Ascaria Isabelle Valentine

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The next morning...

I walked into the kitchen to grab some fruit and bottled water since I didn't have much time to eat breakfast. My mom was drinking coffee while scrolling on her iPad. I looked at her before opening the fridge. "Goodmorning Mom." I greeted while reaching into the drawer to grab a green apple and a bottled water before closing it.

"Goodmorning sweetheart." She placed her iPad down to look at me. "You look beautiful. You're glowing." She teased.

I playfully rolled my eyes. "I'm always beautiful & I always glow."

"Well, excuse me then." She got out of her seat, and walked around to the sink to empty her cup. She showed off her cream colored pants suit with red heels. Although thirty nine wasn't old, she still looked good for her age. I made a mental note to steal that outfit out of her closet later.

"Any idea what you want for your birthday this year?" I asked, taking a bite out of the apple and took a seat at the island. Her birthday was the end of this month, and it was the most difficult holiday of the year. It's hard getting something for a woman who has everything, and a man who's willing to give her the world if he could.

She washed the mug out, and shook her head. "No, not really. I want Kamari to be better, I know that much. Other than that, I'd like to spend it with you and Scarlett. Mostly you, though."

I furrowed my eyebrows before taking another bite out of my apple. "Are you serious? Me? Ascaria?"

She gave me a look before placing the mug back into the cabinet. "Yes, you. My baby girl. I feel like we're not as close as we could be. Honestly, I don't like it."

Placing my hand under my chin, I shrugged a little. "I don't mind."

"You don't mind what?"

"Spending time with you on your birthday. I agree because I'd actually like to be closer to you. I feel like I don't get motherly talks like Scarlett does. Plus, I'd like to be able to come to you about boys and stuff. I can't do that with daddy." I said honestly.

"Aww baby. I'm sorry if I made you feel like I was unapproachable or anything." She walked over to me. "You can come talk to me about anything. Don't feel like I'll turn you away because I won't." I nodded, feeling a sense of relief. "What did Vince do?" She glared at me.

"Nothing! He's great, well, so far."

"Oh, ok ok. I was about to say. I didn't want to cut him up this early in the game." She kissed my forehead and I giggled. "Have you packed?"

I shook my head as I watched her move around the kitchen. "Noooo." I groaned. "I'll pack tonight, I promise." She chuckled and I pressed the middle button on my phone to check the time. I still had a little time to waste. I never wanted to be early for school. If I was almost late or late, I was happy. "Were you and daddy having... ya know.. last night?"

My mom looked back at me with an amused expression. "No, I don't know."

I smacked my lips and stale faced her. She was really going to make me say it. "Sex, mother. Were you and daddy having sex?"

She laughed a little, and nodded. "Yes, daughter. We were. Tried to come into the room last night, huh?"

"Uh, ya." I let out a laugh. "I'm scarred for life. Y'all are too old to be doing this."

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