Ryan Tierra Valentine

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  I was staring at the tv, not really watching it. It was quiet with Kamari or Farrah not saying much. I was thankful that Sean had left the mall when he went back in because I was afraid he would do something awful. My mom was coming here from Ohio to get me. I prayed she got here before my dad did. I just wanted to forget about the whole thing. Watching Farrah in the kitchen, she gave me a sympathetic look and I immediately looked away.

A knock sounded on the door, and I prayed that it was my mom. Kamari got up to go answer it, and swung it open revealing Ms. Malia and I groaned inwardly. "Hey baby!" She greeted him, engulfing him into a hug.

  "Hey ma." He greeted back.

She looked at him weirdly, and moved inside. The twins and my dad greeted him before doing the same. "Hey Ry!" The twins squealed and ran towards me.

  "Hi Ryan." Ms. Malia smiled at me.

I smiled lightly. "Hi Ms. Malia."

  She looked at Farrah who was in the kitchen and went to greet her as well. "Hey baby girl." My dad looked at me. Although I hated him right now, all I wanted to do was to run in his arms so he could take the pain away.

Kamari looked at me then at him. "Dad, I got somethin' to tell you."

  "What is it?" He looked at him then proceeded to walk to me. Just then, another knock sounded against the door. Kamari ran to answer it. When he opened it, Iman and my mom was standing beside each other.

"Why the hell she here?" Iman pointed at her.

  My mom saw me and ran past my dad to grab me. "Oh baby, are you okay?" She touched every part of my body to check. I winced a little when she touched my arm. "I'm so sorry baby." She hugged me tightly, and I couldn't stop the tears from falling this time.

"Karmen, wha—" My dad started, but my mom turned around and slapped him.

   "Let it go, Mommy." Scarlett said to Ms. Malia as she held her arm. She had a firm grip on the glass fruit bowl on the island. Her eyes never left my mom, though. I've never seen this side of her.

"This is all your fault!" My mom yelled at him.

  My dad looked to be angry, and he placed his hands in his pockets. "What are you talkin' about?" He asked calmly.

"Your daughter is dating men just like you, congratulations." She got into his face. "I bet Ascaria and Scarlett are too."

   "Keep my children's name out of your damn mouth." Ms. Malia said calmly. "Now, if you don't get to explaining, we're gonna have a repeat of what happened sixteen years ago. I'd hate to rock your ass in front of your daughter. But, touch my husband again and I have to embarrass you."

Iman walked in slowly, and leaned on the wall. "Ry was seeing Sean." Kamari said.

   "What?!" My dad's voice roared. His eyes found mine, and I looked down. "Sean?! You knew he was bad people, Ry."

"Dad." Kamari called him again as my face contorted in confusion.

  "No, I didn't!" I shouted catching everyone's attention. "I just met Sean. He was at one of mom's events and he told me that he was eighteen. I had never met him until that night."

"She's right, Khari." Ms. Malia added. "We didn't allow Sean to come to the house, remember?"

  "You thought I knew him like I thought I knew you." I looked at him. "Do everybody know that you used to beat my mom?"

"Wasn't my mama sooo.." Ascaria said.

  "Shut up." Scarlett mushed her.

My dad looked at my mom then at me. "Look, Ry, I'm so sorry. I can't apologize enough. It's no excuse for putting my hands on a woman. I'm not proud of it and I've paid for it, I swear I have. I regret it. But, that's in the past babygirl. I can't change it. No one can. Just know I've changed from that time in my life."

  "Ryan, just tell them what you told me." Kamari spoke up.

I sighed, rubbing my arms. I really didn't know how my dad was going to react to this which is why I'm afraid to tell him. "He hurt me." I said lowly.

  "Hurt you?" My dad repeated. "Who hurt you?"


  Iman started to walk closer so he could hear. The look he had on his face wasn't a good one. "How did he hurt you princess? Talk to me." My dad moved past my mommy to get a good look at me. When he touched my arm, I winced. He immediately rolled up my sleeves revealing the hate marks and I could see tears forming in his eyes. "What did he do?" He asks quietly.

"He beat me, daddy." My voice cracked.

   "Alright, Kamari you driving." Iman said. "I need to find our buddy Sean."

"That ain't even the worst part." Kamari said.

   I felt wetness on my cheeks, and I knew my dad was crying as he held onto me. "Everything gonna be good." He wiped his face. "Ima handle it. Is that it? Did he do anything else?" My body started to tense, and he pulled away to look at me. "What else he do??"

I started to cry again. The emotions were too powerful. "He raped me."

   "Ohhhhh, he dead." Scarlett stood up. "Why we still here? Grab the keys Kamari. Let's go Iman." She flipped her hair and walked to the door.

My dad blinked a few times, and an unfamiliar look dashed across his eyes. It was like he was here, but he wasn't. "Khari." Ms. Malia called out. He looked at her then back at me. His eyes then found my mom who was crying. He scratched the back of his head and made his way towards the door. Ms. Malia followed, grabbing his shirt to pull him to her. "The police is going to handle this, ok?"

  He didn't answer. He just pulled himself back towards the door. He was calm, but his strength would tell you otherwise. Ms. Malia tried to stop him, but she couldn't. He pushed Kamari and Iman out of the door, slamming it behind them.

"Sooo.. we're gonna need bail money, huh?" Ascaria blurted out.

Drama filled Kourtney is back like she never left. Missed me? 🙃

 Missed me? 🙃

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