I gasp quickly looking away. Even looking down, I could still feel there eyes on me. I really really wish I'd agreed on those curtains Melanie suggested last week. If there were curtains there, they wouldn't be able to see me. How did these guys find out where I was?

I sip my coffee, listening to the low hum of the mini fridge in the back, never looking up. I sat like this for half an hour, biting my lip and never looking up. I could still see their black silhouettes in the corner of my eye.

Did Kevin send them?

Nonsense! I hadn't been bothered by Kevin in weeks. But he's not going to let you go that easily. I paper won't stop him. I place my hand on my head. Gosh, it's possible Kevin sent them here for me.

I slowly look up, and sigh in relief. Gone. See? Nothing. I smile to myself, turning back around to refill my cup.

Dingle ling, ling.

Uh, oh. Spoke too soon.

Setting the cup down, I pause. I didn't have to turn around to know who'd just entered the coffee shop. Taking a deep breath, I slowly turn around and try to force a smile.

"Hi, what can I get you?" I say, making the three men laugh. What was so funny?

I clear my throat and ask a bit louder this time. One of them finally speaks up, asking for a Chocolate Frappe.

"Anything for you two?" I say, trying to stay calm. They only look at me, and I quickly turn, making the coffee.

When I am finished, the one who'd asked for the coffee was much closer to the counter and I almost gasped.

Get away. Get away. Get away. GET AWAY!

"Here you go." I say, handing him the coffee.

He smiles and takes the coffee. The three men sit down at a nearby table, nearly making me scream. Why won't they go?

I lean back a little, biting the insides of my mouth. They were obviously not going to leave if I asked them to.

Call me if you need me, Naomi. Melanie's words ring in my head. But what if when I call her, and she get's here, and they harm both of us. I need to call Leroy. I reach for my phone when the man who'd asked for the coffee stood up and walked over to me.

He lifted the lid from his coffee cup and sighed, resting his arms onto the counter.

"Sir, is there a problem?" I say, my voice cracking.

He nods. "Yes. My coffee just seems to be a little too, hot."

"Um, I don't know what to tell you. I could probably put it in the freezer or something." I say, not wanting to upset him.

He laughs a cold laugh and sighs louder than before. "No, no. I don't think that will cool it down. I know something that will, though."

I swallow. "And what is that?"

"You see. You're a cold person, the way you did Kevin and all. So maybe if I just--" He tosses the hot, hot, hot, cup of coffee onto my face causing me to scream. My face begins to burn very badly and tears burn my eyes. I try to run to the bathroom to place a cold towel on my face, but he yanks my arm and pins it down onto the sticky counter.

"Throw it on you, it will cool down." He finishes. The men all fall into a long, long laughter. I try to pry his hand from my arm but he's very strong. I wriggle my arm violently as he finishes laughing, wiping a tear from his eye. "Sit still." He mutters, tightening his grip on me.

I continue trying to get free as his grip continues to get tighter. Finally, he lets me go, causing me to fall onto the hard floor, hitting my head onto the wooden board. My hand tightens and I clench my jaw, trying not to cry in front of all of these men. Be strong.

Unintentional LoveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя