He'll Be Loved: Part C:

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The Coffee Date finally came, & Danny was a bundle of nerves, & he did not what to do with himself, whether to wear a tie or no tie, "God, Why am I so nervous ?, I mean I shouldn't be, I saw this beautiful man in his underwear, when he strips, I'l...

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The Coffee Date finally came, & Danny was a bundle of nerves, & he did not what to do with himself, whether to wear a tie or no tie, "God, Why am I so nervous ?, I mean I shouldn't be, I saw this beautiful man in his underwear, when he strips, I'll go no tie", he thought to himself, as he finished dressing, & shook his head out of negative thoughts. He was done, & checked himself out, & was satisfied with the results, He hurried out to make it to the Italian Coffee Place, that Steve told him about.

Meanwhile, Steve was doing no better, He was not sure if she should go casual, or dressy, Mary-Ann shook head, & sighed, "God, You are so pathetic," & she went into his closet, & found a pair of tight black jeans, with a matching dress shirt, she said, as she held up against him, "There, You are now flawless, You should go change", "I don't know about this," Steve said, as he was second guessing himself about this date. "Go, Brother, You deserve to be happy & have fun, Instead of being at Wo Fat's beckoning & call", Joan piped in, "Be happy, Unca Steve", That totally melt his heart, & said, "I am, Baby, Every time, I hang out with you & your mommy", He kissed them both on the head, & said to his sister, "Thanks, Mare", He hurried into the bathroom, so he could get ready.

Danny was taking the route at a leisurely pace, as he was enjoying the scenery around him, He knew that his life is about to be better than ever, since he met Steve. He just hopes he could do the same for the stripper, Even if it means, that he would have to be an informant. That made his stomach turn, cause he doesn't want him to be hurt, even though he doesn't know the guy well, but that would change. He thought about Steve once more, & how possibly he could be happy with the handsome man, "I could see having a future with him", as he continued his drive to his desired destination.

Steve was near the place, & he stopped at a florist, & brought a single rose, that they have on sale, "He is like this rose, Delicate, & Sweet, That's the way he should be deserved to be treat as", he thought to himself, as he walked to the café, since it wasn't that far from the condo. He got to there, & was shown a table immediately, since he was a patron there regularly. He said, "hello" to the owner, who he ended up being friends with, & enjoyed the silence for awhile, til Danny comes, & shows up.

Danny shows up & smiles at Steve, "It's good to see you again", They shared a peck on the cheek, cause Steve is not sure if Wo Fat has his men watching him, so they have to be on the down low about this, "Great to see you, Danny", & he asked, "Wanna a Latte ?", "Sure", Danny said with a big smile, & the handsome man turned to face the owner, so he could put his owner in, & said in Italian, & then says something else, which the owner's eyes widen, & said, "Si, Steve", The Handsome Blond Detective was wondering what the hell did his companion say, to make the owner act like that.

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