He'll Be Loved: Part T:

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When they got home later after the zoo, & dinner, Mary-Ann went to put Joan fown for a nap, & join her, while Danny put his boy down, when he came back, he saw his baby girl was upset, & went immediately to her

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When they got home later after the zoo, & dinner, Mary-Ann went to put Joan fown for a nap, & join her, while Danny put his boy down, when he came back, he saw his baby girl was upset, & went immediately to her. She immediately composed herself, & looked at her father sadly, "I am sorry, Danno", He comforted her, while she lets out her emotion again. She finally composed himself, as he was doing that,,Danny rubbed her back, trying to make her feel better.

"I wish I was brave like you, Danno, But it's hard, I wish Steve was here instead of being hurt, I just miss him so much, when he is not here, It's fun around here, when he is around here", The Little Girl said, as she hugs her father tightly, as they relaxed, & enjoyed the silence for awhile. Danny said this to his precious girl, who was his world all of the time. "It's okay to miss someone, & be sad, I know for a fact,,Steve misses you, & your brother like crazy, He wishes that he could be here, But he knows that he has to get better, I know that he is thinking about you, & Charlie, I bet that when he wakes up, the first thing he'll ask, It will be about you two", which put a smile on her face.

"That's more like it, I promise you, Baby, Stan is doing everything that he can for Steve, When he is better, You & your brother could visit him, okay ?", Grace smiled, & said, "Okay, I think I am gonna take a nap, See you later, Danno", "Have a good nap, Monkey, See you later", He said with a smile, as he kissed her head, & as soon as she went to her room, He went to relax for awhile too, before he spends more time with Steve, & make sure that his recovery doesn't get ruined. The Blond Detective can't wait to have everything go back to normal.

Meanwhile, Kono, Chin, & Lou all were having dinner around Steve, as they were guarding him protectively, "I think that we should have a strategy, In case Wo Fat decides to go for the jugular, & try to humiliate, & shame Steve, Before the trial even starts, We should have it figured out", The Ex-Surfer said, as she was putting down her last piece of paperwork, & finished her dinner. "I think you are right, Cuz, I will coordinate with Duke, & make sure that everything goes according to plan", Chin said, as he left to make a call. Lou said with a quiet tone, "I hope that this is over soon, Cause I don't know much Steve could take", he indicated with his head to Steve's sleeping form, Kono said agreeing quietly, "I know, Brother, I know", They focused on their work, & waited to hear from Chin, the newest updates, that he will get from Duke.

Stan was very with the last batch of results that he had on Steve, He was glad that the stripper was almost healed, but needed surgery for his major injuries, broken arm, & leg, also to fix the knife wound on his face, He went to let the others know about it. He just knew that the former seal was fighter, & he wouldn't give up on anything, especially his future with Danny. "Keep it up, Steve, You are doing great", The Doctor whispered into his ear encouragingly, He went to make his rounds, & then find Kono, Lou, & Chin, so he could update them on Steve's improved condition.

Mary & the kids woke up in time to have dinner, Danny said with a smile, "Hey, I made your favorite, Mac & Cheese, with some Hot Dogs, What do you think about that ?", The Kids cheered on that, Mary-Ann said with a smile, "It seems that you are in a better mood, Did time for yourself help ?", "It sure did, Mare, I feel like I could do anything, & take on the world", which made her laugh, & she said with a serious tone, "I meant what I said before, No blame here, The only one is to blame is Wo Fat", He nodded, & said, "Thanks, Mary-Ann", & they went to have dinner.

The Five-O Ohana was surprised to see a smile on Stan's face, but they took that as good news, "What's up, Stan ?", Chin asked anxiously, hoping that they were right, "Steve is doing a little better than we expected, I think that he is ready for the surgery, that we have planned", Kono exclaimed in happiness, "That is great news !", Lou nodded, & said with a smile, "It sure is", Stan said, "You guys enjoy your time with him, Surgery will be early in the morning", They thanked him, Kono said, "I will call Danny & Mary", Chin & Lou went to sit by their love one & friend.

"That's great news, Kono, Great news !", Mary-Ann exclaimed in excitement, she continued to listen, & then said, "Of course, I will tell him, Love you too, Pass our love to Chin, & Lou, Bye", She went to find Danny, & she told him what Kono told her, "Thank you, God !", he said, as he pointed to the sky, Grace came in with a confused face, "What's going on ?", "Steve is gonna be fine, He is getting the surgery to make him better, Babe", Grace felt giddy, as she heard the news. Charlie didn't know what was happening, but he took part in the celebration, as his Aunt Mary danced with around the room, Danny danced with Grace, & Joan too.

"I will stay here, Renee & the kids are in Chicago visiting my parents, So I have some time to myself for a change, Plus, I would feel better too, knowing that Steve is okay, & that he knows he is always not alone", The Gruff Former SWAT Officer said, "That's fine, I will coordinate with Duke on my way home, Making sure that the plan is foolproof, & that there are no mistakes, I will bring breakfast", The Handsome Hawaiian Native said, as he was getting ready to leave. Kono said, "I am gonna head into HQ, Make sure no one hacks our case file on Steve, & everything we have on Wo Fat, & Brian Paleka, I will put some barriers up, so no one get access to them", The Cousins left, & Lou turned to his sleeping love one, & friend, "Okay, Goodlookin', It's you & me now", He settles in for the night.

The Next Morning was chaotic, Everyone was getting ready, Mary-Ann & Danny hurried to take the kids to Rachel's, The Blond said with a relieved smile, "Thank you so very much for doing this, Rache, I mean it, You are a goddess for taking on three kids for the day". The British Lady said with a smile, & a dismissive hand, "It's the least I could do, Go on, You don't want to be late, I will call, If I need something, or for one of you to come back, Give Steve a kiss from me, Okay ?", Mary-Ann & Danny both nodded, each kissing her cheek, & kissed the kids once more, Then they got back into the camaro fast, & sped off for the hospital.

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