Iman Khalil Valentine

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   "Iman!" Kamari yelled. I looked at the man, who took off after I sent bullets flying his way. When I opened the door, he had tried to force his way inside so i had to do what was needed. "Iman, what the fuck?!" Kamari yelled again.

   My face contorted in irritation as I turned back and looked at him. "Can you stop yellin' nigga? Damn." I closed the door.

"Bruh, I thought somebody shot you. Excuse me for being concerned!" He looked at me.

    I shrugged my shoulders, sticking the gun back into my waistband. Kamari looked at me like I had truly lost it. Before he could say anything else, Dad had appeared from upstairs. "What the hell was that?"

"Somebody tried to come into the house just a few minutes ago. They was trespassing so I shot." I looked at him.

    Dad lifted his eyebrow. "Since when you carry a gun?" 

"It's a lot of crazies out here. I use it for protection, only. Really ain't been carryin' it until that shit happened with moms." I explained. He looked at me skeptically before nodding his head.

   "Did you see that nigga's face?" Kamari asked.

I shook my head no. "Nah, he had a hoodie on. I think he a crackhead or a crazy fan. Maybe Mom got a secret admirer or something."

    "He better stay a secret or he dead." Dad said seriously. Kamari and I looked at him as he stormed back up the stairs. I wasn't too sure of what Dad was capable of. He never really spoke about his experiences in the streets. The only thing we knew was that he was abused. All I knew was that I didn't want to be on the receiving end.

"Where the fuck you get a gun from?" Kamari gritted through his teeth as we walked back towards the kitchen.

    "The gun store, where you buy guns? Nigga, you not my dad." I shook my head and looked at the twins, who seemed quite shook. "I'm good. Don't worry about it. Y'all safe."

Ascaria ran up, and hugged me tightly. Her grip was firm and I felt my shirt a little wet. "Don't scare me like that again." She pulled away, hitting my chest playfully.

   "Aight, I won't." I said with a smirk, running my thumb across her cheeks to wipe the tear that fell.

"Why do you have a gun?" Scarlett asked in that annoying ass monotone voice. Scarlett's voice rarely showed emotion. Her voice was the same way everytime, whether she was happy, sad, or mad. Sometimes it made you wonder if she cared, but I knew better. When she was really mad, she was different though.

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