Chapter 19

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Once Mason pulled away from the apartment Lilly called Jake to find out where he and Hailey were, Hailey’s house. Quickly Lilly pulled on her swim suit and jumped into her car speeding off towards Hailey’s home.

“Took you long enough!” The other girl yelled out when Lilly sat down beside her in the rough sand. “What errands did you have to do so badly?”

“Grocery shopping.” Lilly looked over at Jake who seemed to always know when she was lying, this time ws no different. He was giving her the ‘yeah right’ face. Lilly brushed it off and looked back to Hailey who was lying in a two piece, her pale skin reflecting the sunlight like snow. “I hope you’re wearing sunscreen, Hailey.”

Hailey snorted and reached beside her tossing a bottle of spray sunscreen to Lilly, “SPF 60, for those of us who were not blessed with sun resilient skin.”

“You would have sun resilient skin if you, I don’t know, went outside once in a while!” Jake grumbled from Lilly’s other side. The other two started arguing with each other while Lilly sat between them like a child caught in the middle of their parent’s argument.

Being use to Hailey and Jake fighting, Lilly’s mind began to wander to other things, like what was Mason doing right now? If he was that pissed off with Sage she doubted he would have gone home after dropping her off. He probably drove his car somewhere and wasn’t going to be around until the Coven meeting that night.

Or maybe he did go home and kill Sage, something sadly enough, that Lilly thought he was probably capable of doing. She tried to shrug off the thought of Mason being capable of murder but she couldn’t get the picture of him using his affinity for air to blow Sage off a cliff. The only thing that could comfort her was that if CSI taught her anything it was that everyone was capable of murder, even she was.

“Earth to blondie!” Jake called out, Lilly’s attention snapped back to the beach and she glanced over to Jake who was frowning, “What were you thinking of? Me naked?”

Hailey laughed and answered for Lilly, “Yeah because even if she admitted to thinking of you naked it’s not like anything could come of the fantasy.” And that started the bickering again. This time Lilly watched for a few minutes while the other two exchanged words. They really bickered like a married couple, Hailey criticizing everything Jake did while Jake would defend himself and call Hailey a control freak.

Watching them fight made her wonder if Sean and Darcy had ever had an argument, probably, what relationship doesn’t have a few bumps? But picturing Sean in a domestic argument was almost comical because he was so timid and awkward he probably just agreed with Darcy to keep her happy.

Thinking of Sean made her remember her was MIA today, Lilly pulled out her phone and called him quickly, listening as the phone rang several times before his professional answering machine picked up. “Hey guys,” she said trying to get the others attention, “Have either of you heard from Sean today?”

Hailey and Jake looked at her and shook their heads, Jake the one answering for both of them, “I haven’t talked to Sean in a few days, he’s been running out a lot lately.”

“In general or has he been skipping work a lot?”

Hailey answered this time, “Both. Three days ago he called me saying he needed to go out and asked if I could babysit the store and I have to tell you I almost killed myself. So boring.” Hailey was drawing in the sand beside her as she spoke.

Lilly nodded her head and tried Sean’s phone again, then Darcy’s with no answer on either of them. Maybe they went away for a few days or maybe they were continuing what started last night. Lilly shuddered at the thought of what she could have potentially stumbled upon if she arrived at the apartment only a few minutes sooner.

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