He'll Be Loved: Part V:

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Steve was still in disbelief, that Danny was still with him, despite everything that happened

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Steve was still in disbelief, that Danny was still with him, despite everything that happened. "Why do you still want me ?", The Stripper asked full of emotion, as he was seeking comfort from his lover. He sobbed out, "I am so dirty", Then he got into the fetal position, The Blond couldn't believe that his lover was saying this about himself.

"You are not dirty, You are the most wonderful, & beautiful person to me, Baby, Don't you realize that ?, You brought me so much happiness, when we met, & got together, You took my world, & shook it up", Danny said, as he hugged him close, & rubbing his back in a soothing motion, hoping it would make him feel better, & comfortable around him. Steve sniffled, as a response, & said, "I love you so much, Danny", as he was accepting the comfort, that his lover was offering, & it felt so good to take it, cause he needs it.

"I love you so much too, Steve", he placed a kiss on the side of his head, & they snuggled against each other gently. Steve felt like his world was slowly spinning back to normal, & he finally feels safe, & secured, as long as Danny gives up the hugs. Once, He was settled, & ready to rest again, He smiled, as he felt Danny lay behind him, & snuggled Steve against his chest, & they had a wonderful night sleep. The Next Morning, Danny smiled, as he watched Steve sleep, He said, vowing thinking to himself, as he continued to watch him, "I will protect him, & will die for him". He settled back down, & relaxed against Steve, & wait for him.

Finally, When Steve woke up, Danny felt him move a bit, & the blond said, smiling big, "Morning, Baby, How are you feeling ?", The Former Stripper said with a smile, "I am okay", Danny said, as he gets up, & ready to start the day. Once he was fresh, & clean, He got Steve set up too, "We will get through this, Babe, Together, Always & Forever." Steve smiled, & said softly, "Thank you, Danny", & they got ready for the day. They are gonna have some quality, & quiet time together, while Steve recovers.

Brian paid for the incriminating pictures of Steve, He smiled, as he took a look at them, & smiled wickedly in response to them. "Perfect", he thought to himself, & he knew that the ex-seal has no choice, if he didn't want the pictures published, He has to join them. He went to show Wo Fat, what he had discovered on their slave/toy. "God, We will have that piece of ass, whenever we want", he thought to himself, as he went to Wo Fat's cell. He figured that the criminal already knew, & is ready for him.

Meanwhile, Steve was making progress in his therapies, except regular therapy. He doesn't want to talk about his feelings, or what happened to him. Danny wants him to face his fears, but Steve is sticking to his guns, & being stubborn. "I don't want to, Danno, Please don't make me". The Blond knew it was the right thing to do. Danny said soothingly, "Babe, It's the right thing to do, You'll feel better in the long run", The Brunette Man knew that his lover never stood him wrong, so he said, "Can I think about it, Danno ?", The Loudmouth Detective said with a smile, "Of course, Hon, No pressure", & they went inside, so Steve could continue his therapies.

Ellie found out that her friend, a judge, who can't stand sexual abusers, rapers, & molestors, is willing to take on Steve's case, & grant him a divorce, she met with him, "Craig Wilson, If you can make this happen, You are a god to me,,This guy had a horrible life, & deserves some happiness", she told her old friend. "Don't worry, I got this, I am a champion for the underdog, You should know that by now", Ellie kissed his cheek, & the young lawyer said, "Of course, I do". She & Craig said their "goodbyes", & she went to update Danny.

Chin, Lou, & Kono were refreshed, after taking time out for themselves. "I hope at least some evidence comes in from the hostage case", The Ex-Surfer said, & Chin agreed, saying, "Me too, Cuz", Lou said, "We will, & also we'll get Steve through this", They decided to go see Steve at the hospital, They are hoping to make their love one feel better, & hopefully, They can get Steve feeling good again, & get him started on a routine.

Steve was thinking about his family, & how Mary-Ann & Joan thinks of him, as strong. He wants to live up to that example. "God, Help me through this", The Former Seal thought to himself, The Stripper also thought about Sheila, & hopes that she is okay, He decided to testify & go to therapy, before he loses his nerve. He told Danny, who was coming back with their dinner, "I'll do it, I will seek help, & testify", Danny's smile outshined the sun. He kissed him, as a response. "Good, Babe, That's good", They had dinner, & then enjoyed some time under the stars afterwards.

After being out there for awhile, Steve still gets a little bit tired easily, so Danny got him back inside, & ready for bed, while he was doing that, he thought about how things are gonna be for the better. "Don't worry, Love, Everything will be fine, You don't have to worry about anything ever again", he thought to himself, as he looked at his lover's sleeping form. Then Ellie came with a smile, as she knocked on the door, & Danny said with a smile, "What's up, Ellie ?", She explained to him why she was there, Danny couldn't believe how fast she worked, "Thank you, Oh, Thank you", Ellie said with a comforting hand on his shoulder, "You are most welcome", She left the couple to their privacy, Danny got ready for bed, laid in the recliner, right besides his lover's bedside.

It took a month for Steve to feel right about leaving the hospital, He has all the support in the world, & Rachel said, "You call me day or night, If Danny gets on your nerves, okay ?", Steve laughed, which was music to everyone's ears, & he said, "I will, Rache, Thank you for everything", He thanked his ohana, & they left for their destined vacation spot, so they can be away from the distractions, & the talks about getting the trial set up for a couple months. Steve just wants to think about nothing for a change, & have time to enjoy himself being around Danny, & getting used to their relationship.

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