He'll Be Loved: Part K:

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Danny couldn't believe that there are so many sex fiends, who love this sort of thing

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Danny couldn't believe that there are so many sex fiends, who love this sort of thing. He couldn't believe that Steve was actually a part of this, & now, he is jealous, that someone will have their way with him, & hurt him in the process too. The Loumouth Detective knew how to blend in, so he wasn't sticking out like a sore thumb, He spotted Brian Paleka, & went to work on him. The Investor smiled, as the blond approach him, Hw knew that he was interested in doing business.

"Mr. DeMarco, It's a pleasure to meet you, He held out a hand, Danny took it, & kissed it, as a sign of a respect. The Blond Detective said with a bright smile, "The Pleasure is mine", & they went straight to business. "What type are you looking for ?", Brian asked, indicated to his men, & women doing their thing. "I am looking for a hot & sexy brunette, muscular, mysterious, with a bit of alluring on the side". Brian smirked, & said, "I got the one for you, Just have your money ready", He left to prepare his announcement about not bidding in the first part of the auction.

Steve & the chosen ones were ready to do their spicy, & sexy routine, as part of the entertainment, Wo Fat put a hand on his shoulder, & said, "You'll be great, Babe, I just know it", & placed a gentle kiss on it. He went to the front, & took his customary seat, so he is not to miss a thing. Steve took a deep breath, & kept thinking to himself, "I can do this, I can do this, I can do this, For my new future, & for Danny". Then he & his group took their cues, & were ready to perform, Then take part in the auction.

Danny was in complete awe to see his lover in the zone, as he saw him at the side of the stage, preparing to go on. Steve caught Danny looking at him, & he winked, as a response to it. Danny mouthed, "Love you, Babe", & Steve nodded, & mouthed, "Love you too, Danno". They focused their attention back on the case. Danny took his seat, & watched to see if anything suspicious is gonna happen. As soon as he saw that everything was okay, he focused back on the performance, that was being put on.

Steve now was feeling a little more confident, & was doing dance moves that should be considered "illegal", the hungry guys couldn't get enough of the former seal shaking his ass, & his dancing. The Women & Danny were swooning over Steve, as he & fellow strippers were doing their moves, & quickly down to their G-strings, & bras, when they did the finale, Everyone whooped, hollered, & applauded, as they were taking their bows, & went to clean themselves up. While they were doing that, Danny & the audience were treated to a wonderful food, & drink display. The Blond was feeling a bit better about things so far going well, He quickly updated the others.

The Patrons were having so much fun, plus Danny was mixing, & mingling among them, seeing if they can get some useful info, & intel. Wo Fat feels like he has competition for Steve with him, & he decided to play nice, cause business would be good with him contributing to it. He also wants to see if he has any feelings for his husband. "Hello, Mr. DeMarco, I am so pleased that you could make it", The Criminal Kingpin said with a tight smile, & Danny said with a smile of his own, "The Pleasure is mine, Wo Fat, Your reputation proceeds you". Wo Fat nodded, "Please make yourself comfortable, Enjoy yourself", Danny nodded, & said, "Thank you", he thought to himself, as he continued on with his evening, "You Bastard, I am taking you down for Steve", & he focused on the case in front of him.

Sheila was doing her part as the management of the strippers. She wiped the sweat off of Steve's muscular & delicious body, she pushed him into the shower, so he could clean up. "Baby, How are you feeling & holding up ?", The Handsome Brunette said with a smile, "I'm hanging on", & he hurried for the shower, while she got his outfit ready to wear for the auction. She helped him dress for it, & she noticed that he was a little bit afraid, so she said to him, "It will be okay", & he knew that she was right, & he went right out there.

The Auction went on as planned, Every woman & man that took part in it, was bid on for the evening. Brian was very impressed that investment was coming back tenfold, & he went to Wo Fat, & said to him, "It's time for the star of our little show", He went up to make his announcement, that he wasn't bidding, & he introduces Steve to the crowd, who would devour him in two seconds flat, Danny said into his earpiece, "Guys, I am going for it". He raised his hand, & said, "I bid $50,000 on that delicious man", much to the shock of Steve, & everyone there.

There was a bidding war going on for him, & Danny broke the record for the auction, "$125,000", Danny said confidently, as ever. The Other Guy backed off, Steve shrugged at him, like better luck next time. He continued on to Danny, & left the party for the Hilton, so their cover could remain intact. As soon as they were in private, They had their earpieces out, & were making out, Having no idea that someone is spying on them from the Control Room, & getting some blackmailing photos to get money from Danny, so the photos wouldn't get published, & he will join them. They have no idea, that they are dealing with Five-O, & they are gonna be stopped.

The Next Morning after a night of passion, Steve arranged for breakfast to be brought to the room, Kono, Lou, & Chin came to gather reports from the coue, as they ate. "So far, Let's keep up the momentum, I think we can catch these son of a bitches", Danny said, Lou said, "Pack extra heat, We don't want those bastards getting the drop on us", Kono handed Steve a surfer medallion, & it had a button in the middle of it, "You feel unsafe, or you're wanting to quit, we won't hold it against you, Steve, We will get you & your family the hell off of the island, Th as t includes Grace, Charlie, & Danny", Steve put the necklace around his neck, & said, "Thanks, Kono, & Guys, But, Danno & I are gonna see this through", Chin said, "Well, We admire you for it", Kono & Lou nodded in agreement, as they finished their breakfast.

Brian & Wo Fat met to discuss further details for their business, & count their profits, "Last night was good, It could've gone a bit better", The Investor said, raising an eyebrow. "We just have todkuble the price for admission, & food & drink", The Criminal said simply, as he recorded the last transaction into their books, so it looks legit. He had a thought, "I want all info on Deigo DeMarco, The Works, There is something I don't like, I smell it on him", Brian nodded, & said, "I will get on it", They finished their day, & went into the office.

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