He'll Be Loved: Part R:

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Meanwhile, Rachel was wiping the sweat off of Steve's forehead with a cool cloth, He was obviously having a nightmare, mumbling at first, Then he exclaimed in his sleep, "No, No, Please don't hurt him, Danno, No !", He was whimpering & terrified, ...

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Meanwhile, Rachel was wiping the sweat off of Steve's forehead with a cool cloth, He was obviously having a nightmare, mumbling at first, Then he exclaimed in his sleep, "No, No, Please don't hurt him, Danno, No !", He was whimpering & terrified, & she rushed out to get her ex, hopefully, that would make him feel really better, so she went to find Stan, Hopefully He would know where Danny went.

Danny was having a nightmare of his own, he was dreaming of Steve getting sold off in the auction, he didn't get there in time, He was being tortured by Brian, & the other buyers, They let Wo Fat in on the fun, "NOOOO!!!", The Blond screams out. He was being kept from his lover, as they were fucking the stripper, "Enjoy the show, Detective, This is the closest you would ever get to him again", The Kingpin said with a smirk, He kept on screaming, while Steve was crying, & cried out in pain, begging them & Danny for it to stop, Finally, It did stop, Steve ended up being dead. He woke up drenched in sweat, & found that he was alone, exclaiming, "No, Steve !", Mary-Ann came in a hurry, to see what is bothering his brother's true love. She loves Danny, & she can't stand for him to be hurt by this, & for him to take blame, & hating himself for making Steve go undercover.

"Stan, Where did Daniel go ?", Rachel asked anxiously, once she found him by the Nurse's Station, "He went home to rest for awhile, Why, What's wrong, Babe ?", "Steve is having a nightmare, I hate to wake up Daniel, But Steve needs him, Can we call him ?", He nodded, & brought his wife to his private office, They sat down, & Stan place the call to Danny. He saw that Rachel was upset, "Don't worry, Baby, We will make sure everything is okay, & better, As he waited for Danny or Mary-Ann to pick up.

Danny was explaining that he was having a bad dream, & in it, Steve was being tortured, & killed. Mary-Ann comforted him, by bringing him closer to her, & they hugged, "It's gonna be okay, Danny, Steve is gonna get through this, So are we, We are gonna send Wo Fat straight to hell for doing this to him for this long"." Suddenly, The phone rang, Danny saw that it was Stan, & he asked, "What's up, Stan ?", He listened, & got up instantly, He hung up, & said, "I got to go, Steve needs me, Mare, Thank you for listening to me", "Anytime, Now go, move your ass", Danny got changed, & ready to start his day earlier, Steve needs him, & that is where he is gonna be.

Stan said with a smile, "He is coming, I got to finish my rounds, Just keep him calm", Rachel said, as she kisses him, "I will, See you soon", She hurried back to his room, & stayed by Steve's side, so he wouldn't be alone. Once, She saw that he was settled back peacefully, She whispered to him, "Daniel is on the way, Steve, He is on the way, Just hold on a bit longer", The Former Navy Seal murmured, "Danno", She smiled, & said, "That's right, He is on the way, So you sleep & relax", & she held on to one of his hands, & made sure that he feels her squeezing it, & that he knows that he isn't alone. She thought to herself worriedly, "Hurry, Daniel, Please hurry", & she refocused her attention on Steve.

Danny stopped at the market, & got a gallon of Steve's favorite ice cream, Eddy's Brownie Fudge Ripple, He thought to himself, "I am gonna help Steve, We are gonna make it together, & get through this shit too", as he continued on his way to the hospital. Once, He got to the parking lot, he parked & shut the car off, he took his frustration out on the steering wheel, & cried his heart out, letting out the frustration, that the ordeal has brought them, when he composed himself, he went inside to visit, & hopefully get Steve to wake up.

Dolores, The Head Nurse, & A friend to Five-O, was making sure that Steve was comfortable, she was doing her job, & said to Danny, as he came in, "Rachel needed a break, She is gonna be back soon, & she said that to call her, If you need her. She wanted to see your kids, & spend some time with them", Danny nodded, & thanked her, The Young Nurse finished everything up, & left the couple to their privacy, so they can have time together. The Blond went to sit by his lover's bedside, & prayed that he will wake up soon, so they can start their lives together, like they planned.

Rachel got home, & dismissed the nanny, Grace greeted her mother, & asked, "How's Steve doing ?", The Proper Woman didn't want to lie to her daughter, so she was honest in saying, "He is still not doing so well, Baby, He is gonna need surgery, & time to heal, I think if we all send out positive wishes, & prayers, He will get better faster, & be home with your Danno, cause your father needs him", The Young Girl said with a nod, "I will, Mom, I will pray for him, & make him a gift too", Rachel smiled, & said, "I think he will love it, If you need help, Let me know", "Charlie is resting, He was a little stressed, cause he misses his super seal so much", Grace reported to her mom. "Well, To cheer you up, How would you like to spend the first of the summer with your father & Steve ?", Grace's response was to kiss her soundly on the cheek, & thank her profusely, They went to make a late breakfast.

Danny must had dozed off, cause he heard whimpering coming from Steve, & he was trying to escape the plan, that had overcame him, Once, Danny had touched his cheek, Steve shrieked back, & moaned out, "Noooo, I want Danno, I want my Danno", The Loudmouth Detective couldn't help, but cry, He said whispering into his ear, "God, Babe, It's Danno, I am right here with you, I am right here fighting along with you, I love you so much", He kept that up, & it seemed to do the trick, & Steve settled back peacefully in his sleep, Danny continued to keep vigil, & make sure that nothing disturbs his lover's need of sleep, He would be damned, if he lets him get hurt again.

Meanwhile, After just a little sleep, Kono exclaimed, "I found them !", Chin & Lou came running up to her, "What's up, Cuz ?", The Handsome Hawaiian Native said, "I found the other surviving victims, They are being held on a fishing boat", she said with a smile, "You Little Mama, You are a genius !", The Former SWAT Commander said exclaiming, as the two men hugged her. They rushed out to rescue them, & collect enough evidence to make sure that Brian Paleka, & Wo Fat gets the full sentence of the crimes, that they committed, & make sure that Steve remains safe, & protected under their care, & love, as ohana, & friends.

Mary-Ann got her day started, & made sure that her daughter was taken care of, she got them ready, & dropped Joan off at her babysitter's, She wanted to keep Danny company, & make sure that he isn't alone, once she got into her brother's hospital room, She asked with hope, "Any change ?", Danny shook his head sadly, "No change, He had a nightmare earlier this morning, But since then, He has been stable", "Why don't you go, & stretch your legs, huh ?, I will stay with him, You know, I will call you, If I need you", He actually thought it was actually a great idea, He made an appointment to see Ellie Clayton, & see if they can help Steve get his divorce from Wo Fat, & start over with money, that is due to him.

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