touching you..." his voice turned harder and colder. "I lost it."

"Master, just kiss me. Just kiss me again." I begged, not daring to believe a word, but wanting to feel it.

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