He'll Be Loved: Part X:

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They were enjoying the hot tub on that beautiful morning, Steve finally felt relaxed, & he said to his lover with a smile, "Thank you for doing this, Danny, We needed this badly", "I just don't want this moment to end so soon", The Blond admitted ...

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They were enjoying the hot tub on that beautiful morning, Steve finally felt relaxed, & he said to his lover with a smile, "Thank you for doing this, Danny, We needed this badly", "I just don't want this moment to end so soon", The Blond admitted softly, "It won't, Danny, I promise you", "Not, If I have anything to say about it", The Former New Jersey Native pulled down his boardies, & Steve did the same to his, Danny was glad that Steve is taking charge, & they had a fantastic round of hot tub sex, before they go to bed.

The Five-O & Ellie managed to make every news website's life a living hell, if they published the pictures. "I am just happy that Steve would get a little break for awhile, til the trial starts", Ellie said, as she sipped on some coffee. Kono said agreeing, "Yeah, I mean, We don't need to be under additional pressure, as he is preparing to testify". Chin said, "I think we shouldn't mention anything yet to Steve, But give Danny a heads up", Lou said agreeing, "Yeah, Cause Steve would automatically blame himself, We don't need that, Don't we ?", Everyone shook their heads "no", & were pleased with the decision, that was made.

Jeff Simpson was summoned to the prison, Brian said pissed off, "Where is the big article ?", Wo Fat said, "Yeah, It should've been front page news", he was seething, as he said this. "Five-O has the means & immunity, they basically told them, print a picture, or lose your job", The Lawyer said poorly defending himself, "I don't fucking care, I want his fucking reputation ruined", Brian said, Wo Fat said, "Yeah, What he said, or you lose your life", Jeff gulped, & decided to figure on how to leave town quietly after the trial, without anyone noticing.

Meanwhile, After making love in the shower, Steve treated his lover to one of his world famous & needed, body massages, which turned out to be another make out session. "I love you, Danno", Steve said proudly, & not shameful, admitting that the other man had become his life. "I love you too, Baby", He fell asleep, while Steve cooks them one of his specialties for lunch. "I am the luckiest man on Earth", The Ex-Stripper thought to himself, as he finishes cooking, set the table up, & wakes his lover from his peaceful sleep.

One sleazy website, Who doesn't care about ethics, decided to buy a copy of the photos, so they can publish them on their site, & they had the 1st amendment to back them up, If they have to, they would sue Five-O, so they can keep running their operation, But they knew that they would be challenged against, as they move along, Kono saw the photos being online, & she exclaimed, "Son of a bitch, I can't believe it !", Chin, & Lou came running out of their offices, "What's up, Cuz ?", Chin said soothingly, "Yeah, Talk to us, Girl", Lou said, as he placed a hand on her other shoulder. She said, "Look at this, Guys", & she pulled up the site once more.

"That son of a bitch, Man, I can't believe that he would do this, I really can't", Lou said, as he looked at the photos along with his love ones, "Well, Maybe we can scare him & his staff a bit, Let's go", Chin said, as he placed a call, "Ellie, Yeah, We saw the photos, We are heading over, Meet us there ?, See you later". They went inside of Lou's SUV, & they went over to the online website's location, so they can kick some ass, & talk some sense into the owner of it. They are hoping to have no photos around, so Steve & Danny could see it, & find out, without them telling them first.

They found the owner, Michael Clark, & the staff is already hiding, he found that Five-O was pissed off, & he didn't care. He had a job to do, "It was nothing personal, Just business, Besides he is a hooker, He deserves what he gets", The Owner said with a sneer, "Oh, Really ?", Kono said, as she shoots out a couple of monitors, & the printer. Michael exclaimed, "You are crazy !", Chin said, "Stop publishing the pictures, or else", Lou said, "The Else is that we come back & finish what we started," Kono said, "We can arrest you for the false reporting & publishing, that you did, Then, We will have the Governor on your ass", "If you decide to sue, You'll lose", & they left him with the mess that he had to deal with.

It was evening time, Steve was doing some deep thinking, & Danny said, as he wrapped his arms around his sexy lover, "Penny for your thoughts ?", he asked with a smile, Steve smiled bigger, & said with a sigh, "I can't believe that it's almost time for us to go home", "Let's not think about that right now, Let's enjoy the time & each other", The Blond nuzzled against his cheek, as he said this, & then, He stripped them out of their clothes, & they went skinny dipping in the ocean in front of their cabin, & they had sex on the beach, in the hot tub, & pool. Then, They fucked against a wall, & then on the table & in the shower, They finally made it to the bed, & made love for all that it's worth. They fell asleep, & felt at peace for the first time in awhile.

The Next Morning, Five-O introduced Ellie to Stan, Rachel, Mary-Ann, & the kids, while the little ones went to play with Grace, Chin updated them on the situation, that was at hand. Ellie said, "We have to play it loose & smart", "Well, We just have to be careful, & make sure that kids remain safeguarded", The British Lady said with her crisp accent, & Mary-Ann said, "I really would love a piece of Wo Fat, Just to kick him in the balls". Everyone laughed, "Maybe, You'll get your chance", Lou said, Stan said with a chuckle, "I would love to see that", The kids came in, & Gracie said with a smile, not knowing what's going on, "Lets give Danno & Steve a big welcome home party", Charlie said adding, "With cake", "Cake !", Joan exclaimed, liking the idea, & the adults love the idea. They went on with the planning.

Steve & Danny made the most of their remaining time that they had on vacation, But the truth is, They missed home, & they want to see the kids, & their love ones, Once, They made sure that they have everything, settled up the bill, & left for home. When they got home, They were surrounded by their ohana, & they yelled, "SURPRISE !!!", Everyone gathered them up, & welcomed them back, & had so much fun. When it was time to for them leave, Stan & Rachel saw that Five-O & Ellie wanted to talk to the new super couple, & update them on what had been going on lately, while they were on vacation.

"We will take Mary-Ann & Joan with us tonight, along with the kids just for the night, so you guys can focus on the trial, & what else that needs to be done", Stan said, as he hugged Steve & Danny. The Couple replied in unison, "Thanks", Rachel said, "Call us, If you need something", The Couple promised that they will, Mary-Ann said, "I love you", & they left with the children. Ellie filled them in on the photos, & Five-O promised that they aren't anymore circulating around, "Thank you for being wonderful friends", Steve said, & Danny said, "Yes, Thank you, This means so much to us". Hugs & Kisses were passed around, The others went home, & Steve & Danny unpacked, & settled in for the night.

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