I don't know if it was because he's been ignoring me lately, but something in me snapped and I was suddenly pissed off a Vic and his actions. He can't say that he doesn't want to try to form a relationship with me and ignore me, then go around pulling shit like this.

"What are you doing here?" Vic asked. Trying to come up with a reasonable explanation as to why he's protecting me, but I don't know if there is one anymore.

"You know I could ask you the same thing. What's your deal? You can't just ignore and avoid me and then go and try protecting me. It doesn't work like that." I ranted, letting out my frustrations, not caring anymore that Ronnie could hear everything that was going on.

"How about some fucking gratitude?!" He opened his mouth to speak again, but I cut him off before he could speak his next sentence.

"Gratitude?! Are you fucking kidding me?! Vic it's been two weeks. Two fucking weeks since I kissed you, and you've been avoiding me like I have the world’s most deadly disease ever since. And you know damn well you have been too. Do you know how frustrating it is to be ignored by the person you want attention from the most?" I probably should've stopped there, but I couldn't, my mouth was on over drive and I didn't have any control in what I was saying anymore.

"I've tried to be patient with you because I thought you needed time, I understood that you were scared and I respected that. But you can't say one thing and do another. You can't treat me like I don't exist and then fight off my bullies for me. It's confusing, it's so damn confusing, and every time I think I have you figured out, you go and pull shit like this and I'm right back to square one. I need for you to make up your mind and stick to it, because your mood swings are giving me major whiplash." And with that, I turned around and walked out. Not really caring what the consequences would be for skipping work. I needed time to think about things.

[Vic's POV]

I stood there in shock as I tried to process all that was just said to me. I know I've been avoiding him, I'll admit that, but with good reason. A reason that he wouldn't understand. I thought about going after him, but I had other things to worry about. And when I say things, I mean Ronnie. He was still sitting on the ground, probably just as shocked as I was, maybe even a little more. I turned around to face the asshole, and as soon as we made eye contact the bastard grinned at me.

"Man Fuentes, did you fuck up." He said, an amused look lacing his disgusting features. I fucking hate this guy.

I kicked him in the shin, and bent over to grab a fist full of his hair, not giving him any time to recover from the blow to the leg. I got in his face so we were merely inches away.

"I want you to listen to me, and listen well. If you tell a single soul about what just happened, I'll make sure it's the last thing you ever do here. I can promise you." I finished my threat, and slammed his head against the floor. Leaving him hurting all over.

I decided that I should probably go and talk to Kellin. I honestly didn't realize how frustrating all this must be for him, and he deserves some answers. Some.

You see, the thing that he doesn't get is that I have a past. It's not necessarily a bright one either. It was one filled with hurting and pain, abuse even. I don't like talking about it, it took me years to open up to tell Tone and Hime about it, and I've known them since I was nine. I believe that what's in the past should stay in the past, it doesn't need to be brought up again because it's not important. But if it will ease Kellin's mind a little bit, then so be it. I'll tell him why I'm so hesitant about being in a relationship with him.

I knew exactly where he was too. You see the thing with Kellin, I have a slight infatuation with this boy. I don't know why, but he's interesting to me and I feel the dire need to know every little thing about him. The thought scared me at first, because I've secluded and protected myself from getting involved with anyone new, but as time pasted I just accepted it. I accepted it because no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t stay away from the little shit. I tried being an asshole, telling myself that hated him even when I knew I didn't. I tried ignoring him, much like I'm doing now, but I always found myself coming into his work when it's his shift or taking the same routes he does, hoping that I would bump into him. Even now I follow him around sometimes to make sure he's doing okay, as creepy as that sounds. I can't stay away from him and that scares me and frustrates me both, because this has never happened before. There's something about the skinny, pale boy that makes me want to take care of him and protect him, and I don't know whether to act on that instinct or not. I've told myself in the past that I was going to get over my fears and start treating him the way I've been wanting to so badly, but I just can't. I'm still restricted and scarred from my past and all that's happened, it's constantly getting in the way of every chance I have at a relationship. I wish I could move on, but I'm so fucking terrified and I hate that. I hate that I shut people out, I hate that I'm scared, I just hate the way I've become.

My time for thinking was cut short when I rounded the corner that led to the entrance way to the beach. I walked over and slipped through the crack, and sure enough there was Kellin sitting pretty under the tree like he usually is.

I walked over and sat down next to him, taking note of how his breath caught in his throat and he tensed up a little. I stared out over the ocean trying to muster up enough courage to talk. Because even though I don't act like it, I'm terrified. I'm terrified of letting people in again with the chance of me getting hurt. It's always been my first instinct and judgment to lock someone out and distance myself, but with Kellin I didn't want to do that, not anymore.

"Kell," I said, finally looking over at the beautiful boy with the diamond blue eyes, "we need to talk."

You Stole My Heart With Your Diamond Blue Eyes (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now