Hades and human girl themed

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Emergard!!! I'm such a jerk!! I've been really taking my time with this request. I'm so sorrehhhh!! >.<  Here's a white cookie to make up for it:

Its white so you cant see it. ANYWAY! I'm a third year now so I've been super super busy along with work and all that jazz. I live with mom now *SOBS* and its so hard to write this round her. Its just really uncomfortable guys. But here it is anyway ♡♡

You beautiful supportive readers out there :) I really hope you enjoy this one! It might be rushed and my editor thought it'd be a great idea if it were a short story instead. But! It is a one-shot. So i kept it as small as I could (Which is not very small at all). OKAY! So enough of me blabbing and here's the story!

Don'f forget to 






I didn't even feel it when the knife sank into my back, right through my pulsating heart. Crimson blood pooled at my feet before I crumpled into a heap. Unfortunately I landed on my front, my neck almost breaking as it snapped to a side. A mass of my hazelnut hair fell over my vision as I strained to look up at the figure stepping over me. My murderer was taking all of my bags and art supplies, spilling my paintbrushes and pain tubes everywhere.

"I'm sorry, y'know? We all have to make a living somehow and you're just at the wrong place, at the wrong time missy." The man said, his voice getting fainter. His torn shoes stopped in front of me and I could feel the man hover over my body for a few minutes before turning and moving away. I just remembered how hard it was to breathe, spread out on the ground helplessly in my own pool of blood. I couldn't move, nor did I have the will to. I didn't know how much time had passed with me slowly dying, my eyes glazing over the dirty bins and boxes in the alleyway. All i wondered was if I regretted it. Regretted that I had decided to paint this alleyway when I was still alive. You'd think it was a rather rash decision to pick an alleyway to paint in this kind of shady neighborhood.

But that was what I was.

An impulsive woman.

My body convulsed and blood gushed out of my mouth without warning. I almost screamed at the piercing pain that ripped through my chest but I choked on my gushing blood instead. That did it. My ears rang at an intense volume and I coughed up more blood. My head was pounding and my lungs burned at the absence of oxygen.

I couldn't move even when I felt something warm slip under my body, propping me upright so that I was in a sitting position. At that time, it surprised me that the only thing I could think of was how frightfully beautiful the man in front of me was. Not who he was or where he came from.

His face was pale, an illuminating deathly pale, and his long black hair brought out the whiteness even more. His lips were long, thin and pale too. He had sharp icy blue eyes and a perfectly carved out face. The best part of him were his majestic patterned horns on either sides of his head. They looked like tusks but had patterns of seashells as they curled into his face in a natural manner. His features held an arrogant yet graceful and silent look as he lowered his face to mine and smiled.

A sadistic and inhuman smile that would send any living girl chills.

His clothes enamated wisps of black smoke as he held me to his chests.

"Don't move. I am here to take you." He coaxed in a silky, soothing voice, letting my head roll back over his arm that were just under my neck so that my lips parted wider and were exposed to him.

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