Chapter 8

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Several crashing sounds could be heard from within the house that stood before you. Ignoring this, you knocked on the door to be let in, tapping your foot against the wood of the porch. The crashes continued on. With all that noise there was no way that anyone inside could have heard the knock. Guess you'll have to let yourself in. Adjusting the bags in your hands to one, you open the door to the skeleton brothers' house. The door slammed open and a white blur sped between your legs, knocking you off balance. You thrust out your hands in an attempt to break your fall... Only you weren't falling anymore.

You were floating.

A light blue aura enveloped your entire being, along with the groceries that you had brought with you. An odd feeling of something leaving you making you gasp in surprise. Suddenly you were brought up high above the door just as a familiar tall skeleton dashed out of the house in a pink apron that said 'Keep Calm and Eat Spaghetti'.

"COME BACK HERE WITH MY SPECIAL SPAGHETTI!" Papyrus yelled, chasing the white blur that you could now see was a white pomeranian with a pot in it's mouth You giggled. There was never a dull moment at the skeleton household. While you floated, wondering what exactly was happening and how to get down, Sans stepped over the threshold. One of his eyes lit up a light blue with a hand pointed in your direction.

"I know my brother is great and all but I can't just have you fallin for him." The smaller skeleton chuckled. His hand lowering with you going down with it. You were placed back on earth gently. The blue aura not going away until you regained your balance but the bags remained floating in the air.

"But... He's the GREAT Papyrus! How can I not fall for that cinnamon roll?" You signed to him while looking as though Sans had greatly insulted your feelings. But you couldn't keep the facade up. So you ended up giggling alongside the small skeleton. "Does this happen often?"

Sans walked inside with the groceries floating behind him, prompting you to follow. "This used to happen all the time at our house in the underground. Somehow that little white pup found us up here on the surface." He had stopped in the kitchen to give you a sly wink. The bags drifting over to the table before the blue aura fading from them.

"Yep. He found you alright." You signed. The smell of the awful spaghetti still wafting in the room. There was no doubt about it that Sans, definitely, had something to do with the spaghetti thief."I hope it takes him a while to go fetch that pot." Your pun earning you a proud grin from the stout skeleton.

Taking advantage of the younger brother's absence, you commence to start cooking for the little get together that the brothers were holding. You start your own batch of spaghetti then move on to make some small sandwiches. Sans and Papyrus never really had a housewarming party after moving in. Papyrus was tired of putting it off, thus here you were. Helping the brothers prepare for their friends. Despite being nervous, you knew this was going to be a lot of fun. The only issue is that you weren't sure how many people were going to show up and if you would even know anyone. If all else fails you could leave. It wasn't like you had a long walk home.

Sans lounged around in a kitchen chair, a bottle of ketchup in his hand. Once the sandwiches were finished you placed them in the fridge. Joining the skeleton at the table because you had to wait for everything else. What happened earlier ran through your mind. Not only did Sans have teleportation abilities but also telekinesis? It had felt strange... How did he do that? Do all monsters have abilities like that or just him? If so could Papyrus do it as well? You absently chewed on a cracker before finally giving in to your curiosity.

"How did you do that?"

"How did I do what?" the skeleton responded after setting down the now empty ketchup bottle on the table.

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