Bonus Chapter: Flashback Three

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      Malia watched her nine year old daughter, Scarlett, as she stood off to the side and played with her toys. Any other time, this would be normal. But, considering that it was a party in the backyard with kids running around, this was odd. Scarlett didn't look up, and even her facial expressions scared Malia. A mother's intuition is something she doesn't ignore and she wasn't about to begin now.

She wiped her hands with the dish towel, and went over to see what was wrong. "Scarlett?" She called out. Scarlett looked up with a blank expression, a look Malia wasn't used to. "You don't want to go play with the kids outside?"

     Scarlett shook her head no. "I'm sleepy. Can I go to sleep?"

Malia bit her bottom lip. Scarlett had been sleeping a lot for a ten year old. Something wasn't right. "Are you sick?"

    "No ma'am." Scarlett mumbled. "Just sleepy."

The sadness in her tone really bothered Malia, so she extended her hand and Scarlett gladly took it. "Maybe if you go outside and play, you'll have more energy. Your friends are out waiting for you." She explained as she headed to the sliding doors that lead to the backyard. "Look, Daddy is playing."

      For a moment, Scarlett's eyes seemed to light up when she saw all of the kids and cartoon characters. "Iman." She pointed where the kids were beating Iman up. He was just laying there making Scarlett laugh.

"Go help your brother." Malia encouraged.

         Scarlett slid the door open and ran outside. Instead of helping Iman, she joined in on the assault causing Malia to chuckle. The laugh didn't last long though because she was still a little alarmed. She looked to see Khari walking towards the house and she motioned for him to come in.

He walked in, looking at her knowing something was up. "What's wrong?"

        Malia slid the door closed, and sighed. Leaning her head against the wall, she just looked at Khari. She wasn't sure how to say it or if she even believed it. Saying it would be too real.

Khari wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her forehead and temple. "Talk to me."

      "I think Scarlett has some form of depression." She looked at him. Khari blinked, unsure if she was serious or not. "Don't look at me like that." She moved out of his grasp.

"Wait, wait." He grabbed her hand, and pulled her back. "I'm just a lul shocked you said that. But why you think so? She say somethin'?"

         "No, she hasn't said anything and that's the problem." Malia explained. "Have you noticed how much she sleeps? I mean come on Khari, she's nine years old. Her and Ascaria love playing outside or getting into some type of trouble. It's not like her at all."

Khari peeked out of the windows to see Scarlett now playing with the other kids. "She looks fine to me, baybeh."

          Malia shook her head, and rubbed her neck. Khari wasn't getting it which was pissing her off because he should at least be concerning. She wasn't usually wrong when it came to the kids and he usually took everything she said to heart. It seems like he really didn't want this to be true. Although she didn't either, it was reality. "Sometimes I don't think you pay attention to them, Khari."

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