Policeman theme & important news

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"Is there no one else better assigned for this task?" Mcall growled with displeasure at his colleague who continued calmly reading his magazine. He felt the anger from all the work load bubble dangerously close to his limit.
" No one else buddy. Its just two days and she's really quite harmless." The other man argued, starting to sound annoyed. Mcall narrowed my eyes at the fat man who decided to drink his coffee, eyes still on the magazine. He knew exactly why they decided to pick him, the lazy bastards all wanted their weekends to themselves. It was times like these when MCall wondered what he was doing here in this shitty job in the shittiest of places. But he knew exactly why.
It was his own bloody fault, he thought bitterly. He'd specifically told his boss he wanted something challenging something that calls for badass, and challenging he got. He wasnt sure about the badass part, its just been constant work, slacking coworkers, a lack of team work and a lot of petty thieves.
"Or you guys could just let me go free." A voice piped, interrupting the arguement. Mcall glared over at the girl cuffed to the chair and she pouted at the stern look. She looked like the crazy kind, with coke tins as rollers in her big brown hair, wild big eyes, but as McCall lowered his gaze, and trailed down the way the prison suit clung to her body he thought for a moment that she was the type of girl he liked in his bedroom. But she was nowhere near his taste since he prefered classy ladies like Officer Grace in the other department.
"John, i swear i cant-"
"McCall." The man interrupted flatly, finally laying his magazine down, and a serious look was met in the man's eyes. The kind that meant business.
"We're out of space in this shitty hole, and you just have to take one harmless criminal home for a weekend. Take her back and just chain her to something. What could go wrong?" The man shrugged, then pursing his lips added. "This is an order."
What could go wrong indeed. McCall thought of a hundred possibilities but decided to keep his mouth shut instead. He needed this job to pay off that trip he desperately looked forward to in the July holiday. Plus the fact that his boss had picked his magazine up meant that this arguement would go on for another half an hour. And he didnt see it going anywhere either.
"You're coming with me then." McCall ordered gruffly, roughly handling the chick who hissed in pain when he accidentally twisted her arms too far back to handcuff her. He knew he was taking the anger out on her but he couldn't help it.
He had been planning on a quiet weekend away from work, maybe contemplate on his life for half a saturday and now it was coming home with him.
The car ride was filled with stern silence, occasional tongue clicks from the thief and several warning glares. She seemed mostly distracted by the view outside the window which meant nothing special to McCall but he decided she must not have seen so much trees, houses and shops. She even did an awed gasp when they passed a simple park with a small playground and a decent sized sandbox.
She was even more excited about the fact that he lived directly in front of it. He had to forced her to turn away from the park and yanked her into his house. It was a nice place, simple and neat. The only mess were the magazines spread out on the table. 
"And stay here." McCall finished as the click of the trustworthy handcuffs echoed off the walls of his lonely house. The girl looked at them calmly, the tin made hair rollers now gone so that her hair fell down her face in soft brown wavy curls. Her lack of agitation annoyed the hell out of McCall. But he couldn't be bothered with it any further.
It was a long day and he needed a shower. A bath even. He ran a finger inside the cuff of his collar and loosened his tie.
Damn. He needed this shower.
Badly. He was sweating like a can of tuna. He swore for not fixing his car air conditioning. McCall might be disciplined but he could also be a strong procrastinator when it came to some things. He ran fingers through his hair and sighed as he walked into his room just at the end of the hall for his towel.
He grabbed them and made his way back to the living room to check on his prisoner.
One end of the hand cuff was chained to the window bar, and the other, the wooden chair.
"Shit." He swore loudly when his quick eyes caught a movement just behind his front door that was ajar. She had just left.
He dashed and ran like he was a hamster on a wheel. The wind whooshing past his ears as he spied the target up ahead, running across the park.
One thing you should never try is run from a cop.
And McCall is a cop.
Within minutes he was directly on her heels, his hand shot out and grabbed a fistful of hair that produced an ear splitting scream. The girl went down immediately and tried struggling out of his dead grip on her brown locks.
"Okay okay! I wont run!! Lemme go!!" The girl pleaded, as she layed on the ground her head pinned to the floor by McCall's giant hands. He wasnt easily fooled. They struggled and after a while the captive was made to walk through his front door by the firm grip he had on her hair.
Maybe it was the run, or how breathless he was that made him relax his grip.
It was his first mistake, she struggled free like a dove from a net and sprung across the room faster than you could blink. Unfortunately for her, McCall was faster. He gripped her arms this time, so she would whirl around. He aimed for the other hand that was randomly slaping his face and another yank sent the front of her clothes ripping.
His second mistake.
Buttons flew across the room and hit the floor boards and bounced off table tops. Like a clique movie scene, he fell on top of her before he could comprehend the situation. He fell on her chests and felt the girl squeak at the impact of his force. For a split moment, his gaze lowered and found themselves staring at a swelling roundness of two perfect breasts nestled inside her black bra.
He felt his mind wander to the type of underwear she was wearing.
His third mistake.
A grunt made him remember he was still on top of her and he looked up into her green eyes that seemed to be wishing he was dead. They struggled again, the girl letting out tired grunts of effort but in the end McCall was the trained champion. One of his big hands held both of hers above her head and the other one flat on the side of her head to hold himself ul. He was stradling her now and her legs were caught in between his. Something about their position made his lips turn dry and his pupils dilate with excitement.
"I said let me go!" The girl grunted, breathlessly making him realise he was leaning all his weight on her tummy. He was about to move and opened his mouth to say something when something whacked the back of his head.
Not that hard but with enough force to make him recognize the hit.
"Ma?" He said whirling around at the lady who towered over the both of them, scrutinizing the situation from over the top of her glasses.
"You better get off the lady at once young man!" The older woman growled, her handbag as a murder weapon positioned threateningly above his head.
His forth mistake was ever giving his mother the address to his place. 
He knew better than to argue with his mother. And he got off the half naked girl who was concentrating more on catching her breath.
"To think i brought up a disgusting man handling pervert." The older woman continued, before bending down to check the girl on the floor, who seemed to stare up at them with confusion.
Minutes later under ma's strict supervision, McCall found himself making two cups of tea both for the ladies chatting by the kitchen counter.
His attempts at explaining excuses came up with more whacks on the head and after having a long day of not having his arguments heard, he dropped it and submit to handing out tea with two sugars in each. The prisoner chattered animatedly about her made up family situations that ma so readily related to.
"Sometimes i just can't imagine what goes through mens mind." He heard her say after explaining
her brothers being a 'nuisance'. He couldnt help but snort with sarcasm at the fancy language he was surprised she even had. To which he earned a warning glare from ma.
"I must say it is a very prominent characteristic of men." Ma stated very pointedly referring to him. McCall snorted again when the girl agreed strongly. Both the women glared at him this time, and McCall decided he felt safer pretending to being busy in the kitchen. Finally ma and the handbag decided to take their leave. By this time it seemed to McCall that the thief and his mother were old friends, as they hugged and promised to see each other again.
"It was a pleasure meeting you, Jane. You tell me if he tries anything again, you hear me?"
"Bye ma." McCall said, leaning forward to hug the tiny old woman. Instead he got another whack on the head and had more disgusted looks thrown at him. She then proceeded to lecture him about not letting his hormones get the better of him and how they should have a bed for such actions along with unnecessary details that McCall wished he hadnt heard. She took off then, red handbag and all.
He sighed at how much toll the short visit had taken out of him then heard a soft chuckle from his side. Jane now in a proper dress that McCall had stashed in the back of his cupboard from one of his exes looked alot more pleasing to the eyes. He didnt like the idea of a thief wearing clothes of that ex he just never got over. But he decided the dress suited her a lot more.
In fact she looked really pretty.
McCall mentally rolled his eyes for using such a girly word such as pretty. She had been here for less than 3 hours and he was already going insane.
"You're lucky you have such a great mother." Jane sighed smiling warmly, her eyes a different story as it swirled with woe and regret. McCall felt him drawn to her at that moment, curious about the girls story.
He caught himself almost immediately and found himself cuffing her hands behing her back after making sure to shut the front door, locking it.
"Are you serious? I just spent an hour with your mother and you don't trust me??" She hissed as her captor roughly shoved her into the kitchen chair.
"Your previous hour doesnt exactly prove i should either." He retorted, making sure he cuffed her right this time. Convinced he started moving away to resume the task of his bath that was so rudely interrupted.
"Then how bout not leaving the keys on the kitchen table next to me?" Jane piped up, her green eyes trained on him as he muttered a curse when he indeed just noticed that the keys were lying next to her. 
He swiped them into his palm and stormed off for that shower that was long overdue.
The water ran down his back and the steam calmed his nerves, stroking and caressing him into a relaxed state once again. He tried thinking of something but saw only Jane's bra and the image of her full breasts this time free from the material and inside his mouth instead.
He stopped short and shook his head as if to clear the thought away. He turned the knob and the water stopped.
He knew when the shower was over.
Instead he had to think about how he would sleep in peace tonight. His brow furrowed as he thought long and hard while changing to walking past her and straight to the fridge for a can of cool beer. He was about to give up and do the right thing of staying up and watching her when he noticed the chair being turned a centimetre at a time, as Jane attempted to turn herself around while being locked to the chair.

One pill...no. two, just to be on the safe side. He watched as the pill dissolved into a gleeful burst of effervescent, completely blending into the cup of beer.
" i want a drinkkkkkk...i want a drinkkkk-" jane jumped a little at the sharp clank as he collided the glass onto the glass top. Her eyes lit up hungrily at the prize and even proceeded to give him eyes of a grateful beggar who had found a buck.
"Ohmygosh!really??" She gasped as the cuffs fell free. She lunged for the drink as fast as she could, afraid that it might dissapear and downed the liquid in one go.
"Woaw." McCall warned mockingly." You might just choke on your drink."
The glass collided with his table top again, as she set it down with a satisfying clank.
He couldnt help the grin as he watched the drug slowly consume the girl, a glint of evil in his eyes.
"Woaw...my head hurts." The girl moaned softly after a while, holding both hands against the sides of head. McCall perched himself on the seat closest to her and smiled widely. "Maybe you're just tired. Lets move to the living room." He suggested, deciding that he might watch tv and would be able to keep a close eye on her. Soon she would be knocked out and he would be able to do whatever he wanted.
She attempted to nod her heavy head but did not move. Maybe he shouldve suggested the couch before the sleeping pills.
He decided to help her and without much effort swooped the girl into his arms. Her head fell back, exposing the flush that had crawled up her neck and onto her cheeks. The dress she wore crept up her fleshy thighs and for a moment McCall fought the urge to confirm his predictions about her underwear colour. He shook his head and heaved the dead weight onto the white sofa.
She gave a little oomph sound as she curled up against the soft material, a smile curling onto the sides of her lips.
"Finally." He sighed settling himself heavily at the other end of the seat and channel surfing.
"Y'know my mates and i would play would you rather everytime we did sleepovers." The girl mumbled, her long legs stretching and reaching the front of his pants. He tried moving them, concentrating on the tv program. He tried to anyway. She only moved them back immediately. He wondered how much longer till she passes out.
"Lets play it." The girl giggled, and McCall glared down at her to find green eyes half-closed staring at him. Her lips were half parted and moist as he found himself staring at them. Her legs moved against his jeans and McCall bit his bottom lip.
"Fine." He answered. Maybe hearing the sound of his own voice would distract him.
"Would you rather have a furry ding dong or furry balls?" She asked softly then erupted into a mad laugh. Mccall rolled his eyes and smiled at her question.
He took another swig of his own beer while he thought of an answer.
" ill go for my balls. That way girls would still blow my dick, i guess." McCall shrugged and she laughed again, her toes moving. McCall broke into his own little laugh, enjoying this a little too much.
Jane moved one of her long arms and placed them over her eyes as she thought. "Would you rather lose an eye or a foot?"
McCall was about to remind her that it was his turn but decided that he hadnt anything clever to ask.
"Id lose an eye." McCall mused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
"Did you know that you're pretty cute for a cop?" Jane said drowsily.
This made McCall smile and his ego swell with pride.
"Yeah?" He said, looking at her half closed eyes.
"Yeah." She breathed, not even noticing the way he was looking at her. She moved her feet again, intertwining them together. And McCall felt the involuntary reaction.
He knew he had to get up. That this was innapropriate.
"Im about to sleep. My sister used to give me a good night kiss."the girl moaned, sleepily. "I cant sleep without it. Even officer Jack does it."
The mention of his colleague kissing her goodnight disgusted him. Those horny lowlife. Jack already had a wife and three children. He had no right to go around kissing prisoners.
Mccall glared at her, then sighed.
"One kiss." Mccall heard himself say and got up to stand over her. Jane moved, turning her heavy head towards him, groaning slightly.
He lowered his head and his lips found hers instead. He didnt know why it wasnt her cheeks. He just knew she had soft lips, and the most sensual moan you could ever have heard.
So so so this piece took me a total of 4 days to complete during train and bus rides between work, more volunteer work and school.
I think i can do better at this, better hotter scenes ill save for another policeman theme. XD

News about angel and demon theme!!
I get so so many requests to make a book on it, a book would have really really slow updates. But if i get even more requests on it, i definitely will make a book on it. :)
So so we've come so far into the book, i love all the comments i have and ill do this thing where i tag a name in each update for their amazing comment and give a white cookie with white cookie chips on it. It looks like this:

So so so! Do comment
Share  and most importantly,
Bon appetite!

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