He'll Be Loved: Part F:

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Meanwhile, Steve knew that Wo Fat was satisfied, from the night before

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Meanwhile, Steve knew that Wo Fat was satisfied, from the night before. There was no way to suspect him of anything. He also was given carte blanche on the club, & how it runs, Steve knew has at least something to report to Danny, & the team. Also, He knew that he could juggle this, & his relationship with Danny. He felt so good now, that nothing could ruin his day at all. The Stripper was gonna see his sexy blond adonis later on that day. He now knows how to play the game very well.

Danny was having a peaceful moment by himself, as he was enjoying a doughnut, & a coffee, He knew that he has nothing to worry about. He knows that he could protect Steve subtly with all of his might, which he would never find out. The Blond got hard, as he thought about his perfect man, & he couldn't believe the effect he has on him, even when he isn't there, "Behave, I need to get through this day", he told his lower half, He took a deep breath, & willing it to go down. He decided to do a work out at the gym downstairs. He worked on the bag, as a warm up, & then he got into his exercise routine.

Steve was practicing his "Cop Routine", making sure that it was flawless, & perfect. He knew that Danny would be showing up, He swung around the pole, like a pro, & he made it his own, his home turf, & no one is gonna fuck with it, & take it away from him. Sheila was watching from the bar, & she had a water with lime ready, as he made his way over, she had a smile on her face, she loves it whenever he does his rehearsals, cause she gets a front row seat for it.

"That was the hottest thing, I ever saw, You are gonna smoke it, I mean SMOKE it, They won't know what hits them", she said, as she hands over the drink to him. "Thanks, Baby Doll", Steve said with a smile, as he walks away, She thought to herself, as he walks away, "God, That ass, what I would like to do it", & she went back to work. Steve went into his new office, cause he also has manager duties that he has to take care of, He wants Wo Fat to think that he cares, so he is keeping the act up, til Five-O, & Danny can make their arrests. He knew that he has to keep his cool, & he will do it, as long as Danny needs him to do it.

Kono had photos from the last victim of the of one of Wo Fat's investors, & she couldn't believe that it could happen to Steve like that, & she went to find the others fast, & told them what she found out. "He makes them service his partners, & himself, He takes away their free will to do anything, & makes them feel helpless." She sighed, & said, "Then he has them mutilated, & tortured, dumps in hard spots, he is never convicted of these murders", she concluded, as she looks at the group.

"We are not gonna let that happen, Okay, Steve is gonna come out of this, & He will be happy again, & so would his sister & niece", Lou said with conviction, Chin added, & said, "We will be there for him, If he needs us, Let's not force ourselves on him", Danny said, "I am gonna see him soon, Tonight in fact at the club", Everyone was teasing him, & he said mock scolding, "Shut up, It's for work", & he blushed, which made teasing go a little bit further, He just went into his office, as everyone was composing themselves, & finished up the day's work, so their day will be free.

Steve was ready to debut his new routine, as he was getting ready to be the opening act of the show, He said to himself, "This is worth it, It's only a couple of weeks to a month, Then when I get that bastard out of my life, I could focus on Danny, & our future", Wo Fat entered the dressing room, & said with a apologetic smile, "I am so sorry, I am gonna miss you debuting, But there is a problem with the business", "Oh nothing too serious, I hope ?", "Nothing, I could handle", The Well-Known Criminal said with confidence, He pulled out some hundred dollar bills, & said, "Take whoever you want to dinner, Your friends, or Mary-Ann & Joan, I will make it up to you this weekend", He kissed him on the cheek, & hurried out to take care of the problem.

Danny made it just in time, Shelia made sure that Danny got the best seat in the house on Steve's orders, He went quickly to the dressing room without being discovered. Steve was smiling big, as he came through the door, & he closed it, & they shared a passionate kiss, Then he handed over the proof to his blond lover, "There is something I have to tell you, Babe", The Loudmouth Detective said, & fills him in, Steve understood, & said, "I will be careful, I promise", He knew also that Danny will protect Mary & Joan too, "Go, Before someone sees you, & tells Wo Fat". Danny left quickly, Steve closes the door, & gets ready, & when he was done, he went straight to the stage.

Danny was in his seat, he could not wait to see what Steve had come up with for a routine, Suddenly the lights dimmed, & the lights & spot lights got brighter, & were focused on Steve, as he was doing dirty moves, that should become illegal, Steve voice comes from the speaker, shouting, "Halt In The Of Law !", & then the lights were focused on Danny, as the club had become darken, Steve smirked evilly, as he was stalking his prey, he went over to him, as he was continuing his routine, Danny was never this nervous before, & he gulped out in fear.

He felt Steve go behind him, & felt teasing licks, nips, & kisses along his neck, which made him moan out his pleasure, & he shivered, Then Steve undid his shirt, one button at a time, The Audience shouting, & chanting, "Strip him, Strip him !", He gave a lap dance in his lap, making the forming hard on unbearable, as he grinds into him, He exclaimed, "Oh, Shit !", as he threw his head back, & enjoy it, Steve moved his ass around, & make it so unbearable, He strips off an article of clothing at a time. Danny had to beg, "Steve, Please ?", he said pleading, "Oh, I will take care of you, Danno", he said with a growl, He got off of his lap, & he agonizingly undid his zipper, & pulled out his cock out of his boxer briefs, leisurely stroking it to sensitivity.

"I am gonna suck you so hard, Stud, You won't be able to think for at least a week", Steve said seductively, & he cackled with an evil chuckle, Without warning he took him into his mouth, The Gorgeous Blond shouted, "HOLY SHIIIITTTT !!!!", he came into the stripper's mouth, much to the delight of the audience, Steve began a sucking motion, that felt so good to Danny, & he teased the head, just the way he likes it. "Yeah, Steve, Babe, Just like that !", he said exclaiming with encouragement, & he came hard again, Steve fixed him up, & danced his way back to the stage in only his G-String, Danny found it hard to concentrate after that. He finished it up, with the pole, & then he went behind the curtain, Everyone let out an roar of applause, Danny went straight to his dressing room, found Steve bending over, He snuck up, & popped an asscheek, "You are such a naughty boy, Sailor, I am gonna fix that in a jiffy, he had him in position, while he strips out of his clothes, & then he rough pulls down Steve's G-String, & rips off of him, He gets himself ready to fuck him, & reclaim him, Steve said urging him on exclaiming, "Do it, Danny, Make me yours again !", Danny bit an asscheek, & said with a growl, "You are so fucked", & started to pummel inside of him.

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