He'll Be Loved: Part W:

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Wo Fat smiled his famous predatory grin, as he looked at the pictures, He told Brian, with praise, "Excellent work, Bri, I think we can't lose this case, Also, I don't believe that the judge will grant that slut husband of mine a divorce, no matte...

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Wo Fat smiled his famous predatory grin, as he looked at the pictures, He told Brian, with praise, "Excellent work, Bri, I think we can't lose this case, Also, I don't believe that the judge will grant that slut husband of mine a divorce, no matter how much he wants it, Cause in the end, He knows that his reputation is shit, & he has to come back to me, Otherwise, He won't survive in the world", Brian agreed & said, "We secretly get our business back up again, this time better than ever", They stopped talking for a second, cause the guard announced it was rec time, & they were heading outside for it, Wo Fat will send it to his lawyer, via mail, so iy will be handled the right way.

Steve couldn't believe how beautiful the cabin resort was, "This is where we staying, Danno ?", The Blond smiled, please to see his lover's reaction to it, "Yep, Baby, First class all the way", & he went to make sure that his lover was out of the car & inside first, then he unloads the car. "I want you to rest, Steve, Then we will start on the therapies in a little bit", The Former Seal said, "Sounds good to me, Hon", & he yawned, Danny made sure that he was comfortable on the couch, & then he fell asleep, while Danny gets them settled in.

Mary-Ann had Grace, Charlie, & the Edwards over for lunch, Once Grace had the little ones occupied, Mary-Ann had her attention focused on the adults, & she said, "I just wanted to thank you both, Making my brother well, & making sure that he was at the point of recovery, I could never...(she got a bit emotional, & then she continued), I could never repay or thank you enough for this, It means the world to me, & Joan, That her uncle Steve is well again". The Edwards said this to her, as a response to her gratitude.

"No "Thanks" are needed, Your brother is a special guy, & when he realizes it, & that people see him that way, He will have confidence in himself, & take back his life again", Stan said, believing it with conviction, Rachel said, "Also, Your brother deserves to be happy, & I think that Danny will bring that for him", The Blond McGarrett agreed, & said, "I think so too", & they composed themselves of emotion, & they went to see what the kids were doing, & joining in the fun, & not worry about anything else for awhile.

Meanwhile, Steve woke up, & wanted to explore the entire resort, So Danny had decided for them to have their own tour, & they went down to the beach, where Steve instantly feels like it was home, No matter where he was, & enjoyed the peace that it brings, They also had a romantic picnic lunch, that Danny brought with them. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day, til they got back to their cabin, & things got a little heated between them. They were on the kitchen table, & were having sex, til the bad memories, that Steve had experienced, came to light, Steve exclaimed, as he pushed his lover off of him, "Danny, Danny, Please stop !", & the blond did just that.

"Steve, What's wrong, Baby ?", The Loudmouth Detective asked, as he saw the terrified look in his lover's eyes, "It just felt like I was back there under his control, & theirs too", The Seal said, as his breath caught with emotion. He suddenly cried out his frustration, & Danny just comforted him, til he cried himself out. "Ohhh, My Poor Baby, I am so sorry, I wasn't thinking", Danny said soothingly into his ear, & they stayed like that, til they were ready for bed, they really weren't hungry for dinner now, Danny just wants to be there & support his lover.

Meanwhile, Rachel, Stan, & the kids were ready to leave, after their exhausting day of fun, "Thank you so much, Mare, We all had a wonderful time", Stan said, as he held on tighter to Charlie's sleeping form. Rachel agreed, "Yes, We did, You & Joan are welcome to the mansion anytime, Remember that you are family, our family too, We love you", Mary thanked them, & saw them off, making sure that they leave okay, & got herself, & Joan settled in for the night, so they can get a good night sleep, Cause the blond knew she needs to be on top of her "game", if she wants to help her brother through his ordeal.

"Miss Clayton ?", Jeff Simpson, Wo Fat & Brian Paleka's sleazy lawyer offered his hand to her, as he came to her office, to talk about something, Ellie had a feeling that it's something that she won't like, but she will listen, just to be fair. She didn't shake his hand, cause she really didn't like him, & he shrugged, & put the racy photos of Steve down, right in front of her on her desk. "So, It's photos, It's not gonna get your clients off, Bub, You should do better than that", "I will, When I twist it around", He said with smug smile, "You won't win", "You think you can, Try me, I can prove infidelity, Especially with Detective Williams, Drop the case, Save yourself, your client the embarrassment," The Young Lawyer got pissed, "Tell your clients to get use to their accommodations, They won't see the light of day", He left laughing, thinking he has the upper hand.

It took the couple to get their groove back, they were horny, & sexually frustrated as hell, But Steve surprised his lover taking the bull by the horns, & fucked him long, & hard on their private beach, & making him scream out his pleasure, & name, as he came. The Blond made sure he got payback, & they were fucking like rabbits, & then in the shower, on the table, on the couch, & against the wall. They were leaving claim marks on the other's body, & they really put on fireworks in the bedroom, Steve finally feels like he has his relationship back with Danny.

Ellie arranged a meeting with the other members of Five-O & updated them on Jeff Simpson's visit, Kono was outraged, & said, "No, Hell no, He is a scumbag, Looking to get famous, & his name in lights, & in the papers". Chin said, "We should give Danny & Steve a heads up, as soon as they come back from their trip", Lou added, "We should tell the Edwards, & Mary-Ann not to let the kids watch t.v. too much, or let Gracie read it in the papers", The Others thought it was a good idea, & were ready to make their plan.

One Particular Morning, Steve woke up feeling really horny, He decided to take his lover over the edge, & drive him while, He experimented his cock, til he found a technique that the blond loves, He made sure that his nipples were sensitive, after he tortures them, He made sure that the loudmouth feels him, as he grinds against him, & not letting up on him. Danny moans out, as he wakes up, "Oh, God, Steve, Please don't stop, Please don't stop", & was practically begging, til they both came at the same time. "There is something, I want to try, If you are game, Please, Danno ?", Danny nodded, & said, "Let's do it," When he saw that Steve wanted to make love in the hot tub, The Blond was definitely ready & game for it, He shoved his lover along, & moves him towards it.

He'll Be Loved: (1st in the Mobster Series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang