"I don't need your help... go help raph... I'll be fine..." I wiped he blood off my lip and turned away and started to climb a fire escape ladder, I winced at the pain in my muscles, but I continued on.

"W-wait! Come back to the lair! Your wounds need to be treated too!"

"fine... just go help your brother..." I sighed and slid down the ladder, walking past the four of them walking into the manhole.

'Why did raph attack me? Does he not trust me? Wait why am I thinking about him! He almost killed me!'


"WHAT!" I snapped turning my head facing Donnie, his eyes widened but then softened into a sad expression.

"I-I'm sorry raph attacked you..."

"It's alright Donnie... don't worry about it..." I sighed looking down at the ground.

"I should've walked away instead of making the situation worse..."

Donnie gave me a weak smile and walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder, I looked up to his smiling face and felt my cheeks slightly heat up.

'what is going on?' I questioned myself in my mind, staring into his dark brown eyes.

"Don't blame yourself for what he did... he can get really hot headed at times..." he said sadly, looking at all the cuts and bruises I had.

"Here let me help-"

"Did you help raph first?" I asked sternly cutting him off, crossing my arms and raising my brow at him slightly.

"I did... now let's go to the lab to get you all patched up..." he said walking to the lab, I reluctantly followed and sat down on the table, the cuts still bleeding and stinging.

He grabbed a cloth and put some disinfectant oil on it and lightly dabbed my cuts, I winced as it stung like hell.

"s-sorry..." he stuttered.

"It's ok Donnie... don't sweat it..." I said smiling looking away towards the door, my mind troubled with thoughts.

'maybe I should leave... I've already caused enough trouble as it is..' I thought sadly.

'But don't you want to stay here with Donnie and his brothers? Even if it means living with raph?' A voice in my mind questioned sadly.

'Yes I do but... I've probably ruined my chances from hurting their brother...' I sad sadly, my eyes growing sad, tears building in the rims of my eyes.

'What are you talking about?! He attacked you first! You were only trying to defend yourself!' It protested angrily.

'Your right... but even if I did they would hate my guts still especially don-'

"(Y/n)? Are you ok? You look sad..." I snapped out of my argument with my mind and wiped away my tears.

"N-no not really..." I stuttered, trying to hold back more tears from falling down my face.

"What's wrong?" He said putting the cloth down sitting next to me on the table.

"I hurt your brother Donnie... even if I got to stay here... everyone would hate my guts... and if I don't stay here and decide to leave... I'll be alone again in the streets..." I said choking slightly on a sob as tears filled my eyes, the memory of my family appearing in my mind.

His put his hand on mine and I looked up at him curiously.

"it's ok (y/n)...no one would hate you for trying to defend yourself..." he smiled softly and stared into my (e/c) eyes.

'HA! What did I tell ya! But no! You didn't believe me did you!' It said boasting happily.

'Shut up you!' I said angrily in my mind.

'Make me!' It shot back.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Donnie again. His eyes looked so sad yet... so sincere... I smiled and before I knew it I had wrapped my arms around him embracing him in a hug.

"t-thank you... for everything Donnie..." I choked out slightly as a few tears fell down my face, at first he was shocked and went stiff, but then he relaxed and hugged me back.

I quickly let go of him and awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck, letting out a nervous chuckle. He did the same and the voice in my mind started to smirk.

'looks like someone's got a crush~'

'SHUT UP!!! HE'S JUST A FRIEND! EVEN IF I DID HE'D NEVER WANT TO BE WITH ME ANYWAY!' I screamed at in mind angrily, my heart throbbing as the words slipped in my mind.

'....' it didn't say anything else after that and left me alone.

'I do love Donnie... I just can't tell him that... he'd never want to be with someone like me if he knew my secret..' I thought sadly.

(Donnie's POV)

'She's so beautiful... her smile, her hair, her laugh... everything about her is beautiful... I like her so much that my heart flutters and my stomach gets butterflies when I see her... she'd never want to be with me... who would want to be with me? A mutant turtle?' I thought sadly, as the memory replayed in my mind when she hugged me.

(Your POV)

'I'm gonna be friends with Donnie for now... so he doesn't find out what I'm hiding...' I thought.

Hi guys! Another chapter finished! I'm enjoying this so much and I hope you are too! And if you enjoyed it! Leave a vote and a comment down bellow and I'll see you! In the next chapter... bu-bye~!


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