Chapter 40

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Hello, everyone! sorry for the delay but I just got home. Just a few things.

1. can someone draw me sassy jersey girl sans? PLEASE

2. since people are curious I'll be posting the word count and this one is 2752 which is less than what I normally do.

Also when I logged on I had over 200 notifications! Thanks guys XD


This couldn't be happening. It just couldn't be. You poked the two foreign things on the top of your head as if to make sure that they were still there.

They were.

You silently grumbled to yourself as your new cat ears mirrored your mood and laid back on the top of your head. This time you had a wonderful view of it from the bathroom mirror and you had to admit that it was pretty cute. Alphys did a good job with her weird magical chemistry. Yet, they weren't after-the-3-hours-she-had-said good. It was well, WELL past the 3 hours that the yellow monster had said they would last. They were officially moving onto their second day of existence and you were starting to get worried.

Monsters and humans are completely different when it comes down to it. What may only last a few hours for a monster may become permanent for a human. The only reason you were thinking that was because their bodies were made of magic. Their bodies can change much easier because it can be easily influenced by outside sources.

Mettaton and Sans had both proven those things to you when you had asked. The skeleton had made a tongue appear and Mettaton had somehow made his canines elongate into fangs. His body wasn't even originally his either but the ghost still had influence over it. Both relatively minor things but they got the point across.

Whereas, human bodies are much more solid. The flesh and bone is a lot harder to change and you were pretty sure that was why it hurt so much when the ears were forming because humans aren't supposed to change like that. It probably would have only been a mild discomfort for a monster. During the talk with Alphys, she pretty much hinted at that without outright saying it. But the worried look on your friends' faces was still in your mind when you had told them how excruciating it had been.

This wouldn't do though. After all this time, you finally had an official date with Mettaton. A date! None of that impromptu stuff that seemed to happen a lot until now. An actual date! He had even done it in a way that still made your heart jump. A few days ago you had heard this odd pattern of familiar sounds. Some were short bursts while the others were longer. But you couldn't see who it was coming from. Having dealt with significantly weirder things, you shrugged it off as you tried to figure out why the pattern seemed familiar in a way.

After scrounging the deepest recesses of your brain, you finally remembered that it vaguely reminded you of Morse code. There was no way that was a coincidence. So you immediately turned the short bursts and dashes of sound into a song in your head. That way you wouldn't forget. When lunch hit you went online on your phone and looked it all up on your break. It had taken a bit to decipher because you hadn't started the notes in the beginning. You had started to memorize them around the halfway point. All it took was some minor tweaking and the message became clear.

Would you like to go out on Friday night? MTT

If you could have screamed in delight you would have as you stood up from your booth in MTT's restaurant and fist pumped the air excitedly. An actual date! You spam texted yes to the poor guy until you heard the repeated sounds of someone getting a lot of text messages at once in the booth behind you.

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