|Chapter Six|

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Michelle Butler

     I was driving at a low speed when I saw a girl crossing the road, I did not know why I felt nervous because there was no way I could meet and hit the girl. Also, there was enough space between us and she could reach the other side before I got to that spot. As I got closer to where the girl was, she fell.

I stepped on the brake and stopped the car. My heart in my mouth, I got out of the car and moved towards her as passersby also gathered around her, I didn't hit her but she was unconscious. The passersby were still suggesting options when I turned to a young man and requested loudly,

"Please, can you help me lift her to my car? I will drive her to the hospital."

The young man asked, "Ma'am, are you sure?"

"Yes please, help me." I confirmed and with that, the young man gathered the poor girl in his arms and laid her on my car's back seat and I closed the door and nodded wordlessly at the man as I got into my vehicle.

I kick start the car and drove to the hospital I had noticed around the area. I noticed it the first day I and my husband drove into this town. I drove into the compound and opened my back seat's car door and I managed to carry the girl.

Surprisingly, she did not weigh so much. I made it to the interior in five minutes and I shouted for a nurse to bring a stretcher.

Within minutes, she was rolled on the stretcher and and they wheeled her into a room while I was told to wait at the waiting area. 

About two minutes after, a Doctor passed by me and went in to treat her. After pacing back and forth for a while, I was calm enough so I called my husband. He answered on the first ring saying,

"Darling, where are you?"

"I am at that hospital I was showing you the day we arrived."

"Macbeth Hospital? What happened? Are you hurt? I told you..."

"Honey, just listen to me, I am not hurt. I brought someone here but I can't do this alone."

"I will be with you as soon as I can get there okay? Just stay calm. I love you."

"Okay." I said and he ended the call. I kept pacing to and fro praying silently and talking in tongues then after thirty minutes or thereabout, the Doctor came out and said as my face collided with his,

"Can I talk to you in my office, ma'am?"

"Yeah, sure." I replied and we walked the short length to his office.

He showed me to a seat and went to wash his hands at the faucet and then he came to sit behind his desk, cleaning his hands with a disposable napkin. I sat quietly.

"Good evening ma'am. I am Doctor Stevens Macclesfield."

"Good evening Doctor. I am Michelle Butler. Pastor Mrs Butler."

"Nice meeting you ma'am. So, on to business, is the young lady by any chance your daughter?"

"No sir. I was driving and she fell unconscious in the middle of the road so I offered to bring her to the hospital. I and my husband came here for a weeklong Pastors Conference at Love World Christian Center (LWCC)."

"Okay. I know that Church. Something happened to that girl. She has these black spots and even fresh lash wounds at her back and the only thing I can figure out is that she was being abused. She was unconscious due to immense weakness."

"Oh Lord! So what is the solution now?"

"Under normal circumstances I would say she should be taken away from that environment, then she should see a therapist to help her heal but now I don't know, maybe social welfare will set in."

"Can I see her first?"

"Of course, but please do not wear her out."

"Okay sir." I replied and I made my way back to the room the girl was wheeled. Ward 17. I pushed open the door and closed it quietly. I went to sit by her and took her left hand in mine and I began to speak in tongues softly, interceding for her. 

About twenty minutes after, my gaze collided with the girl's gaze as she looked at me strangely. I stopped praying and asked her,

"How do you feel, dearie?"

"I...Please don't let Nick and his father come near me. Please." She rambled on crying and I moved closer to her, wiping her tears with my handkerchief as I said,

"Hush now, nobody is going to come near you, okay? You are safe now. Just take a deep breath. Do not be afraid. Come on."

She did as I instructed and I sat by her bed.

Just then, the door opened and my ever handsome husband came in. He strode towards me with all that manly confidence that turns me on and I rose up to meet him. He pulled me closer and kissed me full on the lips as he murmured,

"I am sorry I got here late, the taxi man took the longer route I guess."

I nodded wordlessly for the second time that evening and he stood straight and diverted his attention to the girl I rescued as I stepped aside to give him a full view of her.

Hello Sweethearts,

Hmm, what do you think is going to happen to Ruby now? Social welfare?

Tell me what you think.

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