He'll Be Loved: Part A:

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Steve was ready to go back to the million dollar condo, that he is forced to share with Wo Fat, As soon as he got there, He put his clothes in the laundry basket, & went to shower again, He couldn't believe that this was his life, & he could never...

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Steve was ready to go back to the million dollar condo, that he is forced to share with Wo Fat, As soon as he got there, He put his clothes in the laundry basket, & went to shower again, He couldn't believe that this was his life, & he could never escape it, on the chance his only remaining family could die. The Former Seal lets out some fresh tears, about what happened earlier that evening. He pulled on sleep shorts, locked the door, & called his sister, She always found a way to make him feel better. Emotions were coming up again, & he said tearfully, "Mare ?", as she picked up immediately, "Steve, What's wrong", she asked in concern, There was silence, She asked, "Steve ?", Once again, there was a pause, as she instantly knew, She said exclaiming angrily, "That bastard, I am gonna rip his balls off for this, & stuff them down his fucking throat, Steve, You can't go on like this, He will kill you, You know this, Don't you ?", Steve erupted, & said, "OF COURSE, I FUCKING KNOW THAT, MARY-ANN !", then he calmed down, & said, "I am sorry, It's not your fault, or Dad's, I just have to live with this, cause if I don't, You & Joanie could be killed, & I will not allow that to happen", Knowing that her brother doesn't want to talk about his latest encounter with his husband, She asked, "Do you want to hear about mine & Joanie's day today ?", Steve smiled, & said, "Yes, I would", He lets her tale of the day's encounter wrap him around like a soft blanket, as he listened.

The Next Morning, Grace & Charlie were disappointed that they couldn't get more time with their father, & he said, "I know you are disappointed, Guys, But your mom is really looking forward to this trip, & so is Stan, They promised that you guys can get a lot of stuff, while you are vacation, Also, Please be good for them, Okay ?", "Okay, Danno", The Siblings replied, & they made their way to start their day, They did the ritual hugs & kisses, as they were dropped off at their schools, & Danny was making his way to Five-O HQ.

Lieutenant Chin-Ho Kelly was right there to greet him with cocoa puffs & a coffee, & said with a smirk, "I heard through the grapevine, You found your true love, & he was scorching hot, Brah", as he handed over the treats, & the cup of coffee to him, "Yeah, He was gorgeous, I don't think he belongs there, Plus, He is Wo Fat's Husband, I am not looking for any trouble", "Well, It looks like you don't have a choice, Brother, Trouble finds us whether we want or not", They entered the bullpen, & got started on their work, before their love ones, Officer Kono Kalakaua, & Captain Lou Grover show up. Danny can't get Steve out of his mind.

Meanwhile, Wo Fat & Steve were having breakfast, & the previous evening had not been mentioned, The Master Criminal thought to himself, "Maybe I was a little too rough with him, I should make amends, Maybe I will have him come to the office after lunch", He cleared his throat, & Steve was glaring daggers at him, still pissed off about what happened between, marriage be damned, He won't stand for being treated like a discarded party favor, just cause Wo Fat was horny. "What is it ?", He asked angrily, Wo Fat softened to that expression, & handed over the club keys, deciding to do his surprise now.

"I am sorry for the way I acted last night, That is no excuse, I want to make up for it in my own way, So, Here are the keys to the club, I want you to be the boss of it, You report to me, You can do to it whatever you like", The Handsome Man was speechless, & said, "Thank you", Wo Fat smiled, & said, "See ?, I am not such a bad guy after all", Steve said, "That is still up for debate", & he went to get ready to start his day. Wo Fat had words with his trusty bodyguard, Bruno, who adored Steve, "Make sure that you stick close to him, I don't trust him, as far as I could throw him", Bruno nodded, knowing that he would do the opposite.

Lou & Kono stopped by Danny's office, Chin had filled them on Danny's dilemma, They want to see their friend, & love one happy, so they each said this to him, "It doesn't matter, If he is Wo Fat's husband, Chemistry happened between the two of you, You should act on it, when the time is right", The Former Pro Surfer said, as she puts an comforting hand on his. Lou said agreeing with Kono, "Kono's right, If this guy is the shot that you need to be happy, Take it, Don't waste the opportunity", With that, They left him to his thoughts, & he said thinking to himself, "They are right, I should consider it, Even if the consequences are bad", With that he went back to his work, so he could get out early, & hit the supermarket.

Mary-Ann was having a fun time playing with her daughter, It was rare that she got a day off, but she is cherishing it, They were playing with building blocks, which is one of Joan's favorite toys, She got up after awhile, & saw the picture of Steve, & said looking directly at her mother, "Unca Steve ?", Mary-Ann gasped, & the beautiful blond picked up her precious daughter, "Peanut, You did it, You said your first word, You said Uncle's name properly, He is gonna be so proud of you the next time we see him !", she exclaimed happily, she gave Joan a couple of kisses on the cheek, as they celebrated her achievement.

Danny made it to the bistro market, & he decided to cook himself a great meal, cause he deserves to pamper himself once in awhile, He went through the meat aisle, & found the perfect steaks, so he could grill them, & got his usual veggies. He hate eating alone, but he is use to it, He has no idea that he is about to be hit by a storm, & that storm is gonna be Steve, who was also looking for the perfect ingredients to make a meal for his husband for his surprise today. He took his time, & toured the store, cause he didn't want to miss a thing, as he walks around.

Bruno pulled up to the market, & said to Steve, as he helps him out of the car, "You sure that you are gonna be okay going in there, Steve ?", The Seal smiled, he loves Bruno, Bruno always showed caring & kindness, ever since he married Wo Fat, "I will be fine, I'll call you, If I need you, Relax, Please ?", The Bodyguard nodded, & said, "I will be right here, If you need me", Steve thanked him, & he went inside, He also took a tour of the store, & when he got to the dessert aisle, He saw the most magnificent pair of buns, He knew it's Danny, He smirked wickedly, & decided to surprise him, by pinching those glutes, & act a little seductive around him.

"Hello, Sweetness", he said whispering seductively into the blond's ear, his breath tickles it, Danny jumps up in shock, & he turns around, & was surprised to see a smiling Steve, "If you aren't careful, Someone will grabs those buns of yours, & devour them", he said, "It's you, I was hoping to see you again", The Blond Officer said with a big smile, & they resumed their shopping, as they walked down the aisles together, & made small talk, "I hope this isn't too forward, But would you like to have coffee with me sometime, Danny ?", Steve asked, now feeling shy & vulnerable, cause he always does, when he finds "the one", Danny said with a smile, & hands him a card with his name, & phone numbers, "Sure, Call me", "Mmmm, He is a cop, Good to know, In case Wo Fat decides to act up again", Steve thought to himself, as they continued their journey of touring the supermarket together.

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