|Chapter Twenty Three|

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     I was just sitting on my bed some days after I went to that event with Ethan when I realized that it's been almost a year I started work at Liam Technologies and the question I dreaded came to my mind, 'Will I ever accept if Ethan asks me out?' 'No' I said to the empty room trying to convince myself.

I like the guy, he is cool and okay but I have never had a boyfriend and I had no idea how I was going to keep one especially one that is so very rich. I decided it would save all and sundry the stress if I think about Ethan as my friend only.

Two weeks after, Julie told me to get dressed on a Sunday night, I ignored her at first but around 06:00pm, she came banging down my door until I opened it for her. Then she helped herself to my wardrobe and pulled out a knee-length gown. To avoid the oh so great Julie's lecture, I dragged my lazy bum up and got dressed. She did a natural makeover for me and styled my hair. Then I went with her to get her dressed.

An hour's time, we were on our way to God knows where and soon the taxi pulled outside a brightly lit Restaurant. Julie paid the taxi man and we both went in. I was just about asking why on earth Julie wanted us to eat  out when the voice that haunts me in both dream and reality surfaced,

"Ladies, good evening." Ethan, Ethan, Ethan looking all good enough to eat. He stood by our table and Julie said,

"Excuse me. I will be by that table." The damn girl left me all alone, this must be a set-up, I glared at Ethan as he took his seat and I asked,

"Did you guys plan this?"

"Not really." He said as he signaled to a passing waitress. She came over and he placed his order and looked at me. Oh! I have to order and I did. Then the waitress went away,

"Why?" I asked as he raised an eyebrow,

"Why did you guys plan this?"

"Must there be a reason? I just wanted to eat dinner with you. If I had asked you, would you have consented? Honestly?"  He asked and I was tongue-tied. Of course I would have said NO. The waitress brought our food and we dug in. We ate, talked and even made fun of some of the diners at the restaurant. Then Ethan decided to be a guy and ruin our moment,

"Ruby, I have known you for a while now and I won't feel good knowing I didn't say this when I had the chance, I love you and want us to develop our relationship. What do you say? I want you to be mine." I stared at him for a long time thinking about zilch and then I dropped my cutleries, picked my purse and left the restaurant. I flagged down a taxi and told him my address. As the man drove away from the restaurant,  I thought about my actions, I had to run away, I couldn't do it, the sad truth was that I love him too but I couldn't and I knew why, I was too scared.

*   *   *    *    *    *    *    *    *


     I have to ask her tonight or never, so I decided to go through with it, I stared at her red eyes as I said,

"Ruby, I have known you for a while now and I won't feel good knowing I didn't say this when I had the chance, I love you and want us to develop our relationship. What do you say? I want you to be mine." She stared at me for a while as her smile slipped away and before I knew it, she dropped her cutleries, picked her purse, stood up and turned away. She left. I was so dumbfounded that minutes after when Julie came to sit on her seat, I was not aware till she tapped me,

"Hello, earth to Ethan."

"She left."

"Yeah, I am so sorry. She waa probably scared or something. Look, I have to go just take care of yourself, all right?" Julie said and she stood up and took her leave. I was so surprised. At a point, I was thinking that the fact that she knew I was worth billions will persuade her to accept me but it didn't. I signaled to the waitress, paid the bill, picked up my phones and car keys and left. I tried to not think at all.

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *


     Immediately I finished consoling Ethan, I picked my purse and left the restaurant. I got into a taxi and minutes later, he dropped me outside my apartment.  I rode the elevator and went in. I went straight to Ruby's door, knocked and knocked and knocked, no answer but I knew she was in there. I left to change into something more comfortable, wipe off my makeup and tame my hair into a bun then I went back to knock on her door. I knocked for a short period of time before she finally opened it, I couldn't control my anger as I stepped in.

"What is your problem, girl?"

"Do not yell at me. Look, I don't want anything to do with that guy and if you desire to be close to him so much, you can have him to yourself."

"Are you out of your mind or something?  In case you haven't noticed, I have my own boyfriend whom you know, Ethan is a good friend to me and I am so sur you love each other but your stubbornness is bent on keeping you guys apart. Why Ruby? Why are you throwing away something this good?"

"Because I don't want it. I do not want it and if you are a good and true friend to me, you will respect my decision. Just let me be otherwise I will have no choice but to flush this friendship down the drain."

"But Ruby..."

"No, I don't want to hear it. I appreciate the fact that you want the best for me but not this 'best', please."

"If you say so. I will just go back to my room. See you tomorrow."

"Are you angry with me?"

"No, why would I be? It's your life. Good night." I said and I made to turn but she caught me unawares and hugged me. I was surprised, Ruby hardly showed PDA of any sort. Ruby is one lady I will never figure out. I told myself as I hugged her back and then left the room.

Hello Sweethearts,

I can't believe Ruby said No to Ethan, can you?

This story has just started, read on please.

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