|Chapter Twenty Five|

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     It's been six months since I started over at New York City and I can only say one thing, God has been faithful. On my free days, I would laze around the house or hang out with Chloe or go to the cinema and I eat out once in a while.

This particular Friday, I closed from work around 03:00 pm, I had just finished attending to my last client and was on my way home. I decided to stop at a restaurant to buy some food to eat at home instead of cooking or calling for delivery.

I parked my car, oh, I didn't say anything about that earlier? Well, I am the owner of a sky blue Toyota car. I got it ghree months into my job though Dad took me to the car lot and all but I can proudly say I paid for the car myself. I got out of my car, carrying only my purse, I pushed the entrance door open and was enveloped with the air-conditioned mixed with food aroma room. I went straight to the counter and placed my order, the blonde attending to me asked,

"For here or to go?"

"To go." I replied as she set work and I looked around the restaurant, my eyes collided with a familiar face, Ethan King! A name I have tried and suceeded to push into the deepest chamber in my mind along with my past. I removed my shades to be sure, it was indeed him, he was eating with a beautiful lady who was gorgeously dressed, she looked like a model. Then as I made to turn my eyes away before he catches me, he took the lady's hand and kissed it as she smiled and swatted his arm.

"Shit!" I cussed as the lady behind the bar asked,


"Yeah, yeah." I turned back to her,

"Your order is ready and your bill is..." She said it and I opened my purse and removed a few dollar notes and gave it to her as I put on my shades,

"Keep the change." The way her face lit up was enough for me to keep giving as much as I could to people that needed it. I picked my package putting up my hand to stop her from thanking me and I left as simply as I could and as fast as my heels could take me. I got into my car and drove straight home. Could it be that Ethan was over me? Who wouldn't be, moron, I chided muself. Somehow I felt bad for my actions but I was just too scared to trust and open up to a guy. And who could that girl be? I asked no one in particular. I later concluded that the best thing I can do is to close my mind to all those thoughts and eat my food and go on with my life as I had planned to.

Hello Sweethearts,

Could it be that Ethan has moved on?

Will they ever meet again?

Let's find out in the next chapter.

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