I quickly clapped a hand to my mouth to snuff out the undignified snort that came out of my lips. "I'm... I'm sorry. What was that?" He had my full attention now as I gave him an amused smirk that was thankfully hidden by my hand.

Well this was certainly an interesting turn around. Drunk humans are often unpredictable but you could figure out pretty quickly which ones were harmless and which ones were not. This guy certainly was in the former category from the way he carried himself. Well... attempted to carry himself. He was using me more for support at this point than his own equilibrium. One of his arms hung off his side as if it was completely useless. The way it was angled, it looked like it would be rather uncomfortable in that position... was he hurt? The man moved and the arm hit the chair's arm rest with a bang that had me flinching.

However instead of hearing a hissing of pain as I expected him too, he continued on completely unaffected. "Mechaton! You... you have all those shows... and purrty voice." The human man was more than happy to drone on. "Yeah! You, you had that conshert a lil' over a week ago. Daughter... came back home from my parents... a huuuugge fan. Really... wanted to go." While nodding my head idly to his words, I subtly extended my left arm under his notice until it was almost right on his still one. Gingerly, my fingers lifted his and my suspicions were immediately confirmed. This 'arm' was fake and not a very good one either. It was just a solid mold to make it look like he had an arm. It couldn't actually move or grab things. "A lot of people were mad when we were told to leave. But I know... I know why.. it was ended early.."

My hand quickly retracted back to it's normal length as my gaze snapped back to him at his sudden words of clarity. The once goofy look of curiosity that filled his face had been replaced with one that was somber... almost haunted. His one good hand was gripping my forearm tightly as though he was attempting to ground himself from something horrible. What did he mean that he knew why it had ended early? The only people who knew were my staff and those who had been involved with the attack. From the report that I had received from BP and Undyne, it had sounded like they had apprehended everyone that night. They had been very thorough in their search. Had they somehow missed one? With the sheer amount of people, it was certainly possible.

"You... do...?" I kept my voice and expression neutral. If he really was in with the anti-monster group then I needed more information to get him put away. It was just convenient that Alphys had installed a voice recorder within my body so that I can give on the fly interviews. Even better since we happen to be in a place full of cops.

The man shook his head. "Yeah... I do." His gaze was distant as though he wasn't 100% in the moment and was in a place far off. "To celebrate Nat getting home I managed to get two tickets in the mosh pit. That way my lil' girl could get front row seats of the performance. When the sandbags started to fall I thought that it was odd but... I'm not as young as I used to be. If that was supposed to happen in the show then who am I to judge? People around me were also kind of confused but it was played off as though it was on purpose so no one really thought to much about it. But... when the lights went off. That's when I heard it."

"...heard what?" Oh, please don't say what I think you are about to say. It's bad enough so many of my staff know what happened but for an actual audience member to have figured it out... At this point, I turned off the recorder and deleted the file. He wasn't one of the people who had tried to hurt innocents. He had just wanted a fun night out with his daughter. Which I felt a tad bit guilty about in ending so suddenly. Even if it had been for a good reason.

"Gun shots. Four of them. One went off as a lone shot but three others followed about 20 seconds after." My eyes widened at his words. This man was accurate. Scarily accurate. Before I could ask he continued on. "Now... most people don't know what a real gun shot sounds like. Sure there are action movies, games, and the like... but nothing can truly reproduce the real thing. It's loud, sudden, and makes your ears ring. From where we were it came off as a distant bang. Which to everyone else could have been anything."

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