He'll Be Loved: Part : O:

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Danny & Steve were so focused on themselves, They have no idea that they were being watched, as Lorenzo was across the street taking pictures of them, They were in dangerous territory now, & they have to fight like hell to survive to stay alive, &...

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Danny & Steve were so focused on themselves, They have no idea that they were being watched, as Lorenzo was across the street taking pictures of them, They were in dangerous territory now, & they have to fight like hell to survive to stay alive, & ahead of the game. "God, I missed you so much, Steve, So much that it hurts", Danny said above a whisper, "Me too, Babe, me too", & they resumed their passionate kissing. In the meantime, The Tabloid Reporter was on his way back to Brian, & Wo Fat, He is gonna tell them that Steve is definitely a snitch, & can't be trusted.

"Your tongue is so wicked, I love it", Steve gasps, as Danny lets his tongue trail down in the grooves of his abdominals, which were just too much to resist not tracing them, "Glad you think so, If you like my tongue, You'll love my mouth". Without warning, He took him fully into his mouth, & began to turn him to putty, "OHHHHHHH, SHHHHHHIIIIT !!!!", The Former Seal screamed out, as he orgasmed hard. When he composed himself, "I don't want to even know, You are too good at this, Daniel, Too damn good", Danny said with a smirk, "Why thank you kind, Sir", & they embraced each other, as they took a nap.

"He is a cop, I got a beautiful shot of his badge, He is Five-O, Hawaii's Elite Taskforce, It looks like they been fucking for the last couple of weeks, to a month", Lorenzo said, as he was reporting on his findings, "Son of a bitch", Brian said, disappointed that Steve could turn on them. Wo Fat said with an evil smile, "I want him here, I got something in mind, Something so awful, He would think twice of betraying me ever again", Brian knew exactly what that was, "Mmmm, We finally get a chance to get a crack of that sweet ass of his", Wo Fat said to one of his goons, "As soon as he comes here, I want him brought to me", The Goon nodded, & went to wait for Steve. Then one of the other goons went to take care of Bruno, so he couldn't tell Steve that he was discovered & found out.

When they woke up, They took a long leisurely shower together, & then they dressed for the day, "I will be fine, Danno, Please don't worry about me too much, okay, I will see you later", The Blond kissed his lover, & said, "See you later, Baby", & they headed for their jobs, Both having no idea that things went to a hell in a hand basket, while they weren't around. "The Boss wants to see you," Wo Fat's goon said, & leads him into the office, & Brian & the other goons were there too, The Door was closed, Suddenly, Steve was held back by his arms, He exclaimed, "Hey !", Wo Fat came across, stood in front of him, back handed him, with blood trickling down his face.

"You Whore, I trusted you, Brought you into my business, My Life, You betrayed me with that pig, I am gonna teach you a lesson, You'll never forget !", he exclaimed with anger, He nodded to the goons to hold him down on the desk, & he ripped off the leather pants, that Steve was wearing, Catcalls & whistles filled the room, cause they were salivating at the sight of that delicious ass, He undid himself, & plunged into him harder than ever, Steve just cried, as the punishment was dealt out, He stood there & took it. He whimpered, as he thought to himself, "Please, Danny, Please come & find me", as the tears were coming down his face.

Meanwhile, Danny & the Five-O Ohana were working on the angles & final details of getting Wo Fat, & his operation, so Hawaii would be safe again, "I think we got it all figured it out now", The Loudmouth Detective said with certainty, as they were looking over the plans of Wo Fat's club, & found the best entrance in. "We just have to wait for Steve's signal", Kono said, as she monitor the screen, to see if Steve activated the tracking device, "We can't risk going in early, Otherwise someone could get hurt", Chin said, Lou nodded, & agreed, saying, "Yeah, The best option is to wait", So that is what they did.

"Mmmm, Baby, So nice & tight for me", Wo Fat cooed seductively as he pummeled into him, "Fuck you", Steve spat out in anger, "Soon, My Pet, But first, You like cock so much, Cock is what you gonna get", He nodded to his employees & friends, "Guys, He feels so good, Best you'll ever get", The Goons, & Brian all had their fill of him, Steve was openly crying, Then, When everyone was finished, Wo Fat said in a commanding tone, "Take him to the Behavior Room, I think he needs some reinforcing", Sheila gasped, as she saw Steve, in the condition that he was in, She hurried to the locker room, went through Steve's things, & found Danny's card, & hurried to call him, to let him know that Steve was in danger.

Danny & the gang were now worried, They should've gotten Steve's signal, They were monitoring the screens, to see if it's broken, They had full blown concerns on their faces, as they were doing this, Danny's cellphone rang, They immediately perked up at that, as Danny answered barking, "Williams", "Detective Williams, This is Sheila form Erotica XXX, I am calling to tell you that Steve is danger, Please come & hurry", Sheila said frantically on the line, "We will be there, Just get yourself & Steve somewhere safe, If you can, Don't open the doors, unless you know it's us", "Got it", They hung up at the same time, & Danny turned to his team, "Let's step it up, & move it out", & they rushed to get ready to raid the club.

They stripped Steve of his clothing, they were wolf whistling, & hollering, catcalling, as they got a look at the delicious body in front of them, They also hit him so many times, that he was afraid that he was gonna die right then & there, He had cuts, bruises, & marks all over him, The Stripper had gotten control on his thoughts, & said thinking to himself, "Danny would come, Danny would come for me", as he was getting sprayed time after time with the freezing cold water. Once, They had their fill of their fun, They left him alone, & Sheila rushed in & out to get him without being discovered, & keep him safe, til Five-O comes in to rescue them.

They got to the club, Danny gave the countdown signal, & they busted in, They had a shootout, & had lost of the goons, SWAT had the rest in custody, & along with Wo Fat, & Brian. Danny & the others began a frantic search for their love one, "SHEILA, SHEILA !!!!", The Blond screamed out, "HERE, WE ARE IN HERE !!!!", Sheila screamed back with just as much force, that she could muster. Danny & the team got to the spot, & the loudmouth detective kicked in the door, They were shocked to see Steve naked, beaten, & badly bruised, but they put that to the side, as they got him out of there, Paramedics were called, & waiting to load him on to the gurney, & taken to King's Medical Center Hospital.

Sheila told them that she would ride with him, so he wouldn't be alone, They thanked her, as the ambulance was closed up, & left in a rush to get the former seal the help that he needed. They were clearing, & cleaning up the scene, especially where Steve was raped, & tortured. "Your Slut should've thought about what he started", Wo Fat said smirking, couldn't resist to put that dig in, "What ?", Danny said, as he pretending to clear out his ears, & making his to him. "I said....Your", He was cut off by Danny punching him hard, he fell through the glass table hard, "I guess you shouldn't had say that", Chin said simply, "Stupid, Really stupid", Kono said agreeing, "If Steve doesn't make it, We'll be back, You can count on that", Lou concluded, saying this to him on the ground, They left the rest of the cleaning up to Duke & the HPD, & hurried to the hospital, They called Mary on the way, so she knows what's going on.

He'll Be Loved: (1st in the Mobster Series)Where stories live. Discover now