He'll Be Loved: Part U:

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Danny & Mary-Ann came rushing into Steve's room, Danny asked breathlessly, "Are we late ?", Kono said with a smile, "Just in time, They are gonna prep him in a little while", Mary-Ann said with a nod, "Good, Things at the house were so crazy, I th...

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Danny & Mary-Ann came rushing into Steve's room, Danny asked breathlessly, "Are we late ?", Kono said with a smile, "Just in time, They are gonna prep him in a little while", Mary-Ann said with a nod, "Good, Things at the house were so crazy, I thought we would never leave", Lou said with a chuckle, "I remember those days", & Chin said confidence, "It will get better". Everyone knew that Chin was right, & they have to keep believing in it, They began to dig into the breakfast, that he brought for everyone.

Stan & his staff came down afterwards, He said with a serious expression, "We need to take him down now", The Five-O Team nodded, & they each said their "goodbyes" for now to Steve, Kono kissed his cheek, & said, "Steve, Fight, Fight as hard as you can, we love you, & see you soon", she said to the sleeping man, & then she stepped back, Chin was next, "Steve, Don't be afraid, We will be here for you, when you wake up, You got ohana now, Don't worry about Mary-Ann, & Joan, We are taking good care of them, As Kono said, We love you", He kissed the top of his forehead, & went to stand next to his cousin.

Lou said, "Don't forget we are going spear fishing, You promised me that you'll show me the best spots to go to, Especially the one with your dad, I am looking forward to spending time with you, My Friend". He kissed his head too, & then let Danny have his time with him, while he goes & joins Kono & Chin, "Baby, I am right here, Nothing is gonna move me from this spot, I swear to god, You are not alone, I will be here for you always", he said sniffling, & kissed his lips, & then went with the others to the waiting room, While Mary was the last one to say her thoughts to her big brother.

"Steve, Remember, You are so strong, You are gonna make it through this, like everything else, Just remember, You got people that love you, Come back to us, You hear me ?", she said, & then she kissed his cheek, & said, "I love you, Big Brother", & she left to join the others, as they wait for news on how Steve did, & what his new condition would be. Danny stood by Mary, as they waited, & comforted her when she needed it, & stayed out of her way, when she demanded it. He felt like a lucky man indeed.

The Surgery went well, Stan was pleased with the results, & that he could make sure that everything won't scar, He made sure that the former seal had enough pain relief for awhile, "You are doing good, Steve, Keep up", he whispered into his ear, as he kept working with his staff. When the last suture was stitched, He said to everyone, "Good job, I am gonna make sure that raises are in your future". They closed Steve up, & then cleaned everything up, Stan dragged his tired body out, so he could update his patient's ohana on his condition.

Stan came out, & everyone gathered around them, He smiled, & said with a nod, "He is doing very well now, I believe he will have full motion of his arm, & leg, With physical therapy, He should be up & around in no time". Then, He said with a serious tone, "With his emotional injuries, It will take some time", Everyone nodded, & indicated that they understood. "We will do everything that we can", Danny said, & the others concurred with what he said, The Good Doctor smiled, & said, "Good, Let me call Rachel, She & the kids are anxious for news", He left them, & went to do his task, He told the nurse in charge, When Steve is ready, & settled into bed, They could go see him.

Stan made his call, & Rachel was thrilled with the news, "I will tell the kids, Stanley, Oh, I am so proud of you, Sweetie, Thank you for doing this", She hung up, & went to see the kids in the playroom, "Grace, Kids, Steve is doing much better, He is recovering from his surgery, but he has to be there for awhile, I promise you, I will take you to see him, As soon as I get word, okay ?", The Kids cheered, Joan stated, "Unca Steeve, All Better !", she exclaimed with happiness. Rachel took her into her arms, "That's right, Angel, Uncle Steve is all better", They had a mini celebration.

Meanwhile, Brian & Wo Fat managed to get certain privileges in prison, while they are waiting for trial, "I want that slut humiliated, I mean in front of the judge & jury, Get one of your people on it, Dig something up, I know we have juicy tidbits from his days as a stripper", The Investor said, "I am on it", as he left him to go get dinner, & then make the arrangements, so their lawyer can get all of the evidence, that they need. They will not get a life term for this, The Two Criminals rather be dead, than in prison for their crimes.

Danny & the others were shown to Steve's room, They smiled, as they saw their love one sleeping peacefully, & was settled. "God, I am so lucky", The Blond Detective thought to himself. He said to the others, "Why don't you guys go ?, I got it from here," Danny said reassuring him. "You sure, We can stay, It's no problem", Lou said, as he placed a hand on his shoulder, "It's no trouble at all, Danny", Chin concurring what Lou just said. Kono & Mary sensed that Danny wants some alone time with Steve, "Come on, Let's go, I'm buying dinner", The Ex-Surfer said, as she leads them out of the room, Mary-Ann said, "Let's have some fun for a change", The Two Men agreed, & left the couple to their privacy.

Ellie Clayton stayed late at her office, on that particular night, like she promised Danny, she went through the records, & was surprised to find out Brian Paleka was convicted of Sexual Assault of three men, but later was acquitted on the charges. "Son of a bitch, He is slippery, Just like Wo Fat, But when I cast my line, I make sure that those two fishes stay on there", she vowed thinking to herself. She came across a sealed file, which she used her access to unseal it, "Gotcha, You sons of a bitches", she thought to herself, & was ready to report Five-O about what she found.

Steve woke up whimpering, & moaning out in pain, Danny was up instantly, as he heard his lover making the sounds, He soothed & comforted him, so he can get some rest, & feel at peace at the same time. "I love you, Babe, So much", He kept up the words, like a chant, til he felt Steve was back to sleep, & resting comfortably. When, He woke up the next morning, He found his beautiful man in the fetal position, & silently crying, Danny touched him, & cringed, which broke the detective's heart. "Baby, What's the matter ?, You can tell me anything, you know that right ?, Come on, Talk to me, I can't help you, If I don't what the problem is", He waits for Steve to give his response, & make eye contact with him.

He'll Be Loved: (1st in the Mobster Series)Where stories live. Discover now