He'll Be Loved: Part P:

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Steve was moaning in pain, as the paramedics were giving him some temporary relief, as they were heading their way to the hospital, "Babe, Can you hear me ?, Please, please stay with me, You promised me forever, Remember ?", he whispered into his ...

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Steve was moaning in pain, as the paramedics were giving him some temporary relief, as they were heading their way to the hospital, "Babe, Can you hear me ?, Please, please stay with me, You promised me forever, Remember ?", he whispered into his ear, as they were on their quickest way there, so there was nothing to stop them. The Blond was worried about his lover, physically, & mentally. Chin, Kono, & Lou got there, & they all ushered them in, so they could get updates, & also, Danny could get cleaned up.

Danny couldn't help but let the tears fall down his face, Everyone was being so comforting to him, "He will be okay, He will be okay, Danny, You just have to believe that, & believe in him, You guys are amazing, & have this bond, that can't be broken", Kono said, as she hugs him to her. Lou added, "Steve is a tough guy, He won't go down without a fight, He will stay around for you, & the kids, Also for us, Cause we love him so much", Chin said, "He would, Come on, Brah, Let's get you cleaned up", He led him to the locker room, that the nurses offered, so he would look his best for Steve.

Danny lets out his emotion, & frustration, in the shower, He wished that he killed Wo Fat, & make him really pay for the hell that he put his precious lover through. He composed himself, & said to himself thinking, "I can't lose it, Steve needs me, I need to be strong for him", He finished up his shower, & he & Chin went back to the waiting room, where Kono & Lou are waiting for them. "Don't worry, Brah, He will come out of this, I just know it", The Loudmouth Detective hopes that his friend is right, cause they need all of the prayers, & luck in the world.

Mary-Ann came in, after dropping Joan off at the sitter's, "How is he ?, How's my big brother ?", she asked with concern, "We don't know yet, Mare, He is still being looked at", Chin said with a sigh, "We are not giving up hope, Little Mama", Lou added, Kono said, as she comforts the tear-eyed woman, "We just need to say a lot of prayers, & give off positive energy, So Steve will feel it, Also, He needs the best doctor", Danny said, as he thought of a guy, "I will be right back", & he went to make a phone call, possibly calling in that favor, that was owed to him.

Meanwhile, Rachel just got a bad feeling that something bad had happened, Even though, she is not married to him anymore, She hopes that Danny is being careful, & so is Five-O. She shook off the feeling, as Charlie calls out to her, "Mama, I am hungry", She said with a smile, "I am coming, My Baby Boy", She went into her kitchen, & fixed her son a snack, so he can focus on playing, & doing other fun kid stuff. Her body had stiffened, as the phone rang, after she sets Charlie up with his snack.

"Rachel," Danny's voice broke over the line, "Are you okay, Daniel ?", she asked with concern, "I am, I am, Listen, I need a huge favor, I know it's Stan's time off, & your special time with the kids, But I don't know that many MD's, especially ones who specializes in Rape, & Trauma, But I need help, I need his help, & yours too", he was practically begging over the phone, "Of course, Danny, What needs to be done ?, We will help Steve, You know that", she said with conviction. "Thank you, Rachel, I know that, I need you stay with him, while me & the team wraps the case, Stan needs to do an exam on him, & become his doctor on record", he said, as he composed himself. Rachel said, "We will be there, as soon as we can", They hung up, & she went to fill her husband in on the situation.

"I don't know what to do, I mean I want to get rid of the house, The Son of a bitch gave me & Joan, Plus, I want my brother far away from the condo, as soon as possible, But, Can it happen ?", she looked over, as she asked the Five-O Team. "I think we have enough juice to make that happen, or at least make the beach property his, & while he is recovering, We can make it manageable for him & Danny", The Blond McGarrett nodded, & said, "It's a plan than", They were going over details, as Danny was making their way back to them.

The E.R. Doctor came up to them, & he said reporting his findings, "He went through hell, he was raped & definitely sexually assaulted from his experience, I think also the worst was the cuts, If you can get a specialist in here, I think it would make the best possible improvement in his recovery", Danny nodded & said, "I've arranged for someone to come", The Young Doctor said, "Good, All of our resources are available, I will make sure that everyone knows not to bother him or Mr. McGarrett, while they are here", He left to do his rounds.

As soon as the doctor was out of earshot, The Team & Mary were telling Danny, what they were talking about, when he came back from making his phone call. "I think it's a great idea, Plus, I think distance from this previous life would make it even better for him, as he feels better", Mary said to Danny, "Why don't lie down here on the couch, Danny ?, We will wake you up if something changes", He was about to protest, when they all gave him the look, "Just dare to challenge us" look, He nodded, & settled down to rest, as he was falling asleep, he dreamed of his new future with Steve, to keep him going, & give him strength.

Grace was upset to hear that Steve got hurt, But she was promised that she & Charlie gets to see him, when he is a little bit better, & improving, The British Lady kissed her daughter on the cheek, & said, "Be a good girl for Lana, & help take care of your little brother, okay ?", "Okay, Mom, I love you", she kissed her mother, Rachel smiled, & said, "Oh, I love you too, Baby", They hugged quickly, Stan smiled at his young stepdaughter, & said, "I love you too, Gracie", He kissed her too, & hugged her, Then, They raced to the hospital, Stan has no hesitation of helping Steve, cause he is family, & the kids adore him, He will do his best in helping him.

Once they cleaned Steve up, & had him stabilized, The Nurse told the ohana, that he is ready for visitors, but only two at a time, Lou, Kono, & Chin all agreed that Mary, & Danny should go & see him, They will go to HQ, & see if there is any new developments in the case. Once, They were shown to Steve's room, & went in, Danny & Mary held each other, & sobbed, as they took in the condition of their love one, They went in, & sat by each of his bedsides, so he knows that he isn't alone, & that they are there for him.

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