Angel and demon themed

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~ Author's note ~

This one is a bit heavy on the fantasy side. I wrote this on the spot running on caffeine and hormones, spewing the scenes on 'spur of the momentness'. Probably needs to be edited, I hope you guys like it though. i felt like i was writing rude taboo forbidden angel porn or something. But it happened, on caffeine. I personally blame the coffee, and my raging hormones. I dedicate this to Aaron Neoh (DarkRaiiser) because he stayed up till one on a weekday just to chat with me when I finally finished this. What a sweeite :) we didn't chat though because I had to wake up at six the next day and was just dead. Thanks for staying up though. ;) xx enough one a.m. ranting and here's the story!

It was like any other usual morning. Strewn of sunlight streaming into the room, and the beautiful smell of the wind, leaves and freshly cut grass all rolled into one gracious flow of aroma. Freshly cut grass meant that it was Saturday and that the grass cutter guy had come by to mow the lawn. I moaned with delight at the thought of it being Saturday and gave a satisfied grin. Not that I had school anyway during the weekdays, I was working at the moment.

The crunching sound of paper as I moved made me frown and lift my eyelids.

I groaned with annoyance then. But it was brief because of the sweet melody a bird was singing for me outside my window. I squinted at the sudden flash of light burning my vision before I rubbed my eyes and blinked in the morning. A breeze blew in making the paper all over the room flitter and prance. Must have forgotten the window last night. That meant I had to reorganize my story pages into their proper order again. I dragged myself up from the sofa that I had placed in my study the first time I moved into this tiny house. I loved this place. I lived alone out in the middle of the countryside, except for my pet wolf Daniella and the Saturday grass cutter I hired. Don't judge.

I owned the rest of this massive land but I only had my small house and a small cozy yard I use for evening tea.

At that moment, I heard Dani howl and growl with urgency. I frowned at this, and shook my head as I grabbed the paper sheets. That wolf could be noisy sometimes. It's maddening.

But before I could bother myself with yelling at my whining pet, my eyes caught the dark liquid staining part of the page I had gathered. My heart pounded and my throat turned dry.

Oh crap.

As if a switch was flipped, I scrambled to stand up and rushed to my study table just to confirm my worst fear. I approached the suspicious oak table with caution, sweat trickling down my forehead and to my dismay, I saw exactly what I had dreaded.

There in a corner, sat two empty tea cups. I didn't have to pick the cup up to know the liquid it was once filled with. I could smell from the dried spot at the bottom, the tiniest hint of a thick, alluring scent that brushed against the receptors in my very sensitive nose:


I was an idiot. A huge idiot. I dimly recalled the night before, a quick memory of me and an old friend who had dropped by, drinking from the now empty tea cup. The guest hadn't finish the rest of the drink before she had left. I knew it was a risk to pour out too much coffee for the both of us. The thought had crossed my mind! But I absolutely hated wasting such quality good coffee. And I had to finally down mine and hers. It must have been too much. I must have had lost all control when the caffeine kicked in and must have grabbed- Daniella was whining even louder now and snapping at something. A cold shudder ran through my spine and I squeezed my eyes shut, as if to tell myself this was all a nightmare.

There was only one way to find out.

I reached a slow hand around my back and gave a groan when I felt it.

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