He'll Be Loved: Part D:

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It was like a dream, Steve felt his lover's hands & lips all over his body, nipping, licking, & teasing as he went along, it was an symphony of sorts

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It was like a dream, Steve felt his lover's hands & lips all over his body, nipping, licking, & teasing as he went along, it was an symphony of sorts. Steve couldn't believe that he was experiencing this, & was right there, being worshiped like he was a god, or something higher. He was so happy, that he was getting the loved, he deserves after the hell he had been put through. He was immediately brought out of his thoughts by Danny fucking & thrusting into him hard, his long legs over Danny's shoulders.

"Danny, Stop", he kept on saying this, as he was being pummeled into, Memories of the abuse of the year, took over, & he was letting out tears of emotion, & fear. "Mmmm, You feel so good, you feel so tight, Baby". Like, He didn't even hear him, as he was engrossed in the pleasure, that he was enjoying right at that moment. "DANNY !!!", He screamed out, as Danny suddenly came to his senses, like he was coming out of a trance, He was shocked to see Steve shaking, shivering, & in tears. He felt like such an asshole for doing that to him.

"Oh, God, Steve, What's wrong ?, You know that you can tell me anything, You know that right ?", He said this as he placed gentle kisses on his face, & trying to make him feel better. The Former Seal was just a sobbing mess, & couldn't speak at the moment. Danny comforted him, as he held him, "He raped you, Didn't he ?", he said with full anger, & he didn't know what to do at that moment, He hopes Steve will tell him about his experience with Wo Fat.

Steve nodded, & he composed himself, & he said, "He treats me like I was property, takes me whenever he wants, Just slaps me around to keep me in line", & he explained about what his father did, & how he got murdered, Also that his sister & his niece are in danger, He balled his eyes out, as Danny hugged him closer. "Baby, We are gonna keep this a secret, til I get him, Will you help me ?, Will you help me get him ?, I promise you that Mary-Ann & Joan will be safe, On my badge, I promise you", & Steve nodded, & sniffled, "Good, We got act like everything is okay, & normal, We have to act natural, Otherwise Wo Fat will get suspicious, & we are both dead", The Former Seal nodded, & said, "I could do that", as they were enjoying their moment of bliss together.

Steve decided to be a little bold, & he flipped them both over, & said explaining to his new lover, "I am letting my past or my fear get the better of me, I want you, I want you so bad, Danny, I will do anything to keep you in my life", He nibbled, & licked his way down the blond man's body, like he did to him before, He loves to feel his shivers, as a response to it. Steve was sucking his cock like a lollipop, Danny said breathlessly, "Oh my god, Steve", as his wish was coming true, as Steve was sucking his brains through his cock. Danny was giving it all to him, & for once, He wants Steve to feel special, when they make love.

"God, Steve, You feel so amazing, so good, & tight against me, Take me, take all that you want from me, I beg of you", he said in a pleading tone, Steve made sure that he was entering him too hard, so he wouldn't hurt him, but still show his dominance, & he was on the edge, & knew that Danny was getting close to, he leaned into his ear, "You close, Baby ?", He whispered seductively, with a smirk, & a wicked gleam in his eyes. "Yeah, Yeah, I am, Please let me cum", Steve said growling seductively, "Then cum, Baby", he strokes & teases him lightly, helping him through it. Danny did, & he never experienced an orgasm, this intense, as his cum coated both of their bodies, Steve was pretty pleased with himself for doing this.

Danny composed himself, after he caught his breath, "Wow, You are amazing, That was amazing, I mean I never experienced anything like this before, I love you, Steve, Please believe we belong together, It was fate & destiny that brought us together that night at the club", The Handsome Brunette said with a smile, "I do believe that, But we have to be careful like you said, Wo Fat could find out, & we will both be dead", Danny nodded & said, "We both will", & kissed sweetly on his lips, He flipped them over, so he can give Steve his turn at experiencing real love, & fulfillment of sex. Steve was moaning, & groaning, Danny loves to hear that sound from him, & it was his favorite from that point on. Then, The Stripper lets out some happy tears, He now knows that he found true love with Danny, & a future with him, He said with a smile to him, "Thank you for making this the most memorable night, I ever experienced".

"You are welcome, My Beautiful Man, You can always trust me", Danny said, as he caressed one of his lover's muscular & delicious arms, "I know that, I can definitely trust you with everything that I have, & am", Steve said, as he pulled his blond adonis closer. They went to sleep holding each other, protecting the other from the evils of the world, The Happy Couple went to sleep, & for the first the time, They slept peacefully. The Next Morning, Steve decided to make his love of his life breakfast, & show him that he is in the relationship, as much as he is. He would sacrifice everything to make Danny happy, while he is with him.

The smell of food woke up the blond detective, He found that Steve was coming in with a tray of food for them to eat, "You really outdone yourself, Babe", Danny praised him, Steve just smiled at him, pleased that his lover loves it all. The Former Seal said with a smile, "I just want to let you know I am in this too, I will always be someone that you can count on me, Babe", The Former New Jersey said with a smile, "I know, Baby, You don't have to convince me", as he caressed his cheek, & they shared a hot kiss, to start the morning off right. They ate the wonderful food, as they were planning out their day, & also Danny got Steve to meet with the rest of his taskforce, so they can make a plan, & carry it out.

The Meeting with the team turned out to be great, They liked Steve, & he likes them, They instantly connected like family, or in Hawaii, it's known as Ohana, & it pleased Danny to see this. As they were making their way back to Danny's place to settle in, & rest. "Don't worry, Babe, Everything will go okay, If we stick to the plan, Okay ?", Steve nodded, & said, "I know, I just can't wait for this to be over, I want my life back", As they entered the house, took a warm shower together, dried off, & got into the bed. "I know, Sweetheart, As long as we have each other, We will be fine". Steve smiled bigger, & said, "I know", They embraced each other, & fell into a wonderful, & peaceful slumber.

Things are really good around that week, Rachel asked Danny if he could switch one of the days, she has with the kids, cause Stan has a business trip, & he wants her to come with him, "No problem, I think it's time that they meet Steve", & fills her in on what he learned about him, & his past. "If anybody could help him, It's our kids", Rachel said chucking on the other line, Danny said with a smile, "Thanks, Rachel, I think so, I hope that he can relax with us for once, & enjoy himself", "He will, Daniel, Have faith in him, & yourself, Be happy, You do deserve it". Danny thanked her again, & they hung up, He decided to watch Steve do his workout, cause it's never boring, & he is a wonderful sight to look at, With a content sigh, He went outside to look for & watch his lover do his normal routine.

He'll Be Loved: (1st in the Mobster Series)Where stories live. Discover now