My sister's crush

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I thought, as I watched the handsome boy from the corner of my eyes. He had silky blond hair and the bluest eyes that sparkled with so much liveliness you would find yourself lost every time you stared into them. Maybe I found him attractive because he was tall and slender, yet built and had broad, sexy shoulders.

I shook my head, shut my eyes for a moment and ran a troubled hand through my long slick black hair that fell over my shoulders and down my back in a natural wave. The road was empty and the chocolate box view of the countryside brimmed in its glory. A cricket chirped and a toad croaked from the never ending stretch of greens that filled out both sides of the path, dipping over the side of the earth. Aiden had been my childhood friend since he first moved in next door. He was one of those perfect people you would meet at some point in your life. Smart, funny, caring and real. The girl Aiden crushes on must be the luckiest girls in the world. And the girl would have to be insane not to accept him.

And that girl happened to be my twin sister.

My eyes snapped open angrily at the quiet mousy looking girl on his right. For Dani to be my twin sister, we were completely different. She was quiet, I was not. She was shy, I was horrifically spontaneous. And while she was just pretty, I was gorgeous. But then, I got all the jerks and douches while Dani had all the reliable, nerdy boys. Unfortunately, good looking, studious Aiden fell into her charmed category.

It was all so stupid, I thought again as I slowed my walking pace. And because this was the last week of our high school year, I had made it my mission to fulfill Aiden's most desirable wish after establishing that he would never like me back. Imagine my shock when he told me he wanted my sister.

"But because I love you, I'll let you go." I whispered quietly, making the both of them whirl their heads at me wondering if I spoke. I immediately crumpled to the ground and did an exaggerated yelp.

"Guys! I think I have a cramp!" I groaned, pulling my face into an expression of agony as I bent over to massage my left leg. Aiden and Dani started moving to check my cramp instead I just stopped them with the display of my palm and, with as much sincerity as I could muster, I croaked: "Just go ahead without me. I'll get there."   
I watched as the both of them stared at bewilderment at each other before shrugging and leaving me. I was a little hurt that they didn't protest to even stay with me. But I definitely didn't miss the thankful wink from Aiden between the stray hair that fell over his beautiful blue eyes. The chirping crickets chirped louder in my ears once I was left standing alone in my blue plaid skirt uniform and a brown briefcase. The atmosphere of the countryside became denser and the sun threw a glaze over the scenery making me feel quite lonesome and tired. I sighed heavily and waited for another solid minute before I resumed my journey to school.


"You were a genius, Kierra!" Aiden praised for the fifth time that evening as we sat on the park swings, making sure to have left Dani back at home studying. My heart was doing its usual marathon run as my tummy decided it was a great time to do flip flops and cartwheels. Sometimes I hated being next to him. It was so unsettling.

I forced a smile onto my face and even managed a small bitter laugh. "So did you get any progress out from that?"

I saw the happiness in him plop to an abrupt stop. He pursed his lips and scratched the back of his head, looking down meekly, before peeking his bright blue eyes at me. "We didn't talk at all."

I did a face palm at the absurdness of the situation.

"You're a moron!" I growled causing a few mothers to turn, before strolling their prams further from us. Aiden flashed one of his heart melting grins and laughed merrily at my outburst. I pouted harder, as the boy in front of me leaned back to laugh even harder. 

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