He'll Be Loved: Part M:

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Danny & Steve reached for each other, as they kissed passionately, Steve had him sit at a table, & then he said, "I think Wo Fat is starting to trust me a bit more, I have him hook, line, & sinker"

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Danny & Steve reached for each other, as they kissed passionately, Steve had him sit at a table, & then he said, "I think Wo Fat is starting to trust me a bit more, I have him hook, line, & sinker". The Blond nodded, & said, "I think Brian had some photos of us to keep me line, & to blackmail me with, so I would join his & Wo Fat's operation", as they dig in the meals, that the former seal had preordered for them.

"I expected as much", Steve said with a shake of his head, & he broke a piece of bread & dipped in the sauce that was on his plate, He bit into it, & chewed, as he was thinking. "Please be careful, I can't afford to lose you, I just can't, Danno". Danny took of one of his hands, & kissed each knuckle, saying, "You won't ever lose me ever, Babe, Not as long as I am alive", Steve couldn't help but feel that something bad is gonna happen, he put the thought to the side, so he can enjoy the evening with his man.

"I want us to go to this resort, I found, It's private & it's like being at a hotel, but not really & having the experience, I think you would like it, Danny", Steve said with a smile, The Loudmouth Detective said with a smile, "If it's important to you, Then we will go, as soon as this case is wrapped up". That made Steve smile, cause they are closer to having the life, that they are dreaming of. The Stripper can't wait to get rid of this life, & start new with a new one.

Danny received a phone call from Brian & Wo Fat, He was expecting it, Brian told him where to meet them, so Danny agreed to it, & said to the others, "I want everything recorded, & in detail, I can't afford any screw-ups, I want everything on the record", Kono said, "Don't worry, Bossman, We got you covered", & Chin said confidently, "There is no way that they would escape this, No way", Lou said, "I will be inside as one of the staff members, making drinks, but gathering information for the case, as well", That made the blond feel good, & he was able to relax, til the meet happens.

Steve didn't like the fact, that Brian & Wo Fat reached out to Danny so soon, & he said, "They have tricks up their sleeves, so please, please be careful, Baby, I beg of you, You really don't know what they are capable of", The Stripper warned him, as they were lying in bed after an intense round of lovemaking. "I got the others all around me, I don't think they would be stupid enough to try something early in the game", The Blond said, as he caressed his lover's hip in a soothing way. "Please bring some extra heat in case, okay ?", Danny kissed him on the top of his head, "I promise, I will", & they fell into a peaceful slumber, not worrying about anything, til the next day.

Rachel & Stan invited the couple for dinner, They all spent time with Grace, & Charlie, making sure that they come first. As soon as the kids went off to play, after they had dessert, The Adults had the talk about how the case is going. "Are you making any headway ?", The Business Executive asked with concern laced in his voice, "We just got into his operation," Steve said, "It takes time for a conviction sometimes", Rachel said with tone, that means no nonsense, "Please, Be careful, Our kids can't lose you or us at anytime", "We promise", the couple replied in unison, & the rest of the evening with on perfectly without worrying.

The Meet happened, & it was a relaxing setting surprisingly, as Brian, Wo Fat, & Danny sat down at the table, & having drinks too, to keep the setting calm. "I believe our rates are fair for your business & district", Brian said with a smirk, "If you don't play ball with us, Those photos get out, & your reputation turns to shit", Wo Fat said, as he pulls out the photos. Danny said, "What about penalty ?, I need to cover my people, In case, Something happens," The Loudmouth Detective pointed out. Wo Fat & Brian clicked their fingers, & a suitcase was put in front of him, "$ 2.5 million, Cold Cash, I think it should cover our deal, Don't you think ?", Danny said, "I think this week, We should the details sorted out", & they shook hands, & went on their ways.

As soon as Danny entered the house, he was attacked by Steve, "Must be one of his horny days", he thought to himself, Steve tore open his shirt, exposing his muscular torso to him, & licked his nipple, "Mmmm, So glad to see you happy", The Handsome Man said with a wicked gleam in his eyes. "I could tell", Danny said with a moan, as Steve was attacking his neck, & then he slapped the blond on the ass, saying growling, & exclaiming in a commanding tone, "Upstairs now !", He chased his blond adonis upstairs to their bedroom, for a night of sex, & passion.

"Mmmm, You look so delicious like this, Stud, I can't believe that you are mine, & I am yours, We belong together forever", Steve said breathlessly & seductive, as he strips his lover of the last of his clothing, & Danny was doing the same to him, He had Danny in a withering mess, as he was teasing, & licking his cock. "GAWWWD, Steve !", Danny exclaimed, as he was enjoying the sensations that was overtaking him, that Steve was doing to him, Danny ended up coming hard, & fast, Steve had no problem getting every last bit of semen from him, & using it as lube, so he fuck the blond senseless.

Danny got to have his payback on Steve, He bit, teased, & tortured his little nipples, making them incredibly sensitive to the touch, & also he made sure that Steve would orgasm just as hard, as he did. They weren't let up on each other, til they were spent, & tired. Also, Danny made sure that Steve would feel the punishing pounding, that he was giving him, for a week. They shared a leisurely shower, & washed each other, washing the stress of the day off of the other's body, Then, They had a late dinner together, Danny said with a confident smile, "Just a bit longer, Baby, Okay ?", Steve said with a smile of his own, "Okay, Danno, I trust you completely, Let's get these guys, okay ?", Danny nodded, & they went to bed, & held each other, til they fell asleep.

The Second Auction went off without a hitch, & thanks to Danny's supposed connections, They made a bundle, which was split into the three ways, with a percentage to going to Steve, so he can take care of the workers at the club, & the place itself. Steve got to go to Brian, cause the investor got him fair & square, & he is gonna put on a hell of show, so his cover remains intact. "Mmmm, Sir, I am gonna rock your world", Steve said softly with a smile, "I would like for you to try, Sexy", The Investor said in a seductive & challenging tone, Steve just got on his knees, & undid his zipper, Brian just groaned in response, to Steve's warm heat, & mouth on his hard prick, ready to have attention being laid upon.

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