Solstice: Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

He groaned and rolled over to face her, "What time is it?"

"A little before six."

He groaned again and closed his eyes, "Why are you wet?"

"Shower." She reached for him and brushed his sweaty hair from his head, "Something you're going to need when you wake up."

He smiled and took a deep breath, "Are you going to join me?"

She would love to join him in the shower, him and his six pack along with his super sexy tattoos she loved to trace with her fingers. Mason had quite a bit of ink for someone who was only eighteen. A star on each shoulder, a sun around his belly button, the Avery coat of Arms on his tricep, the words Forts dans la bataille went down his ribs, with a few more on his forearms.

Yes Mason Avery was the kind of boy mothers and fathers warned their daughters about with his tattoos, motorcycle and sometimes difficult attitude but Lilly loved him, everything about him.

She sighed and though it was muggy and hot she cuddled closer into his body and snuggled into his chest. Even gross and sweaty she could still smell his cologne. Just as she got comfortable snuggling up to him, Mason rolled out of the bed and grabbed onto her arm and leg to drag her out.

"What are you doing?!" Lilly whispered intently as her butt fell to the floor with a thud, Mason was standing over her with a smile on his face, "I may have padding but that still hurt."

He laughed and gently hauled her to her feet, pulling her close and putting his hands on her sore behind, "Want me to kiss it better?"

She smacked his bare chest and tried to push herself away but he was too strong, she was too short and really she wanted to be where she was. Mason laughed again and started gently pushing her towards the door of the bedroom. Her body crashed against the door with a loud bang, and she had to cover her mouth to stop herself from laughing too hard. "Remember, we're not the only ones here!"

He shrugged and began kissing her neck slowly moving up to her lips. Feeling around the wood for the handle Lilly threw the door open and he pushed them across the hallway into the bathroom door with another loud crash.

"Hey guys."

Mason's back went rigid and his mouth left hers, Lilly looked over to see her cousin, Sean standing at his doorway watching them. "A little loud don't you think?"

Lilly felt her entire body go red with embarrassment. She dropped her arms from around Mason, who took a step back and ran his fingers through his sweat soaked hair. "Hey man...lingering in the hallway are you?"

Sean shrugged, "I live here. I tend to linger."

Mason nodded, "True, true." He glance up at Lilly and smiled, "Lilly trying to follow me into the shower, completely inappropriate!" He walked past her towards the bathroom, winking before closing the door behind him.

Lilly sighed and looked over at her cousin. His dark, almost black hair was sticking up on his head from sweat, he was wearing a white wife beater over his boxers. This morning he had his old thick rimmed glasses on but normally he rocked the contact lenses.

Sean wasn't actually her cousin. When he first met he had told her he was Norah's nephew when in fact he had no relation to the Essex family at all. Norah had kidnapped Sean from his parents in California, killed them, and took him to raise as her apprentice. As it turned out when he became more infatuated with Darcy, his girlfriend, Norah changed her plans to incorporate Lilly.

"Sean?" The voice from his bedroom, so Darcy was here too. It was a full house. "Leave them along, babe. It's not like we're any better."

Sean rolled his eyes and glanced at Lilly one more time before heading back into his room and closing the door, though neither the walls or the door were thick enough to conceal Darcy's feminine laughter.

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