Special War Edition 6

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Light flickers across the screen on your phone as you kept tapping it to keep it from shutting off. Just as the screen went black again and you went to tap it back on, you heard the sound of the generators failing as the restaurant was plunged into darkness.

"SANS! WHAT HAPPENED?! WE WEREN'T EVEN CLOSE TO LOSING POWER!" You heard Papyrus pipe up in the now dark security office. The sound of the cameras closing could be heard in the pitch black room.

Sans muttered a couple choice words under his breath "The wiring in this place is so faulty! How much longer do we need it?" He glances at you, his magic lighting up the room a bit, and you raise your hand with all 5 fingers splayed out. The last you checked, it was 5 am. You only needed enough power to last an hour. "I think can manage that... Hang on, lemme see if I can fix it. Paps! Take my side." At that, you see the familiar blue magic envelope the stout skeleton as he teleports to a place unknown to you.

Papyrus immediately takes Sans's place by the right door. The sound of Freddy's music box could be heard from the stage area. You tense unconsciously. Nope. Not again. You weren't going to deal with this crap.

"Why can't we just teleport with Sans out of here?" You sign to Mettaton and Papyrus after clapping your hands to get their attention from the hallways for a second.

Mettaton catches you signing out of the corner of his eye and he waits a moment before he responds. "Well...It's not like he hasn't tried, sweetheart. That was kind of the first thing he tried when the power went out. He wanted to check the outside generators."

Tried? What was stopping him? Your hands asked your thoughts the next glance you received from the robot idol. A rather unsettling look descended on Mettaton and Papyrus's faces. They knew something. Something that they really didn't want to tell you. But you weren't about to back down. You were a part of this too. You had a right to know.

"Guys? Why can't he teleport? What's stopping us from bailing out right now?"

"Well... You see... Ugh I don't know how to explain it properly." Mettaton's statement was cut short as Bonnie reared his ugly head into the room. With exceptional grace, Mettaton quickly got a hold of the bunny animatronic and kept it out of the office with his long arms.

It was odd. Other than the incident with Freddy, Mettaton never harmed these animatronics. Same with Sans. Well at least you assumed so. It was obvious that Freddy was fine because you could hear his music box coming down the hallway. If those bones had been put to use then you doubted that music box would be working.

Even though these robots were apart of your childhood, you wouldn't mind the monsters using their magic and superior strength to just incapacitate them so you could leave. Actually, why didn't they break the front door down while they were at it? This was all really really weird. It was around then Chica decided to make her own entrance and Papyrus caught her winged arms. Both monsters were now holding an animatronic out of the office so they wouldn't get to you. Why didn't they just get rid of them? Why? Surely the thought has crossed their minds.

Wait... Why did Freddy's music box stop?

Then... You saw it.

Freddy's music filled the office as the bear animatronic materialized in the center of the room. His one good arm outstretched towards you. How... the HELL?! You scrambled with your back against the wall to a corner. Your frantic movement catching both Mettaton and Papyrus's attention.

"What the.. HANG ON, SONGBIRD!" Mettaton tried to hold Bonnie off with one hand but Foxy decided to join the fray. "Dammit all!" His once free hand now occupied with the charging robot fox.

"HUMAN! GET OVER HERE!" Papyrus was using one arm to hold Chica out in the hallway while the other was outstretched towards you. Quickly, you pulled yourself up and started toward Papyrus only to stop. Your eyes widening at Freddy.

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