Ryan Tierra Valentine

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manhattan, new york
the hamptons

Laying on the bed, I had my feet positioned on the wall while scrolling through my phone. I was texting this guy I met at one of my mom's makeup launch events. He was a little older, but not too older. He wasn't quite texting back as quickly as I would've liked because he was at work. So, I was bored. It was snowing outside, and I hated the snow. My dog, Trio, hopped onto the bed, and snuggled up under me. I instinctively rubbed his fur, before exiting out of my messages.

I went into my contacts, biting my lip as my finger hovered over my dad's name. I would usually be in California with my dad and my brothers and sisters. However, things hadn't been the same. I felt like I was being pulled in two different directions. My mom was telling me a lot of things that seemed suspicious. It was all out of the blue. She also told me that Ms. Malia decided that she didn't want me to come spend the holidays with them this year.

  At first, I was really upset especially at daddy. I wondered how could he allow her to come in between our relationship. However, as I thought about it, I knew that it didn't sound like her. Ms. Malia had been nothing, but nice to me. She was a sweet woman, and like a second mother to me. Plus, my dad had been blowing my phone up for the past week.

I prayed that my mom hadn't lied to me. I sighed, pressing his name and placing the device to my ear. It rung a few times before his voice sounded through the speakers.

   "Hey babygirl. I've been tryna call you. Why you ain't been answering?"

"Hey daddy. I've just been.." I started to lie, but decided against it. "Mama told me that Ms. Malia said I wasn't invited this year. Is that true?"

    "What?!" He shouted. I heard Ms. Malia in the background trying to see what was wrong. "What? Why would say that shit? That ain't true. I been tryna contact you for the past week to see if you was comin'." He explained. I closed my eyes, knowing that he was telling the truth. That meant that my mom had been a liar this entire time. "Is she there?"

I shook my head. "No, she's with Donovan."

"Oh. Is that why you wasn't answerin' my calls?" He asked.

"Yeah daddy I thought that you had allowed it. I was mad. I didn't believe mama would lie to me." I explained. I heard him sigh over the phone. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." His tone turned gentle. I knew he was upset with my mom, and I figured he would call her. Their relationship wasn't smooth sailing and more often times than not, my mom would be the reason why. "Did you want to come?" He asked.

"Yea, I miss Scar and Ria. I miss you too." I pouted. "But, Christmas is tomorrow."

"If you pack right now, I'll send the jet."

I quickly sat up. "Are you serious??"

"Mhmm." He hummed. "I miss my baby girl and the twins miss you too. Especially Ascaria. She talks about you a lot. I wish you would've answered or called me so I could've straightened everything out earlier."

"I know, I know." I jumped out of the bed and grabbed my bag so I could start packing. "I'm sorry again. I have to call mama to tell her that I'm leaving." I just started throwing underwear and bras into the bag, moving my phone to my other ear.

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