Angel and Demon Part 2

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I know this is wayyyyyy wayyyyyy overdue but! bear with me, I've been so so so busy and maybe a lot more lazy. But! The wait is all over now cause  this chapter is finally here!! I've been getting requests for this theme to have a part 2 and its just been sitting in my Wattpad file going grey! After tweaking it here and there, its finally ready for the public eyes. So! enjoy! :) Don't forget to tel me if you want a part 3 yeah? Kisses and mews, cupcakes!~


The brunette demon flicked her thick luscious hair behind her back before looking into the mirror to give herself another glance of approval.

"This should work..." She mumbled, sliding her lace black panty hose up her long perfect legs. Her heart was pounding from the inexperience of the situation. But she scolded herself and told herself that she used to do this for a living.

The demon flicked her hair behind her shoulders and let thick locks of black hair curl around her sharp cheekbones and close to her dazzling golden eyes. The door swung open, making the woman turn sharply at the dirty drunk man that shot her the sleaziest smile as he tumbled into the room.

She couldn't hold on down that cringe that crept onto her face when the oily man trudged towards her and shut the door with a back kick. He was bald and burly with a protruding beer belly and an ugly face, his nose broken in two places.

"It's for the soul." The demon reminded herself as a large hand reached out to touch her. Since the whole Xavier incident and failed attempts to open the door, Shirley had felt sick and knew she was going to be down with a fever if she hadn't thought of a brilliant plan to disguise herself as a prostitute in the local brothel.

The dirty ogre-like man ripped her up from the bed and had kissed her roughly before releasing the maiden back on the red sheets. Shirley gasped at how fast the situation was going when the man barked at her to hurry up. The demon moved, and snapped out of her dismayed trance, almost wishing she didn't regret this decision. It was too late now.

Now she had positioned herself seductively on the edge of the bed. Her rear sticking out and arched at the prey like a willing sacrifice, her arms stretched out in front of her like a submitting victim. She would smite him as soon as he entered her she thought. A sharp slap on her derrière made her yelp and she cringed slightly with disgust.

The silence was then filled with the sound of his zipper as she felt him position himself behind her. Shirley shut her eyes and braced herself for the burst of pain.

Instead the door was thrown open with an erupting bang and a large figure emerged into the room. There was a whoosh of cold air and something in the air just dropped at the presence of this intruder. Both of them whirled around, like naked deer caught in headlights.

Ah. But who was to show but the angel? She thought to herself, eyes rolling when familiar steely grey eyes flashed with a strict warning at the man who whimpered and scampered for his dear life, tripping over his pants he had been too shaky to attempt to pull up.

Now Shirley cleared her throat, recovering from her position and sitting up straight. She perched on the edge of the bed with as much grace as she could muster. But her tired eyes, messy hair and the brothel costume were as graceful as she could get. She crossed her legs with gnawing insecurity and dread at the next move the angel would make as she dared herself to look at the angel that seemed to be glaring at her from across the room in tense silence.

After a minute passed, the girl caved at the silence.

"Don't you ever knock?" She sighed, rubbing her temples with frustration and felt the itty-bitty stressful knots start to bulge and form in her back.

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