Arranged Marriage theme (Warning: grahic content)

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YASSSSS like the title obviously states. This is really graphic with mature content. DO COMMENT AND LIKE AND SHARE AND VOTE! because it tells me you would like more updates ♡  Enjoys~
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I stormed into the room, and flung the veil as far as I could so that it broke onto the wall and tore across the carpet. A slam made me jump around to find my husband striding into the room and towards the bedside table. I stood by the dresser in cold silence as I glared at the bastard from the corner of my eyes.

"How could beautiful eyes like those do something as ugly as glaring?" the man mused, as he removed his watch looking at nothing in particular. 

"How dare you marry me!?" I bit out bitterly, tears soaking the sides of my eyes and threatening to loosen my eye lashes. 

I didn't see it coming. The hand that shot out and shoved me against the wall, hard. I yelped as my back slammed into the wall. Pain hit me and i winced at the burn.

"Did your own family not agree to give you to me?!" The other man growled quietly, his golden eyes focused on mine. I bit my lip at the truth of the fact. 

That I was arranged marriage to this man. 

"I won't hurt you and I won't bother you. Remember that this is just a business marriage." He reminded, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead before releasing me. 

I muttered a curse as I rubbed my head hard so as to rub the invisible print of his disgusting kiss away. 


3 months later...

I yawned as I spread myself out lazily on the king sized bed and languished in the silk made blankets and duvet. The large french glass doors that led to the balcony had been shut and the curtains drawn. The carpet was rich red and a classy gold. Everything in the bedroom was exquisite and shone. 

"Whats wrong puppy?" I asked as the little fluffy critter yipped at its small doggy bed. The chihuahua was a gift from Raiser who had kept his word at keeping me safe and happy- enough. My eyes trailed to a side as I heard the front door of the house open, followed by  the clink of the house keys being put into the glass bowl and the familiar clomp clomp clomp of work shoes behind the bedroom doors. 

My husband was home. 

I sighed at how the word used to strike me as foreign but now had become a usual term. Then I heard another voice belonging to a woman. My back went rigid for a moment but then I calmed down remembering that it was our maid, Rosa. 

There was a laugh and some more chattering before the door swung open. 

I barely looked up as the handsome man loosened his tie and took off his watch. There was dead silence between us besides Puppy panting and rolling over for attention. 

"Atta girl. Whos a good girl?" a low manly laugh rumbled from deep within his throat as long fingers ran through the thrilled critters back.  

Traitor. I thought as I watched this from the corner of my eye. I looked back at the magazine I had been reading not too long ago. The words swam before my eyes and nothing made sense anymore. 

"Hey." he said and I pursed my lips, still not looking up. 

"Hey." I finally replied. The huge presence in the room faded away as he moved to take a shower. And later on he would be in his office working. 

An hour passed and I threw the magazine to a side. The room was so immensely quiet, even the usually cheerful corgi had dozed off to sleep. I gave a groan and rolled on my back so that my head could dangle off the side of my bed. My thick black hair fell from its hairband and flowed loose onto the floor. I closed my eyes and sighed as I arched my back further so that my chests lifted higher. I had always imagined a marriage would be intimate and involved positions like this one. 

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